Free Daily Tarotscope — Nov 14, 2015 — Seven of Wands

seven of wands

Seven of Wands

You may find yourself with your back against the wall today and feeling the need to defend your thoughts or your actions.

This shouldn’t be too much of a problem though as you look confident, strong and well able to head off any opposition that comes your way.

One thing you should watch out for though is that the attack, although it looks to come directly at you, may not necessarily be clear cut.

For instance you cannot see who or what the problem is in this image from the artist Beeme’s gorgeous contribution to the 78 Tarot — rather it seems to be several things coming at you at once with the desire to knock you off your feet.

Be wary of anyone around you who seems envious or jealous as they may take an underhanded attempt to knock your confidence and/or undermine you.

I’d like to see them try though as you look so confident and assertive here that anyone who thinks they have a chance of knocking you down may have taken on more than they realised.

There is a lot of self love around you which can be seen in the pink hues in the dress and if you need a speedy retreat you have one already mapped out within the water behind you which I must say is the only fertile piece of nature in this image. Don’t be afraid to jump in… you never know what you’ll find or where it will lead you.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Nov 13, 2015 — The World

The World

The World

Today’s card — The World from the beautiful Feng Shui Tarot — is all about looking at the big picture and being able to trace the steps that have brought you to where you are today.

It’s a card of fulfillment and completion; recognizing milestones that have passed and goals that have been achieved as you prepare to close the door on one chapter in your life and open another.

You may be setting new goals in place or you may be taking some time to celebrate how far you’ve come.

As the last card in the tarot, the World complete’s the Fool’s journey, with the understanding that he’s grown, evolved and matured along the way.

This card can also have you thinking about where you fit in in the world and about your contributions to humanity. It speaks of not only realizing your dreams and achieving your goals, but also  becoming one with the Universe, becoming fulfilled and whole.

Mercury sextiles Jupiter today while Venus sextiles Saturn. These are both fortuitous aspects (in spite of it also being Friday the 13th). They remind us that we’re all in charge of our own destinies and that we all create our own luck.

You may be tying up one cycle today and preparing to embark on a new one. Whether you’re taking some time to relish the satisfaction of having achieved something, or are ready to dive back in and start again, the message behind the world card is best received with insight and awareness.

Ask yourself: “What is is I’ve learned through all that I’ve experienced in this chapter of my life?” and “What must I now give up in order to start anew?” If you can answer those two questions with honesty and humility, you’ll be able to carry those lessons into the next chapter.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Nov 12, 2015 — Ace of Coins

Ace of Coins

Ace of Coins

Mars moves into Libra today and brings with it many opportunities to start something new.

Are you thinking of launching a new business or starting a new financial venture? Mars relates to action and energy and while its placement in Libra can have you struggling with decisions about what exactly you want to do in the first place, it does mark the onset of a new cycle.

You may be looking back over your shoulder though, like the rabbit in this card — from the gorgeous Alchemical Tarot.

The Coin in this deck is fashioned like a compass with four arrows pointing in different directions. This ties in with the Mars in Libra conundrum. Which way do you go? Which path do you take? There are many different options and you may be drawn to every one.

The Ace of Coins is says it’s time to think about what you value, which extends to well beyond money and material things. It says it’s time to look at what you put out there and what you get back in exchange. Like the rabbit looking over his shoulder, you may have to clear up some unfinished business, but there’s no time like the present for that.

The Ace of Coins encourages you to participate in your own energetic exchange. Whether it’s time, money, energy or aid, all of us have resources at our disposal. Put yours to good use this today and see what the Universe sends back.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Nov 11, 2015 — The Moon

The Moon

The Moon

Today’s New Moon is at 19° Scorpio , a sign associated with mystery, depth, secrets and all that is hidden from view.

It represents a time of getting in touch with your feelings and emotions, and getting a better understanding of your doubts, insecurities and fears.

The Moon card is tied to the hidden and mysterious realm of the unconscious, from which all of our instincts and emotions arise. When we’re aligned with that part of ourselves and in sync with our emotions, everything seems to just fall into place — and when we’re not, all hell can break loose.

This version is from the beautiful Sun and Moon Tarot from Vanessa Decort. In it an ethereal young woman sits arc of in the crescent moon and looks down on the turbulent waters below.

Many versions of this card contain the symbol for Cancer (the crab), yet this version contains the symbol of Pisces (the fishes). Yet there are references to Scorpio as well, thus completely the watery triad. There are the opposing pillars (lighthouses), the black and white dogs, the Hebrew Symbol for resurrection and redemption, and of course the turbulent seas.

Today is a day to explore and own rich inner world and immerse yourself in the realm of emotions. And while you do want to be on the looking for things that may at first not be what they seem (as the Moon can also bring confusion and cloud your judgment), it’s also a brand New Moon, which can bring with it a fresh perspective.

