Happy Birthday Capricorn! Here are highlights for the month ahead.
Lunations: Moon Phases for the entire month:
New Moon: This month’s New Moon occurs on January 17th at 26° Capricorn 54″
Full Moon: There are two Full Moons this month. The first Full Moon occurs on January 2nd at 11° Cancer 37″. The second Full Moon is also a Total Solar Eclipse and occurs on January 31 at 11° Leo 37.
Retrogrades: Uranus goes direct on January 2nd, joining every other planet now in direct motion.
Ingresses: Mercury moves into Capricorn on January 11th, Venus moves into Aquarius on the 17th, the Sun moves into Aquarius on the 19th; Mars moves into Sagittarius on the 26th; Mercury moves into Aquarius on the 3st.
Continue reading for complete scopes for each sign:
Aries — March 21-April 19: The year starts out with a full moon in your home and family area. You may wish to take a look at what is going on around these areas for you and if you need to do anything to fix something in the home. Mercury is in a fun loving part of your chart which can have you feeling as if you wish to speak your mind and have some fun doing so. After the 12th Mercury moves in to a much more serious mode and work may be the order of the day for you. Your ruling planet, Mars, is going to give you quite a bit of energy during the first week of January as it is in close contact to Jupiter. You’ll have plenty of energy but watch you don’t overdo things. Moon in your love area 8th and 9th should see your love life explode with passion.
Moon in Aries January 22, 23, 24
Taurus — April 20-May 20: So here’s the bad news for you. Mars is in your love and relationship area until the 27th. You can use this or allow it to take over your love life and cause problems. It is best to deal with this transit of Mars by channeling the energy from it into useful pursuits ie dealing with yourself rather than arguing with your partner. The good news is that you have other planets trining your sign this month which will be of great help in keeping your feet on the ground. Mercury shall do so after the 12th, bringing with it clear thinking. Venus shall trine your sign after the 19th giving you a fresh look at your relationship and possibly bringing more romance in to your life. Both Pluto and Saturn will be allowing you to stay grounded. Moon in your love area 10th, 11th and 12th should find you with some new and interesting ideas.
Moon in Taurus January 25, 26
Gemini — May 21-June 21: With a sigh of relief you can greet 2018 knowing that Saturn is out of your love area for another 28 years! Now is the time to put all the wisdom and knowledge you have gained, compliments of Saturn, to good use. As Mercury is in your love area until the 12th, with Venus also there until the 19th you’ll have plenty of chances to make up for anything that had been going wrong for you. This month there is an eclipse on the 31st which occurs in your area of communication. Move quickly to fix anything that needs sorting out in your relationship and do not leave it till the end of the month. Moon in your love area 13th and 14th occurs just before a new moon, giving you the chance to begin anew.
Moon in Gemini January 27, 28
Cancer — June 22-July 23: 2018 starts out with a bang for Cancers as a super full moon on the 1st hits your sign! Those of you born in the middle of the sign will feel its effects more so. Any new year’s wishes that you have been making should be given an added boost by this full moon in your sign. No doubt your love life is also featured heavily this month as you get used to Saturn being in your love and relationship area. Try not to fight against any restrictions you may be experiencing in regards to Saturn as this can make matters worse. Rather, take the wisdom offered and act on it. With both Mercury, on the 12th ,and Venus, on the 19th, in your love area January is panning out to be a great month for you. Moon in your love area on 15th, 16th and 17th also incorporates the new moon on the 16th… another time for making wishes.
Moon in Cancer January 1 (Full),2,3, 29, 30
Leo — July 24-August 23: The big news for Leo in January comes right at the end on the 31st when there will be a total eclipse at 11 degrees of your sign. Those of you born in the middle of Leo will feel its effects more strongly. It may be that you have had a sense that something is about to change for you and the closer the eclipse date comes the more changes you experience around you. Eclipses are not always easy to handle, especially when they fall in your birth sign. This is not the time for major changes, rather it is the time to watch and see what happens without acting too rashly. Your saving grace may be Venus which is in a great position to help put a smile on your face up until the 19th and can go a long way to smoothing over any problems in your love life. Moon in your love area 18th and 19th may be giving you a taste of what is ahead on the 31st.
Moon in Leo January 4, 5, 31 (Full Moon. Solar Eclipse)
Virgo — August 24-September 22: Mars is in your area of communication until the 27th. As you are already quite adept with communicating, as Mercury is your ruling planet, then you may find that this month is a time when things are moving quickly for you. Paperwork that needs done, phone calls to answer and within all of this you are not able to find too much time for yourself. There is relief coming in the form of Mercury moving into an area of your chart which will trine your sign on the 12th and Venus joining Mercury on the 19th. After these dates life should become smoother for you, especially your love life. Use this time to strengthen your relationship. Moon in your love area 20th and 21st will give you a time to slow down and get in touch with yourself.
