Happy Birthday Gemini! Here are highlights for the month ahead.
Lunations: Moon Phases for the entire month:
New Moon: This month’s New Moon occurs on June 13th at 22° Gemini 44.
Full Moon: The Full Moon occurs on June 28th at 6° Capricorn 28
Retrogrades: Neptune turns retrograde on June 18th; Mars turns retrograde on the 26th; Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto are all retrograde for the entire month of June.
Ingresses: Mercury enters Cancer on June 12th; Venus enters Leo June 13th; the Sun enters Cancer on the 21st; and Mercury enters Leo on the 29th.
Continue reading for complete scopes for each sign:
Aries — March 21-April 19: Mercury is in a great position to help you during the first half of the month when it comes to communication. For most of the month though your thoughts will be on home and family. Firstly, with Venus being in this area of your chart up until the 14th, which will make home a very pleasant place to be, and then the Sun also moves into this area of your chart around the 21st. All in all, home is where the heart is, and this month you’ll feel right at home being there. Make sure to take care of any little jobs that need doing and to pay special attention to your family. Moon in your love area 21st and 22nd June comes with the added bonus of falling on the Solstice, make good use of the energies around!
Moon in Aries June 8, 9
Taurus — April 20-May 20: This is the month when Uranus is fully in your sign and may take a bit of getting used to, especially for those of you with an early Taurean birthday. You may be on the brink of changing something in your life and not quite sure of which way to go with it. Given that Mars turns retrograde after the 27th in an area of your chart linked to hard work and how you look to the outside world, then you may find yourself fighting against any changes you need to make. If this is the case then take this month to sit back and look at your life. Don’t push ahead with anything but “listen” to what your heart is telling you. Moon in your love area 23rd, 24th and 25th is not a time to act rashly as Mars may be playing more of a role in your thoughts than you realize.
Moon in Taurus 10, 11, 12
Gemini — May 21-June 21:
Mercury, your ruling planet, is in your sign until the 13th giving you a chance to put your excellent mind to work. From the 1st to the 3rd Mercury is also trining Mars giving you a chance to catch up on communication and generally meaning your mind is firing on all cylinders. As the month progresses though Mars will turn retrograde. Although it forms a positive aspect to your sign it can still cause trouble as it heads towards the end of the month. Therefore, you need to get everything in order before this occurs. It happens on the 27th which coincidentally is when the moon is in your relationship area. For this reason you need to make sure you are on top of any problems when it comes to your love life.
Moon in Gemini June 13, 14
Cancer — June 22-July 23: June starts out with a boost to you love life. Up until the 14th Venus is in your sign allowing you to smooth over any problems in relationships. Around the time Venus leaves Cancer, Mercury enters it which is great news for you. Mercury will help you to open up any talks you have been wishing to have and also allow your mind to focus on intellectual pursuits. Great month for catching up on paperwork or writing you have been putting off. As Mars turns retrograde in an area of your chart which can really help you get into the nitty gritty of any situation. You will be off to a head start when it comes to unraveling a mystery that may have had you stuck. Moon in your relationship are on 1st, 2nd, 28th, 29th and 30th is a time to look at what you want in love.
Moon in Cancer June 15, 16
Leo — July 24-August 23: Big month for Leos! You’ve had all month to get used to Mars in your relationship area which may have seen things go from strength to strength when it came to passion. Around the 14th Venus moves into your sign which is also a wonderful thing when it comes to love. However, the week of 18th to 25th finds Mars and Venus in direct opposition to each other. Oppositions cause friction and as these 2 planets are big players when it comes to your relationship the last thing you want is tension. You may think it only lasts for this one week. However, Mars turns retrograde on the 27th which comes with whole set of new problems for you and your love life. You will need patience and big doses of it. Moon in your love area 3rd, 4th and 5th, use as a time to put romance back on the table.
Moon in Leo June 17, 18
Virgo — August 24-September 22: Venus is forming a sextile to your sign up until the 14th. This should give your love life a smooth ride. After the 14th Venus will move into an area of your chart where it is good to think of creative endeavors and take it easy for a while. Mercury will also be assisting you when it comes to friendships after the 13th. Get out and have some fun this month, because you deserve it! Uranus is also trining your sign, which it will do for several years to come. Start trusting your instincts a bit more and remember you don’t always have to go with the practical, logical solution as answers can come in quickly without having to methodically think them through. Moon in your love area 6th and 7th is a great time to do something relaxing.
