The merry month of May is now upon us! Even though there will be a Mercury retrograde beginning on May 11th at 4 ° of Gemini, it will be a very active month with lots of energy available for starting new projects and making headway with things already in progress.
In fact, in the Vedic tradition, May 3rd is considered a particularly auspicious day this year for new beginnings, like launching a new business or enterprise. At the very least do some ritual to honor Lakshmi, goddess of wealth, prosperity, fertility and abundance, or honor the goddess of your choice on that day.
Venus enters the sign of Aries on May 2nd and Jupiter follows shortly thereafter on May 11th. Aries folks will enjoy that duo strengthening their energy and stamina as well as increasing the vibes of beauty and abundance. Mars joins in on the Aries vibe on May 24th so there is even more energy present as Mars rules the sign of Aries and therefore revels in its home base.
Saturn transits Aquarius and moves from 24 º 16’ to 25 ° 14’ throughout the month. Structure, discipline and right action is the focal point of Saturn’s vibration so welcome its presence in your life in whatever house in your chart that Aquarius rules.
Uranus remains in Taurus moving from 14 ° 34’ to 16 ° 16’, shaking up the status quo but also bringing in new ideas about security, assets, wealth and how we deal with changing foundational structures in the world.
Neptune moves from 24 ° 34’ in Pisces to 25 ° 14’, continuing its illuminating focus on water issues in the world, as well as highlighting the gifts of intuition, inspiration and spirituality for everyone. Open up to raising your own vibration in all ways.
Pluto, now in retrograde motion until October 8, 2022, brings its slow and grinding transformative focus on the shadow side of power, wealth, and hidden agendas in society. John Prine had a funny song called Lonesome Friends of Science that alludes to Pluto getting demoted from his planetary position and now hangs out in some funky old Hollywood sushi bar, quite the dreadful fate. Maybe that’s the problem with these times…
Read your Sun sign and Rising sign for best information.
Aries — March 21-April 19: The month begins with a little bit of fatigue for you as Mars transits the final degrees of your 12th house but the pace picks up after May 11th when Jupiter joins Venus in Aries and starts the opportunity ball rolling for action and abundance and probably lots of positive social gatherings. Mars enters Aries on the 24th so that’s when the pace of your life will definitely pick up and the force will be with you. Mars will stay in Aries through July 5th. Best days for you this month are the PM hours of the 24th, the 25th and the 26th.
Taurus — April 20-May 20: The partial solar eclipse yesterday was focused in Taurus and so that vibe will color the energy for you this month. Be willing to see and do things differently in the next few days as the Sun will conjunct Uranus and that can be liberating in that it can separate you from bad habits or negative situations. It’s OK to say no and have boundaries about the energies you will not tolerate in your life. With Venus traveling with Jupiter now, you should accept all invitations to social gatherings. The lunar vibes of the 1st, 27th, 28th and AM hours of the 29th are your most positive days.
Gemini — May 21-June 21: With Mercury now in Gemini and about to go into retrograde motion on the 11th, it is highly powerful and can be helpful in helping you gain ground in your professional and personal life. With the retrograde lasting 3 weeks, it may mean you have to back track a bit to accommodate others but by the middle of June, the new direction will firmly take hold. Work to clear out old limiting beliefs and traumas so you don’t carry this faulty internal wiring forward into your new path. The 2nd, 3rd, and AM hours of the 5th, the PM house of the 29th, the new Moon on the 30th and the 31st are your best days.
Cancer — June 22-July 23: The focus for you this month occurs in your solar 10th and 11th houses so career, professional image, groups, friends and higher ambitions, hopes and dreams are on your personal agenda. This would be a good time to update your resume, website or have new pictures taken for promotional purposes. Welcome this time as an upgrade to your energy and an entrée to new people and new spheres of influence. Great days for taking action are the PM house of the 5th, the 6th and the 7th.
