We are in for another tumultuous month with the planetary aspects developing in July. Of course, it is all energy and we can use those energies for higher vibrational actions or forlower actions that will have negative consequences and essentially bring us down over the long run. We have choices in everything we do.
Mercury is still in Gemini until July 6th, his home sign, so information, travel and communications are at the forefront of this planet’s vibe.
Venus is also in Gemini until July 19th and very friendly with Mercury so you may be juggling many social invitations and meeting new people along the way. Have fun! These two planets like each other and enjoy new experiences.
Mars is in Aries until July 5th and then enters Taurus, where he is not all that comfortable because Taurus energy moves slowly. As it gets closer to the end of the month, Mars joins with Uranus and the north Node in Taurus. When the three of them are together, it brings more volatility to any situation. Mars and Uranus can produce sudden violence, electrical issues, explosions and accidents. With the north node, it can be exaggerated or extreme and also can bring foreign issues or confrontations to the forefront.
Hang on to your wits, as the last few days of July will be quite a rollercoaster ride. Be extra careful if you are traveling during this period. The part of the sky these planets are traveling in is associated with the Yama, the god of the underworld, and the female reproductive system and hormones so it is a bit dark but highly creative in nature. I think many artists will be very inspired during the time.
Jupiter is in the sign of Aries and will be going into its retrograde phase on July 27th, and he will be quite powerful at the end of the month and beginning of August time period. But his energy has been restricted by his position between Mars and Saturn, he is hemmed in by those two malefics so he is restrained from providing wisdom, optimism, fairness and justice to his full extent.
You can see that illustrated in the US as the recent Scotus rulings remove rights from its citizens as well as the DOJ being so silent and inactive in bringing charges to more important seditious individuals. This situation goes on until the end of January, 2023 when Venus moves past Saturn and breaks the stalemate. We’ve got a ways to go, folks.
Saturn is in the 24 degree of Aquarius and retrograde. There is power in that sign for Saturn but it also can make you wait for a long time. Uranus is in the sign of Taurus and makes the contact with Mars and the north node at the end of the month. The stock market will also be volatile at that time and Taurus is a money/asset sign, as well as the other things I mentioned in the Mars paragraph.
Neptune continues its retrograde dance at 25 degrees of Pisces which is a creative place for Neptune, but fuzzy about speaking out too loudly. Pluto continues to rewind the 27th degree of Capricorn, so big business and the government are under pressure or putting pressure on others.
What fun times we are living in! In spite of all that, remember to see the beauty in the world and behave kindly towards others as that is the antidote to the lower energies swirling bigtime out there right now.
Read your Sun sign and Rising sign for best information.
Aries — March 21-April 19: There is still a lot of energy coming at you during this time, and although it will stabilize in the middle of the month, the end could again be a bit rough. Money issues and good communication are featured in your life right now, use your network of friends and associates to fill in the blanks of what you don’t know. Then you can figure it out. Use the lunar cycle on the 18th, 19th and AM hours of the 20th for your gain.
Taurus — April 20-May 20: With Venus in Gemini presently, you may be feeling more flirty or conscious of your looks, or you may be craving some more personal attention. So go for it, you can do all those things and enjoy them. It’s a good time to improve your wardrobe as well. Watch out for a tendency to overspend at the end of the month and be aware of your financial and physical limits. The PM hours of the 20th, the 21st and the 22nd are your power days.
Gemini — May 21-June 21: With Mercury and Venus in your sign, you are living your best life right now, with lot’s going on and you are connecting with many people in positive ways. All good in so many ways. The energy at the end of the month could tempt you into the past but resist the urge as it won’t end well. Any situation is unstable then so stay non-attached and just be an observer. The 23rd, 24th and AM hours of the 25th are your stellar days.
