Happy Birthday Taurus! Here are highlights for the month ahead.
Lunations: Moon Phases for the entire month:
New Moon: This month’s New Moon occurs on May 4th at 14° Taurus 10.
Full Moon: The Full Moon occurs on May 18th at 27° Scorpio 38.
Retrogrades: Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto are all retrograde for the entire month of May. Everything else is in direct motion for the entire month.
Ingresses: Mercury moves into Taurus on May 6th; Venus moves into Taurus on May 15th; Mars moves into Cancer on the 16th; the Sun and Mercury move into Gemini on the 21st.
Continue reading for complete scopes for each sign:
Aries — March 21-April 19: May begins very sweetly for you with Venus in your sign till the 16th. This will no doubt be doing wonders for your love life, especially around the 5th to the 12th when Venus trines Jupiter. Mercury is also in your sign till the 6th. For the first few days it will also be trining Jupiter, which will mean you are not at a loss for words. Infact, you may wish to censor your words from the 1st to 4th. As the month moves on, Mercury from the 6th and Venus from the 16th move into an area of your chart that will have you thinking more about security and what this means to you. You may look over your finances and get them in order. Moon in your love area 15th and 16th is a time to include your partner more in your life.
Moon in Aries May 1, 2, 3, 29, 30
Taurus — April 20-May 20: A new moon hits off in Taurus on the 4th, making May a month of new beginnings for you. With Mercury also in Taurus from the 6th to the 21st, you’ll be sure to have plenty of new ideas and the incentive to put them into action. Venus, your ruling planet, also enters your sign on the 15th, you can well see that May is a month full of changes for you. These changes may well be to do with your love life and your thoughts on a relationship, or lack of one. Either way, you can get a lot done this month. Moon in your relationship area 17th and 18th incorporates a full moon on the 18th. This will add further insights to anything you have been hoping to change in your relationship and give you the impetus to do so.
Moon in Taurus May 4 (New), 5, 31
Gemini — May 21-June 21:
Your ruling planet, Mercury, is in your sign from the 21st, alongside the Sun. Mercury has three sign changes this month so you may find yourself doing a merry dance when it comes to communication. At the end of the month it is in opposition to Jupiter, in your relationship area. Don’t press your luck too far and think you can talk your way out of anything as you may be in for a nasty surprise. This may be especially true if you find Mars, which is in your sign till the 16th, causing problems in the first half of the month. Looks like May will be a busy month for you all round. Moon in your love area 19th and 20th, which is just after Venus entering an area of your chart known for romance.
Moon in Gemini May 6, 7
Cancer — June 22-July 23: You may have been experiencing some confusing times for the first half of the month with Mars in a position to make the “unclear” even more confusing. However, from the 16th Mars is in your sign and with it comes a fresh burst of energy. You should be firing on all cylinders after this date, especially with Mercury after the 6th, and Venus after the 15th, no longer squaring your sign. May should be an interesting month for you as the north node opposes Saturn and Pluto, which are both in your relationship area. Expect a few changes and even more surprises. Moon in your love area 21st. 22nd and 23rd also finds Venus conjunct Uranus which is another sign that May will be anything but boring for you. Expect the unexpected.
Moon in Cancer May 8, 9, 10
Leo — July 24-August 23: Venus trines your sign up until the 15th alongside Mercury till the 6th. The effects of this are twofold as you have the capacity to sit down with your partner and discuss where you wish the relationship to be heading in a calm and loving manner. After the 16th Mars is in an area of your chart that may make planning ahead a bit muddled. Best to get all of your conversations out of the way early in May and then just buckle down and focus on work and what needs done there. You have both Saturn and Pluto helping you along to meet any deadlines work may throw at you. Moon in your love area 24th and 25th also finds Mercury in an area of your chart making it a good time to catch up with friends socially. You never know who you’ll meet.
Moon in Leo May 11, 12
Virgo — August 24-September 22: May looks like an intense month for you. You’ll have plenty of drive to get things done with the help of Mars. Try not to work too much up until the 16th when friends take on a more important role in your life. Around the same time Venus will be trining your sign allowing for smooth flow of emotions in your relationship. Mercury will also be helping you along with this from the 6th to 21st. You may find yourself in some very open and honest conversations during those two weeks, in which you need to know the answers to questions asked. Full moon in your communications area on the 18th can also be a time to shine the spotlight on your emotions. Moon in your relationship area 26th, 27th and 28th is a time to reflect on what you want.