Leo — July 24-August 23: With the focus this month on your solar 9th and 10th houses, you are looking to expand your career and professional image with travel and higher mind/learning ambitions. It’s possible you will attend conferences or retreats in foreign countries and that will stimulate you to make some expansive changes in your life. The first week of May can give you some clues as to what areas you feel motivated to visit. The vibes of the 7th, 8th and AM hours of the 9th are your stellar days.
Virgo — August 24-September 22: With Mercury going retrograde this month on May 11th through June 3rd, you may feel like you have to go back in time to correct things instead of moving forward with new projects. It feels like a tedious assignment but if you think of it as a course correction and a learning experience it won’t feel so punitive. Joint finances are in focus for you and your partner as well as your professional career ambitions. It’s a great time to ask for a raise or extra assignments to energize your career. PM hours of the 9th, the 10th and 11th are your best days of the month.
Libra — September 23-October 22: The energies of this month focus on partnerships, legal issues, joint finances, insurances and financial issues. You might spend some time looking within to your own insecurities about these issues, particularly financial security and long-term goals. It is helpful to understand your own motivations so you can direct your energies forward with a clear and conscious intention. Don’t make rash decisions during this time as Venus in Aries can act impulsively and the upcoming Mercury retrograde can give a fuzzy mind without all the details needed to make a good decision. The 12th and 13th are your stellar days.
Scorpio — October 23-November 22: Your focus this month will be on personal health issues, service, partnerships and how you negotiate compromises with partners. There is some potential for some health issue that needs to be addressed and the 14th and 15th can illuminate the how the problem needs to be handled. You get your strength back after the 24th when Mars gets stronger in your chart. Be patient with your progress as the Mercury retrograde usually delays things. This too shall pass. The 14th and the full Moon on the 15th are your stellar days and can foretell a big shift in a positive direction.
Sagittarius — November 23-December 20: Your ruling planet, Jupiter, is still traveling close to Venus and will be active in your solar 5th house. This duo in that house will likely increase your social life and give you some welcome fun opportunities. You’ve been a bit stuck in the home and family section of your chart so this will feel like someone opening a window and an energizing cool breeze flowing through your confined life. At the same time, you still have to pay attention to your health and maintain healthy habits and routines. So do your best to stay on a path of good choices while enjoying a positive social life. Best days to get out there are the 16th and 17th. Enjoy!
Capricorn — December 21-January 20: With the focus this month on family, ancestral roots, the home, children, creativity and fun times, you have lots of opportunities to feel close to others and enjoy a nice social life. Those single Capricorns may find themselves entertaining a love affair or social companion. In any event, the month will feel like a breath of fresh air after the last couple years of lockdowns and covid restrictions. The 18th, 19th and AM hours of the 20th are great times to open up to new connections.
Aquarius — January 21-February 19: With Saturn still in your first house and now squaring the Sun in Taurus in your 4th, there is something in your home or family life that is challenging you to be patient with a slow-moving outcome. So be it, Saturn rewards patience, self-discipline and taking responsibility for your actions. If you think of yourself as the wise and cautious elder you can get through this gracefully. Connections with siblings and family members will give you insights into the situation. Best days for you this month are the PM hours of the 20th and the 21st.
Pisces — February 20-March 20: The focus this month for you is about money, assets, cash flow, expenses and contact with family, siblings, communication and short trips. If you have been self-indulgent the last couple of months, you may find this is the month to be self-disciplined. You might actually have to say no to a few invitations just to prevent more money going out the window. So be it. Use the energy to entertain in your home with potluck gatherings rather than go out so much. The positive vibes of the 22nd 23rd and AM hours of the 24th are your stellar days.
Personal Consultations:
I offer a number of personalized services, including natal and progressed charts as well as a personal lucky days report, an awesome way to make astrology work for you by allowing you to focus on your optimum timing, when the universe seems lined up to support your wishes and dreams.
The date, time, and location of your birth is all I need to provide you with insight into your important place in the grand scheme of life! For more information, or to schedule a session with me, feel free to email me or visit my website.

May 2022 Monthly Horoscopes
Be sure to check out this month’s tarotscopes too!