Happy Birthday Capricorn! Here are highlights for the month ahead.
Lunations: Moon Phases for the entire month:
New Moon: This month’s New Moon is a partial solar eclipse that occurs on January 6th at 15° Capricorn 25.
Full Moon: The Full Moon is a total lunar eclipse (and also a Super Moon) that occurs on January 21st at 0° Leo 51.
Retrogrades: Uranus goes stationary direct on January 6th. At that point it joins all other planets in moving forward for the entire month of January.
Ingresses: Mars moves into Aries on the 1st; Mercury moves into Capricorn on the 5th; Venus moves into Sagittarius on the 7th; the Sun moves into Aquarius on the 20th and Mercury follows suit on the 24th.
Continue reading for complete scopes for each sign:
Aries — March 21-April 19: 2019 starts the year with a bang for Aries! Mars, your ruling planet moves into your sign from the 1st. This will give you the energy and enthusiasm to really get on with anything you set your heart to. Confidence will be high and it will seem that nothing can stand in your way. Given that it is in your sign till Valentine’s Day you might wish to use some of that energy to make decisions for your love life. Mid month onwards Mars is forming a nice trine aspect to Jupiter which will help you take action in all areas of your life to get what you want. Moon in your love area 26th and 27th is a good time to take stock of what is going on in your relationship and make any changes you think are necessary.
Moon in Aries January 13, 14
Taurus — April 20-May 20: The year starts out with Venus still in your relationship area until the 7th. It is a good time to reflect on the past few months that Venus has been in this area of your chart, as it may have caused many changes in your love life. Hopefully they were good. However, 2019 is the year Uranus will well and truly move into your own sign so you are in for a few more changes yet to come. Mercury will be trining your sign from 6th to 25th. A new moon eclipse also occurs as Mercury does this and whilst other signs may not be so lucky as to have the gift of smooth communication around for them during these few weeks… you do… so use it well. Moon in your love area 1st, 2nd, 28th and 29th sees you off to a great start in your love life for 2019.
Moon in Taurus January 15, 16, 17
Gemini — May 21-June 21: Your ruling planet, Mercury, is in a great position from the 5th to the 24th to allow you to get to the bottom of something that has been on your mind. From the 7th Venus joins Jupiter in your relationship area. This can be a great month for you when it comes to romance. You are firing on all cylinders mentally and you can really uncover what it is you have been wanting in your relationship. If you are single, then a great month to meet someone new. Mars in your area of friendships can help to have your social calendar full alongside the likelihood of meeting new and interesting people. Moon in your love area 3rd, 4th, 30th and 31st allows you to start to the month as you mean to finish it, on a high note and with everything going your way!
Moon in Gemini January 17, 18, 19
Cancer — June 22-July 23: Take full advantage of the new moon in your relationship area on the 5th. There is an eclipse on it, however you also have Pluto and Saturn in your love area and if there are changes you wish to make there, that will be lasting, then this is the month to make them in. Plan with care as it is best you have control of the outcome. Venus moves into your work area from the 7th, giving you the perfect excuse to get stuck into a project that you will love. 2019 may be a year full of challenges and changes for you yet it will also be the year you take control of these changes and work them in the direction you wish to see them blossom. Moon in your love area 5th, 6th and 7th may well see the start of some of these changes for you.
Moon in Cancer January 19, 20, 21
Leo — July 24-August 23: The big news for you is that you have a full moon eclipse in your sign on the 21st. This can set the stage for you for the next few months and place you on a path where you need to really know what you want. At the same time Uranus will be squaring this eclipse which means changes can come from anywhere. Luckily for you Venus, which goes into Sagittarius on the 7th, will be conjunct Jupiter in an area of your chart that will allow you to really use the luck in love these two planets will bestow on you at this time. Mars is also in a nice aspect to your sign giving you the energy and drive to push through with what you need to do. Moon in your love area 8th and 9th should see a shift in your thinking and emotions.
Moon in Leo January 21 (Full Moon Lunar Eclipse), 22, 23
Virgo — August 24-September 22: Your ruling planet, Mercury, will be forming a nice trine to your sign up until the 5th. You can use this to think about what you want next in life for 2019 and also to help smooth communications. With Mars in Aries from the start of the month in an area of your chart where secrets can be unearthed. Patience and calm is needed so the energy of Mars does not get out of hand if you hear something you do not like. Venus in Sagittarius from the 7th forms a square to your sign, possibly making your love life a bit stressed. However, the first eclipse on the 6th which is also conjunct Saturn will help you plan the next few months out. No big surprises, no huge changes and January should go smoothly for you. Moon in your love area 10th, 11th and 12th is a time to sit back and relax.