While you may not want to trust your first impressions or take everything at face value today, the secrets of the Moon always reveal themselves over time. If you’re feeling hesitant about something, put it aside until you feel more comfortable.  Your own motivations — and the motivations of those around you — will become clearer to you in the fresh light of day.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Nov 10, 2015 — Seven of Swords

Seven of Swords

Seven of Swords

You want to give some serious thought to everything you say or try to communicate to others today.

You may even want to keep your thoughts to yourself. Fortunately with Mercury and Pluto in sextile today, you’ll have good handle on what should be withheld and what should be disclosed.

The Seven of Swords — like all Sevens — requires you to evaluate all the different sides of a complicated situation, and arrive at a solution that causes the least amount of distress.

It can refer to a moral dilemma or one with no easy answer, such as a decision that favors the head over the heart. But it also involves strategy, planning and cunning.

What do you think the man in this card — from the Druidcraft Tarot — is writing? He’s clearly deep in thought and something is weighing heavily on his mind. Perhaps he’s drafting a treaty or agreement that he doesn’t expect to be well received.

His swords are stacked against one another, an indication that he may be at cross-purposes with those he’s communicating with.

Take some time today to think before you speak, as may not have all of the information before you that can help you make a proper assessment. As the Seven of Swords is also a card of suspicion and distrust, you want to make sure you’re not reading into things that just aren’t there. The Mercury / Pluto sextile encourages you to choose your words wisely and to take all things into consideration before you take a stand.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Nov 9, 2015 — Queen of Pentacles

Queen of Pentacles

Queen of Pentacles

Today is a day to indulge yourself and allow yourself to enjoy all of the fruits of your labors.

The Queen of Pentacles is all about establishing security — financial and otherwise. But she also knows how to appreciate the finer things in life and to relish what she’s worked for and savor every moment.

She’s not afraid to work for what she wants. But she wants to be able to appreciate it too. She wants to surround herself with opulence and splendor, knowing that she’s earned and deserves it.

This Queen of Pentacles — from the beautiful Samurai Tarot — is clothed in the finest silks and lavish attire. She strikes an elegant and radiant pose. She is colorful, dramatic and mysterious. But she’s not someone to be trifled with: she’s also practical, efficient and wise.

As with all the Court Cards in the tarot, this may be you and it may represent someone in your life. It can also indicate a state of mind that is necessary for you to adopt.

Whatever (or whomever) she represents, know that it’s time to get serious about manifesting the life that you want, and enjoying yourself in the process.

Today you want to be thinking about your long-term goals and what you might need to do to bring them to fruition. It may require you to make some short-term sacrifices. But what you gain in return — through hard work, discipline and patience — will make it all worthwhile in the end.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Nov 8, 2015 — Justice



As Venus enters Libra today, we might all be thinking about how we can bring more fairness and impartiality into our lives.

This version of the Justice Card — from the Celestial Tarot — emphasizes the elements of beauty and grace (also Venus in Libra attributes) as well as the traditional meanings associated with this card: Cause and Effect, Action and Consequence, Right and Wrong.

The symbols for Venus and Libra are both prominent on this card.

The Justice card card speaks of balancing head against heart and desire against logic. While we all strive to keep these areas in sync, it’s a constant and precarious battle.

Sometimes the heart rules and sometimes it’s the head. But if you rise above the situation (like the girl in the card) you’ll be better equipped to achieve perspective. Sometimes we have to get some altitude in order to see things from outside of our earthly attachments.

The Justice card speaks of a universal justice: divorced from what you want or wish for, and held under the microscope of truth, wisdom and universal law. This means that no matter how desperately you want a specific outcome, the one handed down will be fair and just.

The Justice card encourages you to seek the answers to your most pressing concerns through objectivity and conscious awareness. If you rely too much on head, heart will suffers and vice versa. But if you can find a way to balance the two, the truth will reveal itself in the end.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Nov 7, 2015 — Three of Cups

Three of Cups

Three of Cups

It’s the weekend, are you ready to party?

Venus and the North Node are conjunct today (with the Moon joining in in the early morning hours). This is a good time for socializing and celebrating with those you hold near and dear.

The Three of Cups — this version from the Deviant Moon Tarot — represents people gathering together to connect, interact and celebrate. It’s a happy, joyful energy that can manifest as a party or celebration, or it could be as simple as a girls night out.

Look at the figures in this card. They’re all so different, yet they’ve found a common ground and embrace one another with a the kind of joyful camaraderie that says they know how to have fun.

They rise up from the belly of a monster fish. Are they celebrating their impending release? Or are they resigned to a more sinister fate and engaging in one last last hurrah?

Either way this card is all about socializing and participating in group activities. Hanging out with like-minded people and expressing feelings of affection and good-will.

Today you want to leave your troubles at the door and go out and have yourself some fun, There’s no room for fretting about work or other mundane concerns.