Moon in Virgo May 13, 14
Libra — September 23-October 22: Venus, your ruling planet, is in your relationship area until the 16th. This, alongside Mercury’s position till the 6th, will really help you sort out anything in your relationship that has been bothering you. Although with Venus in this position, not too much should be worrying you when it comes to love. After the 6th and again after the 16th, you will be in a much more serious frame of mind when it comes to your relationship. Secrets may be uncovered, alongside answers you have been searching for. Mars can be of help to you in taking any action you deem necessary as it trines your sign till the 16th, after which date you may find things a lot tougher than they need be. Moon in your love area 1st, 2nd 3rd, 29th and 30th gives you plenty of scope to put your relationship under the spotlight.
Moon in Libra May 15, 16
Scorpio — October 23-November 22: May looks to be a great month for your love life. With the Sun, Mercury and Venus all being in this area of your chart at various times during the month. Mercury will be helping your communications within a relationship from the 6th to the 21st, whilst Venus enters your relationship area on the 15th. There is also a new moon on the 4th which may have you thinking long and hard about where you wish your relationship to be heading.Added to this the full moon, on the 18th, in your own sign, may be a catalyst for some long overdue changes you have been wishing to make. Moon in your love area 4th, 5th and 31st are all times when you can put your new thoughts into action and come out on top.
Moon in Scorpio May 17, 18 (Full)
Sagittarius — November 23-December 20: Venus is trining your sign this month up until the 15th. This should be doing wonders for your love life, especially as it also forms a trine to Jupiter from the 7th to 12th. With Mars also in your relationship area there’s not a lot more you could ask for in May. Use the first half of the month to move forward with relationship goals. There’s a lot of fun in these transits and you, if anyone, always appreciate a bit of fun. By the 21st, both the Sun and Mercury move into your relationship area giving you a chance to make up for anything that goes wrong earlier in the month. Moon in your love area 6th and 7th occurs just after a new moon hits off a few days earlier. Use this time for a fresh, new start.
Moon in Sagittarius May 19, 20
Capricorn — December 21-January 20: Mars in in your relationship area from the 16th which should make this May a month to remember. If you have been putting off changing the status quo in your relationship then Mars is not going to allow that to continue for much longer. You also have Venus conjunct Uranus trining your sign for a few days just as Mars moves into shake your love life up. Anything could happen from 16th to around the 19th as these three planets push and pull to stop you stagnating. The effects may be sudden but the should be positive as these planets are all in earth signs and will help to ground you. Moon in your love area 8th, 9th and 10th is a time to look at what is around for you as the moon hits off the north node and opposes Saturn.
Moon in Capricorn May 21, 22, 23
Aquarius — January 21-February 19: Mercury is in a great position to help with any communication problems you’ve been having lately as it is in this area of your chart till the 6th. With Venus also in this area of your chart till the 15th you’d be wise to put this time to good use and sit down with your partner to work on any problems you’ve been having. As both planets will, after these dates, move into an area of your chart which may have you feeling a bit more subdued in wanting to discuss your feelings, then use the first half of the month to sort things out. Mars is in an area of your chart suggesting a lot of fun up until the 16th, when it then suggests you’ll be hard at work. Moon in your love area 11th and 12th great time to plan a romantic evening.
Moon in Aquarius May 24, 25
Pisces — February 20-March 20: Both Mercury and Venus begin the month in an area of your chart where you will be wanting to look at stability and security. This may be to do with your finances, relationship or life in general. As the month moves forward your focus turns to communication. This is especially true when Mercury moves into your communication area from the 6th to 21st. Compounding your need to talk things through is Venus from the 15th also in this area of your chart. What may you have to talk about? Well for one thing Uranus is moving through your communications area all month and on the 18th is conjunct Venus, planet of love. Might be time to sit down with your partner and see where the relationship is heading. Moon in your love area 13th and 14th can also shine a light on what you want in love.
Moon in Pisces May 26, 27, 28
Be sure to check out this month’s tarotscopes too!
May 2019 Monthly Horoscopes

Personal Consultations:
Hope you enjoyed your monthly horoscope. For a live psychic reading or astrological consultation, please feel free to email me at chrisalisreadings@hotmail.com.
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