Happy Birthday Taurus! Here are highlights for the month ahead.
Lunations: Moon Phases for the entire month:
New Moon: This month’s New Moon occurs on May 15th at 24° Taurus 36.
Full Moon: The Full Moon occurs on May 29th at 8° Sagittarius 10.
Retrogrades: Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto are all retrograde for the entire month of May.
Ingresses: Mercury enters Taurus on May 13th; Uranus enters Taurus on May 15th; Mars enters Aquarius on May 16th; Venus enters Cancer on May 19th; the Sun enters Gemini on May 21st; and Mercury enters Gemini on May 29th.
Continue reading for complete scopes for each sign:
Aries — March 21-April 19: Mercury is in your sign until the 15th. This should give you plenty of time to undo any of the damage caused through it’s retrograde from last month. Alongside Mercury, you also have Uranus about to leave your sign on the 16th. The 11th through to the 14th should be interesting dates as Mercury and Uranus come into conjunction. See what is around for you at this time as you may be struck with sudden thoughts and ideas which you can put to good use. However, this is not a good time to say what is on your mind without thinking it through clearly as Uranus tends to act without thinking. You may also find that you meet someone who really takes your interest. Moon in your love area 25th and 26th gives you a chance to strengthen your relationship.
Moon in Aries May 12, 13
Taurus — April 20-May 20: Looks like you only have Mercury in your sign this year for a short period, that being from 14th to 30th May. At the same time on the 16th, Uranus will enter your sign for the first time in 84 years. Given that there is also a new moon in your sign on the 15th, you can see how you may be experiencing a new lease on life with new thoughts, compliments of Mercury alongside sudden changes, compliments of Uranus. Any changes you have been wanting to make should come with ease, so use the first half of the month to think about what you may wish to change. The new moon will also help you with this as it is a new beginning. Moon in your love area 1st, 27th, 28th occurs with Venus in an area of your chart which is excellent for communication.
Moon in Taurus May 14, 15 (New)
Gemini — May 21-June 21: Venus is in your sign this month up until the 20th. This should give you a smooth ride in love and relationships. If you are single, great time to meet someone. If you are in a relationship excellent time to smooth over any problems you have been experiencing. As Uranus is due to enter your twelfth house on the 16th you may find yourself feeling a bit adrift. You can use this month to focus more on what you want in life and resist the urge to fight any changes that come your way. Moon in your love area 2nd, 3rd, 29th, 30th and 31st gives you plenty of scope to use these dates to cement changes in your relationship, especially given that you have a full moon to work with on the 29th.
Moon in Gemini May 16, 17
Cancer — June 22-July 23: Nice month for Cancers with Venus in an area of your chart till the 20th giving you a nice dreamy month when it comes to emotions. From the 20th Venus moves in to your sign which will come as an added bonus to your love life. For those of you who are single its a great time to meet someone special. Given, that Mars may have been causing some upsets in your relationship up until the 17th when it was in your relationship area, then it will come as an added relief to experience the benefits Venus can bring you. As you are also dealing with both Saturn and Pluto in your relationship sector your focus will very much be on relationships. Use this month to step back a little from any intense emotions. Moon in your love area 4th, 5th and 6th can be a time to say what is on your mind and expect some positive changes.
Moon in Cancer May 18, 19
Leo — July 24-August 23: Mars will be paying your love life a visit from the 17th onward. This is the time to pay special attention to your partner. If you are single it is a great time to meet someone special and the attraction should be instant. Given that you may have found yourself focusing a little too much on work lately then you deserve to give yourself a break from the many frustrations that have come your way. You can put this down to compliments of a retrograde Pluto and Saturn in that area of your chart. As Uranus enters your career sector you may also find yourself a little restless in your current job. Keep this in mind if you are wishing to change directions. Moon in your love area 7th and 8th is a time to spend with a special someone.
Moon in Leo May 20, 21
Virgo — August 24-September 22: The first half of the month is time to focus on your work. Mars will be trining your sign at this time and giving you the energy, and alongside Saturn and Pluto, the incentive to accomplish all you set out to achieve. From the 14th to the 30th Mercury, your ruling planet, is also in a great position to allow you to finish off any lose ends. The interesting turn of events for you in May is on the 16th when Uranus moves in to Taurus and forms a trine to your sign. This will be good for you making sudden changes to your life which will work in a positive and smooth way. Your energy will also be different as you feel more freedom to express yourself. Moon in your love area 9th, 10th, 11th can be used in conjunction with Mars’ ability to push yourself forward and be heard.