Moon in Virgo January 6, 7
Libra — September 23-October 22: There are several areas you need to keep your eye on this month. Full moon on the 1st hits off in your career area, whilst the new moon on the 16th touches on your area of home and family. In the middle of this is you, who may be torn between work and home life. As you also have Mercury and Venus in your area of communication up until the 12th (Mercury) and 19th (Venus) you are in fine form to get across to others your thoughts and ideas. After these dates your attention turns to your home life again where you might wish to use those fine negotiating skills of yours to sort out any friction within the family. Moon in your love area 22nd, 23rd and 24th is a time to smooth over any problems you are having with your partner before Mars moves into your area of communication on the 27th. An aspect not exactly known for making communication smooth.
Moon in Libra January 8, 9
Scorpio — October 23-November 22: You may find yourself doing a lot of thinking this month, especially after the 12th when Mercury moves in to your communication area. Mars is in your sign till the 27th, giving you energy to put your ideas and plans into action. This is not the month to sit back and wait for things to come to you. It is a month where you need to be proactive and take what you want, in a nice way of course! Venus joins Mercury, on the 19th, in your communication area, which will no doubt be very good for your love life. If you have been feeling a bit stuck in your relationship recently, with words not flowing easily, blame it on Saturn changing signs last month. Both Mercury and Venus moving into Capricorn this month will go a long way to rectify communication difficulties for you. Moon in your love area 25th and 26th occurs just as Mars leaves your sign. Expect a change in energy at this time.
Moon in Scorpio January 10, 11, 12
Sagittarius — November 23-December 20: 2018 should be feeling a bit different for you as Saturn has now well and truly left your sign. It won’t all be fun and games though as Mars is in an area of your chart that may lead to confusion. As it is alongside Jupiter any misunderstandings will not be small and you need to keep an eye on things not getting out of hand. Mercury is in your sign till the 12th allowing you to think clearly and get on top of communications. Venus is also in your sign until the 19th which is excellent for your love life. As Mercury changes signs on the 12th, and Venus on the 19th, you may set your sights on looking at how to make your life more stable. Moon in your love area on 27th and 28th occurs just as Mars moves in to your sign giving you the chance to rev up your relationship.
Moon in Sagittarius January 13, 14
Capricorn — December 21-January 20: 2018 starts off big for you with a full moon in your love area on the 1st! For this reason it would be a good idea if you looked at anything which needs done in your relationship and took care of it sooner rather than later. The new moon in your own sign on the 16th can help you with this. You may feel like clearing out things in other areas of your life that have not been working for you. With Mercury in your sign till the 12th, Venus in your sign till the 19th plus Pluto and Saturn in your sign for a few years to come then change will not be a rare occurrence in your life. In fact, change may become the order of the day. It will be good to be on board and in alignment with this concept at the start of the year, rather than fighting it. Moon in your love area 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 29th and 30th can help you achieve changes in relationships.
Moon in Capricorn January 15, 16, 17 (New)
Aquarius — January 21-February 19: There is an eclipse in your love area on the 31st! This is big news for 2 reasons. Firstly, eclipses don’t usually just go by without being noticed. They change things in your life and the date they fall on should be handled with care. Secondly, after the 19th Venus, planet of love, moves in to your own sign. It is as if you are being hit from all sides with love and relationship issues this month. Some good, some possibly not so good. However, on the bright side, as Aquarians are usually not so overly emotional you will have the time to think about what you want to do with your love life. With Mercury in an area of your chart that is not too conducive with clear thinking after the 12th, you may wish to start your thinking earlier in the month before things change. Moon in your love area on 4th, 5th gives you a chance to do just that before the eclipse hits this area of your chart on the 31st
Moon in Aquarius January 18, 19
Pisces — February 20-March 20:
There are things you wish to get to the bottom of this month but you may need to wait for the answers. Mars is in an area of your chart until the 27th which is good for uncovering secrets and insights. However, Jupiter is also in this area of your chart and what you uncover may need to be handled with care. Mercury, until the 12th, and Venus, until the 19th, are in a strong position to assist you in getting seen and heard at work. If you are thinking of a change in career then that would be the time to do so. After these dates, as Mercury and Venus change signs your focus turns to friends. It will be a great time to spend socialising and enjoying yourself. Moon in your love area 6th and 7th allows for a new start when it comes to love.
Moon in Pisces January 20, 21
Be sure to check out this month’s tarotscopes too!
January 2018 Monthly Horoscopes

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