Cancer — June 22-July 23: You still have Jupiter in your solar 10th house which gives some protection and blessings to your public image and career, as well as enhancing your personal appearance and well-being. Life is changing and you are sensitive to these changes. If you can manage a retreat or vacation to some familiar watery place, take a few days and do just that. The most favorable days for you are the PM hours of the 25th, the 26th and 27th.
Leo — July 24-August 23: You have some conflicting desires this month with the strong urge to travel abroad and have many experiences then you can clip to another strong urge with a desire to enjoy some solitude. Carve out some time for that before the end of the month as you will definitely need it. You may have some tensions with others at the beginning of July so watch your words. The vibes of the 1st, 2nd, 28th, 29th and AM hours of the 30th are your best days.
Virgo — August 24-September 22: Things should be going along rather well for you right now, though you are in demand and don’t have a lot of time for frivolity, not that Virgos do a lot of that. Anyway, find some time to connect with old friends who are like-minded and engage in some quality time connecting with them. Your work is demanding but also secure because of your integrity. The lunar vibes of the PM hours of the 3rd, 4th, AM hours of the 5th, the 30th, the 31st. Enjoy!
Libra — September 23-October 22: With your ruler in the fellow air sign of Gemini, there must be a million things on your plate right now. It is a very creative time as well and you may find yourself pulled in several different directions, what to do, what to do? It could also be stirring up some latent wander lust, where do I go now? Finances are not quite in order to just do it so it would be wise to amuse yourself locally and save to big trip until later. The best days to enjoy an adventure are the PM hours of the 5th, the 6th and the 7th.
Scorpio — October 23-November 22: Your feisty ruler, Mars, is about to change signs on July 5th and that will bring you a more tempered and less impulsive attitude, which will serve you well if you devote some time and patience to taking care of your health. A new healthier regimen is required. The end of the month is rather volatile regarding partnership issues so be forewarned if the current situation gets escalated. Days to enjoy life to the fullest are the 8th and 9th.
Sagittarius — November 23-December 20: With your ruler, Jupiter, a bit hemmed in by Mars and Saturn, there is a stuck energy within you that are you are feeling. You will have to overcome a lot of ennui to get past the inner stalemate to accomplish anything. Be the optimist and get some feedback from others you trust as to how you should proceed. Ask for help, in other words. The 10th and 11th are your power days.
Capricorn — December 21-January 20: Saturn, your ruler, is in nearby Aquarius so you are feeling somewhat insulated from some of the drama out in the world. However, there are big matters to deal with in the family, your children, creative endeavors and favorite projects. You will have to roll up your sleeves and deal with it. The end of the month could be testy. Remain grounded in reality and respond to what comes up in the moment. The 12th and full Moon on the 13th are your power days.
Aquarius — January 21-February 19: With Saturn transiting your sign, though he is currently in retrograde motion, you have some wind in your sails so to speak. His energy is more of a helper than a hindrance for you at this time. However, the Mars/Uranus/North Node energy at the end of the month could get something stirred up within the family and some urgent matters require your attention to your home, ancestors, your parents and immediate family members. Pay attention and stay away from rash decisions. The lunar vibes on the 14th and 15th are favorable for you.
Pisces — February 20-March 20: There is a big red flag in your chart around money, which simply says, don’t overspend, watch where your credit cards are and don’t be so impetuous with your money. This carries forward into August as well but it could also mean you have an emergency that comes up that requires you spend some cash. It happens. You are also pretty fatigued physically at this time so you do need extra rest. The 16th and 17th are good days for you.
Personal Consultations:
I offer a number of personalized services, including natal and progressed charts as well as a personal lucky days report, an awesome way to make astrology work for you by allowing you to focus on your optimum timing, when the universe seems lined up to support your wishes and dreams.
The date, time, and location of your birth is all I need to provide you with insight into your important place in the grand scheme of life! For more information, or to schedule a session with me, feel free to email me or visit my website.

July 2022 Monthly Horoscopes
Be sure to check out this month’s tarotscopes too!