Moon in Virgo May 22, 23, 24
Libra — September 23-October 22: There’s quite a few harsh aspects around for you early in the month. However, Venus, your ruling planet is not one of them. She is forming a nice trine to your sign until the 20th giving you the chance to smooth things over in your relationship or, if you are single give you the opportunity in meeting someone new. As Venus moves out of this smooth transit to your sign, Mars moves in to form another trine to your sign on the 17th. This will give you lots of energy and help to let you roll out any plans you have been wanting to get off the ground. Moon in your love area 12th and 13th conjuncts Uranus. Expect the unexpected, especially if you are single as this is a great time to suddenly meet someone you are attracted to.
Moon in Libra May 25, 26
Scorpio — October 23-November 22: The Sun is in your love area until the 21st making the month of May a great time to take a serious look at your relationship, or lake thereof. From the 14th to the 30th Mercury will also be allowing you to think more clearly on what you do and don’t want when it comes to love. Perhaps, the most important transit you have this month is Uranus entering your love and relationship area for the first time in 84 years. Uranus can have the effect of circumstances changing quickly. Expect the unexpected and you’ll most likely get it! This is not the month to sit back on your laurels and think that is going to save you from having to make any changes. Moon in your love area on 14th and 15th, occurs with the added bonus of a new moon on the 15th, which only gives you more impetus to make those changes.
Moon in Scorpio May 1, 27, 28
Sagittarius — November 23-December 20: Uranus has been in a positive position to your sign for the past few years. From the 16th onward, this changes. You may find that you are a little less hit with sudden insights that move you forward in life, and a bit more erratic when it comes to work and getting it done. This month you have Venus in your love and relationship area right up till the 20th, which can really send your love life soaring. To top this off the full moon on 29th also occurs in Sagittarius and can be used to shine a spotlight on any changes you wish to make. Several planets are moving through your work area so you may wish to use some of your energy in getting a job finished. Moon in your love area 16th and 17th is a time of new beginnings.
Moon in Sagittarius May 2, 3, 29 (Full), 30, 31
Capricorn — December 21-January 20: With no less than 3 strong planets in your chart this month you will certainly be wanting to get a lot done and aiming high to achieve this. These planets are Saturn and Pluto, both being retrograde which may find you a bit frustrated when it comes to moving forward. Then there is Mars, a planet which has no problem in moving and pushing forward for what it wants to achieve. Mars is in your sign till the 17th. Interestingly, it is also going to retrograde soon and will revert back into your sign for a few weeks mid August to mid September. Be aware of what is around for you in mid May as it may come back to haunt you during August, September. Moon in your love area 18th and 19th should be smooth sailing when it comes to your relationship.
Moon in Capricorn May 4, 5, 6
Aquarius — January 21-February 19: When you look back at the month of May, you may have the thought that this was the month where things started to go a bit wrong for you. The reason being is that Mars enters your sign this month on the 17th and the problem with this is that soon Mars will retrograde in your sign and hit off all the degrees it has gone over from the 17th to 31st of May. When this happens situations may resurface and you are still left dealing with them for a few months to come without a clear resolution. For this reason you need to be aware that your decisions now can have unpleasant consequences if you don’t fully understand what is going on. The Moon in your love area 20th and 21st is a time you really need to give to your partner.
Moon in Aquarius May 7, 8
Pisces — February 20-March 20: Mercury is in an area of your chart from the 14th to 30th giving you a head start to any communication you need to be getting on with. You might also wish to watch you don’t just jump in and say the first thing that come to your mind from the 16th as this is the date Uranus also moves into your communication area. Thus beginning a few years of it’s presence there and no doubt giving you valuable insights which often come about suddenly. With Mars also moving in to an area of your chart known for clouding a few issues, from the 17th, you really need to be on your guard that you know exactly where you are heading this month. Moon in your love area 22nd, 23rd and 24th is a time to relax and spend some special time with your partner.
Moon in Pisces May 9, 10, 11
Be sure to check out this month’s tarotscopes too!
May 2018 Monthly Horoscopes

Personal Consultations:
Hope you enjoyed your monthly horoscope. For a live psychic reading or astrological consultation, please feel free to email me at chrisalisreadings@hotmail.com.
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