No matter where the people in your life have come from today — no matter what your connection or history or relationship with them is — the Three of Cups is a card of companionship and camaraderie. It serves as a reminder that there’s always something to be grateful for, and always someone to share your gratitude with.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Nov 6, 2015 — Three of Wands

Three of Wands

Three of Wands

Today is a day for looking all around you and seeing how the world offers infinite possibilities.

It’s a day for painting your own canvass and creating your own destiny, courtesy of a lovely Mercury / Neptune trine and the Three of Wands from Dana Driscoll’s fabulous Tarot of Trees.

Moving ahead means you may be leaving something behind. Something like a dull dreary existence or a reality that no longer suits you.

It may mean taking a risk, striking out toward unchartered territories and expanding your horizons so far and wide that you not only don’t know where the road you’re on leads, but are ready to make your imprint on it wherever you go.

The Three of Wands is a card of expectation and anticipation. It’s says that you’ve already started to hit your stride. It says you’ve already done the groundwork and are now ready to strike out and make all that you’ve dreamed of a reality.

It’s about opening the door to possibility and setting your sites on distant horizons. What can I do with what I already have to make a difference in the world? What do I have to offer that will bring the greatest reward? These are the questions you want to be asking yourself right now.

The Three of Wands encourages you to push past your limitations and expand your worldview. It will mean stepping outside of your comfort zone and exploring uncharted territories. And while you may run into pitfalls or have to take detours along the way, know that these are often blessings in disguise that can open you up a whole new world of opportunities.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Nov 5, 2015 — Nine of Wands

Nine of Wands

Nine of Wands

You may have to muster up the courage today to let someone know what you’re no longer willing to stand for.

You may have to put your foot down and stand up for your rights.

The Nine of Wands — this version from Nora Huszka’s beautiful Gypsy Palace Tarot — says it’s time to gather your wits and rise up against whatever challenges you face, which means you’re also going to have to push your fears and anxieties aside.

Have you ever heard of the phrase “blowing your stack?” That’s what it looks like the woman in the card is doing. She’s gotten herself so angry and flustered that she’s blown the crown right off of the top of her head.

She’s telling someone “Get out and don’t come back!” Or maybe she’s saying “How many times do I have to tell you to get out there and mow the lawn?”

Whatever it is, it’s clear she means business. She’s standing up for her rights and is not about to take no for an answer. She’s so convincing that even the cats beside her are cowering in fear.

The Nine of Wands is all about stamina, perseverance and persistence. It invites you to mobilize your forces, stick with the program and get the job done — no matter what. It says that while you may be wary from the struggles that have brought you to this point, you’re not going to let them get the best of you or cause you to back down.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Nov 4, 2015 — Knight of Swords

knight of swords

Knight of Swords

Today is a day for being strategic and thinking about the choices you have to make as you plan your next move.

You may be wavering over important decisions. You may be weighing your options or figuring out what your best course of action may be.

The Knight of Swords is traditionally associated quick thinking and quick action. But this is a kinder, gentler version of the card. This version, from this Crystal Tarot — appears to be lost in thought.

He’s in no hurry to get moving, even though his horse is raring to go. He may be daydreaming about the journey ahead, or he may be contemplating all of the different routes that can lead him to his destination.

As with all court cards this can refer to someone in your life, a frame of mind you need to adopt, or it can refer to you personally. If it’s someone in your life, you will know him by his gentle demeanor and sense of fair play. These are qualities that you’d do well to incorporate in your decision-making today.

The Knight of Swords is known for being frank, blunt and outspoken. And even in this gentler version you can count on him to be honest.

If it takes you a little while to get your bearings today and to make an informed decision, know that there’s a reason for holding back. You want to be decisive, fair and just. So make sure you have all the facts before you jump to any conclusions.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Nov 3, 2015 — Two of Cups

Two of Cups

Two of Cups

With Venus and Mars conjunct today and rising together in the early morning sky, love is in the air for all of us.

Whether you’re in an established relationship, starting something new, or just out there looking, now is the time to let someone you care about know it.

The Two of Cups is all about falling in love — either opening yourself up to new experiences or reigniting a connection with someone you’re already involved with.

It’s this process of falling in love that reveals to us ourselves at our very best. It’s where we put our best version of ourselves forward and the Universe responds by opening up unanticipated doors.

The Two of Cups is known as the “Love” card as it refers to that love at first sight sense of finding your other half. It’s a marriage or union of opposites, as seen in this version of the card from the Arcus Arcanum Tarot. 

It’s the mutual attraction card, the “soul mate” card, and so much more. It’s the process of falling in love or renewing a love connection that replenishes itself over time.

There’s a synergy that pulls two people together and echoes their feelings back to one another. In this respect the Two of Cups is more about falling in love with yourself, as seen through your loved one’s eyes.

If you meet someone new today consider it an opportunity for growth. It could be the yin to your yang — or it could just be a friend who shows you the true meaning of the word. You may also be working on revamping your current connection or reuniting with a loved one. Whichever it is, be grateful for the opportunity to see yourself through someone else’s eyes.