Moon in Virgo June 19, 20
Libra — September 23-October 22: You have a nice grand trine going on between your sign with Mercury in Gemini, and Mars in Aquarius for the first half of the month (after which Mercury moves in to Cancer). You can work with this energy by taking care of communication that needs seeing to, alongside putting some of your own ideas into action. Try to get any work you have been putting off finished before the 27th, when Mars turns retrograde and may cause a few frustrations. Try to keep a low profile around the 17th when Mercury and Saturn both form squares to your sign, although the frustrations these 2 planets cause will not last long. Chiron is now in your love and relationship area which can help heal any problems you have been experiencing there. Moon in your love area 8th and 9th of June is a time to make plans for doing something fun with your partner.
Moon in Libra June 21, 22
Scorpio — October 23-November 22: Uranus is now in your relationship area. This could mean a few changes are in store for you when it comes to your love life. If you have been feeling held back or that your relationship is not working, then you may find circumstances conspiring against you to put the final nail in the relationship and it ends despite your best efforts. This is especially true for those born in the first week of Scorpio. On the other hand, if you are single you may suddenly find the love of your life! Uranus can be unpredictable and things happen with it in the most unusual ways. Moon in your love are 10th, 11th and 12th occurs just before Mercury will form a trine to your sign, giving you a head start with communication with your partner.
Moon in Scorpio 23, 24, 25
Sagittarius — November 23-December 20: As the moon moves in to your sign at the end of the month you may also be feeling the effects of Mars which turns retrograde at the same time on the 27th. This can be a frustrating time for you as Mars will be holding energy back that you could well use when it comes to matters of the heart. Rather than fighting this, try to go with it and be a bit subdued with emotions. Venus is trining your sign from the 14th which means your love life should be in fine form. You also have Mercury in your relationship area up until the 13th. This is a great time for any serious talks with your partner alongside new ideas as to where you want the relationship to be heading. Moon in your love area 13th and 14th only serves to heighten the smooth communication you will be experiencing.
Moon in Sagittarius 26, 27
Capricorn — December 21-January 20: Your love life gets off to a good start in June with Venus in this area of your chart. Looks like it would be a good idea to get a relationship back on track or take it in a new direction. Venus leaves this area of your chart, just as Mercury enters it on the 13th, which also works out well for your relationship. Communication should be good and you’ll be working towards what you want. As Saturn is now retrograde in your sign you will find that slow and steady wins the race when it comes to changes. Make this a time for planning before you are ready to put these plans into action. Moon in your love area 15th and 16th occurs right at a pivotal time when you are ready to make some of those changes come alive.
Moon in Capricorn June 1, 2, 28, 29, 30
Aquarius — January 21-February 19: Mars is in your sign this month and about to turn retrograde! This only happens once very few years and its been quite a while since it was retrograde in your sign. You may be feeling the tension from this as Mars likes to act, go forward, move things in a direction you are going. When it retrogrades, it turns backwards. You can see the conundrum already, especially if you are trying to get something off the ground! Venus will be in your love area after the 14th giving you a boost to your relationship. From 18th to 25th don’t go rocking the boat too much as Mars and Venus are in opposition. Do what you need to do and no more. Moon in your love area 17th and 18th occurs during that same week. Make it a special two days to remember.
Moon in Aquarius June 3, 4, 5
Pisces — February 20-March 20: Mars is in an area of your chart this month which may have you feeling as if you wish to rush ahead but at the same time feel held back. Do not expect this to get better, as from the 27th Mars turns retrograde. It would be best if you just tried to stop any frustration you are feeling and blame it on Mars! This would be far better than going down the path of banging your head off a brick wall and getting nowhere. Jupiter is in a great position to allow you to relax and get on with life in a more enjoyable way, especially when it comes to creativity. Till the 14th Venus trines Jupiter and your own sign, which is great for love. After the 13th Mercury forms a trine with Jupiter and your sign allowing ease of expression. Moon in your love area 19th and 20th will allow for a special closeness with your partner.
Moon in Pisces June 6, 7
Be sure to check out this month’s tarotscopes too!
June 2018 Monthly Horoscopes

Personal Consultations:
Hope you enjoyed your monthly horoscope. For a live psychic reading or astrological consultation, please feel free to email me at chrisalisreadings@hotmail.com.
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