Moon in Virgo January 23, 24, 25
Libra — September 23-October 22: 2019 starts in fine form when it comes to your love life. Mars, moves into Aries from the 1st and this can bring in a breath of fresh air when it comes to any changes you are thinking to make to your relationship. Any hesitancy you have shown in the past will be behind you and you will push forward with what is right for you and what you want in an effort to balance the scales from the past where you have felt held back and stuck. Jupiter is also in your communication area and trining Mars which gives you the gift of saying what is on your mind and making sure you are heard. Moon in your love area 13th and 14th comes with the blessing of Mars and Jupiter trining each other for the remainder of the month, which only serves to push you forward in realising your goals.
Moon in Libra January 26, 27
Scorpio — October 23-November 22: Venus has spent a lot of time in your sign the past few months but after the 7th, she will leave your sign and hopefully you will have been able to make the changes to your relationship that needed to be made whilst Venus was in it. Your co ruling planet, Mars, is in Aries from 1st January. This will allow you the energy to set your sights on goals you wish to accomplish and get on with them. Jupiter in an area of your chart known for security and stability will trine Mars for the last two weeks of the month. Use this aspect well as it will help you to get ahead without too much pushing on your part. Moon in your love area 15th, 16th and 17th is a great time to come closer to your partner.
Moon in Scorpio January 1, 2, 28, 29
Sagittarius — November 23-December 20: From the 7th Venus, planet of love, is in your sign. To have this is a great blessing when it comes to your love life. However, this year, for the first time in 12 years Jupiter is also in your sign and will come into close contact with Venus during the last two weeks of January. If ever there was a time for you to shine in your love life, this is it! Of course the eclipse on the 21st may get in your way a bit when it comes to pushing ahead but then again it may just herald the start of something big! This eclipse occurs in your solar ninth house which is very much linked to Sagittarius. If you had been needing some impetus to launch yourself in a new direction, end of January is time for you to do just that. Moon in your love area 17th, 18th and 19th puts you in good stead to move ahead in your relationship goals.
Moon in Sagittarius January 3, 4, 30, 31
Capricorn — December 21-January 20: If there is anything to be said for 2019 for Capricorn it is that it will certainly not be a boring year! The year starts off with a new moon eclipse on the 5th or 6th, depending where you are in the world, in your sign very close to your ruling planet Saturn. This will give you a chance to see what you want next and also plan for it. Mercury is also in your sign from 5th to the 24th allowing for clear communication and flow of ideas coming your way. Be aware of what is around you at this time because it may have relevance for the months ahead. One area of your life you may wish to be aware of is your home life. Any changes around home and family this month may come about suddenly as Mars is in this area of your chart. Moon in your love area 19th, 20th and 21st sets the stage for the next eclipse to occur on the full moon.
Moon in Capricorn January 5, 6 (New Moon, Solar Eclipse), 7
Aquarius — January 21-February 19: Just as the Sun enters your sign on the 21st, a full moon eclipse hits off in your relationship area. Given that a new moon eclipse occurred earlier in the month in an area of your chart that may have given you inspiration for the year ahead… or a few headaches and problems.. then you need to be aware you need direction in what you do want for yourself when the second eclipse occurs on the 21st. This eclipse will also form a tense aspect to Uranus, your ruling planet. With the first eclipse in early January close to your co ruler Saturn, then you can see how 2019 is starting with a bang for you. There may be changes, challenges, situations getting out of control and the one thing to keep in mind is that you do need a plan or a place to escape to if the going gets tough. Moon in your love area 21st, 22nd, 23rd is not the time to rock the boat when it comes to romance.
Moon in Aquarius January 8, 9
Pisces — February 20-March 20: Work may be what is on your mind as we move into 2019. With Jupiter in an area of your chart giving you the capacity to get ahead with career and be seen and heard whilst doing so is also joined by Venus from the 7th. This should make for a smooth ride if you are thinking to change jobs or go for a promotion. A full moon eclipse on the 21st also falls in an area linked to work for you and can help shine a light on what you need to do next. Take note, eclipses can cause things to not go smoothly so looking at what you want to do and acting on it may not happen at the same time. Give the eclipse energy some time to move away from you and wait for a few weeks after the 21st to mull over your plans and put them into action. Moon in your love area 23rd, 24th and 25th should have your thoughts placed firmly on your love life.
Moon in Pisces January 10, 11, 12
Be sure to check out this month’s tarotscopes too!
January 2019 Monthly Horoscopes

Personal Consultations:
Hope you enjoyed your monthly horoscope. For a live psychic reading or astrological consultation, please feel free to email me at chrisalisreadings@hotmail.com.
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