March begins with increasing tensions as Mars and Venus (the masculine and feminine archetypes) approach a tight conjunction with Pluto (the underworld lord of transformation) at 27° Capricorn while Mercury joins Saturn at 19° Aquarius.
Any planet that is contacted to Pluto will have some kind of extreme and/or threatening experience to deal with, particularly in this case as it is Mars, the god of war. In some ancient cultures, Venus was also considered to be warlike as well so the tension from both is real. Add to that, Mercury traveling close to Saturn usually produces anxiety and worry. I know I am feeling it.
Fortunately, there is a new Moon on March 2nd in Pisces close to Jupiter’s position which does indicate that hope is present but also that having hope is part of the solution to the situation at present.
This new Moon is in a part of the sky related to the divine physician, also known as one hundred healers. However, this healing comes out of a wounded nature or situation. Keep that healing energy in mind if you do any new Moon rituals on the 2nd. Call the divine physicians in for their wisdom and help.