March 2014 Tarot Scopes featuring the Dreaming Way Tarot

march tarotscopes -- judgment

ARIES: Judgment

This month you’ll be thinking about how the actions and decisions you’ve made have led you to where you are today.

The Judgment card can refer to a moment of “reckoning” where all the pieces of the puzzle start to come together and you see how you’ve participated — for better or worse — in the story of your life.

With this comes two very important considerations: one — that you can take charge and make changes in your life (as in rewriting your own script) and two — that you can view other people’s choices (which have led them to their own life circumstances) with a little less judgment and a lot more compassion and understanding.

The Judgment card refers to an epiphany or awakening, during which time you realize the consequences of your actions and are thus more inclined to proceed conscientiously.

As such it gives you a chance to start anew, to be “reborn” and make changes that are in line with your understanding of karmic rewards and repercussions. It gives you a chance to redeem and unburden yourself, as you prepare to let go of the past and move toward your true life’s purpose.


Valentines Day Email Reading Special


Happy Valentine’s Day!

This month we’ve joined forces with Fiona Beck, tarot reader, relationship counselor and author of Relationships: What you Need to Know, to offer a special low-cost Valentines Day email reading promo.

We’re offering two packages — one for singles and one for couples — for $50 each. The first package — for singles — includes an astrology assessment and a tarot assessment.

The astrology assessment — via Ask the Astrologers — includes your natal chart, a computerized natal astrology report (approximately 8-10 pages, around 3000 words) and a page or so of personal insights (300-500 words) into specific areas of your natal chart that outline your strengths and weaknesses as well anything that stands out or that you should be made aware of.

This portion will be different for each person, but will likely include insights your natal “love planets” (Venus and Mars), your needs (the Moon) and your relationship house and rulers.

The tarot assessment — via Fiona Beck — includes a six-card reading that looks into your past, your current situation, where you’re heading now, what you can do improve your life, obstacles that stand in your way and the potential outcome. You can also ask a question if you want to, but it’s not required, you may just want to be open to what comes up.

Mercury Retrograde — February, 2014

Mercury retrograde

Here we are gearing up for another Mercury Retrograde: and buckle your seat-belts; this one looks like it’s going to be a doozy — with Mercury not only debilitated by sign (it’s in its detriment in Pisces) but also within one degree of conjuncting Neptune — which is already associated with confusion, uncertainty, ambiguity and distraction.

If you’d like to read more about Mercury retrograde — including information on the mythology and astronomy associated with the retrograde phenomenon, this article is a good place to start:  Mercury Retrograde: Here we go Again!

But for particular cycle, let’s look at where Mercury crosses each of its shadow points (also outlined in the article mentioned above), where it turns retrograde, and then where it turns back around and starts moving forward (in direct motion) again.We’ll also look at the Sabian Symbols for each of these points.

February 2014 Tarot Scopes featuring the Paulina Tarot

February tarotscopes

ARIES: Five of Pentacles

You may start the month going through a bit of a rough patch. The Five of Pentacles is all about questioning your own values — whether that means mentally, physically, spiritually, and financially.

As Pentacles relate to physical, material and tangible concerns, you may be struggling with money and material possessions. But this is also ties into your own sense of self-worth.

You may be asking yourself “What do I have to offer and what is it worth to others?” There’s a sense of loneliness and feelings of inadequacy associated with this card.

But if you look at the images in this version, you see not one person but two. And they seem to be holding each other up — supporting one another.

This is the message behind the Five of Pentacles: it may be cold outside and you may have suffered a recent set-back or a blow to your self-esteem. But all you have to do is look around you — and be willing to reach out for help.

We can’t any of us make it through this world alone. This card is all about reminding ourselves that there is help if we are willing to ask for it, and in doing so will usually come out stronger in the end.

February 2014 Monthly Horoscope

Monthly Horoscopes

Happy Birthday Aquarius! Here are some highlights for the month ahead.

Lunations: There will be no February New Moon! This 28-day month gets squeezed in between the Aquarius New Moon at the end of January and the Pisces New Moon at the beginning of March. This month’s Full Moon will be on February 14th and 26° Leo.

Retrogrades: Venus has been retrograde for the last 41 days, but turns stationary direct at 14° Capricorn on January 31 / February 1. Mercury goes retrograde on February 6th at 3° Pisces and goes direct on Feb 28 at 18° Aquarius. Mars also stations on February 28 at 28° Libra. Jupiter is retrograde for the entire month. 

Ingresses: Mercury — still retrograde — moves back into Aquarius on February 12th, and the Sun moves into Pisces on February 18th.

Continue reading for complete scopes for each sign:

Ask the Astrologers: Should I Stay or Should I Go?

What can astrology tell us about the prospects for happiness with different relationship partners? By looking at the connections between natal charts and composite  charts, can we determine who we’re better suited for in a long-term capacity?

That’s the question we’re looking at today. A client (we’ll call her Elizabeth) wrote in asking about her connections to two different men.

The first one is her husband (whom we’ll call John). She’s been married to him for more than 10 years although for the most part she’s been unhappy. The other is a friend (whom we’ll call Mark) who she’s developed strong feelings for over the course of  the last few years, although she’s never acted on them.

Ask the Astrologers: Why Do I Keep Running?

running away from love

A client — whom we’ll call Julie — wrote in asking about a man (whom we’ll call Patrick) that she’s been involved with for several months. The relationship has been seriously compromised by her pattern of running away — or pushing him away — and then agonizing over having done so until they get back together.

By her own admission, she’s never felt this way about anyone. Yet every time things start to settle into a comfortable rhythm, and seemingly every time there’s even the smallest hint of a problem, off she goes again.

He’s done a bit of pulling away himself. He doesn’t “run” per se. Instead he disconnects emotionally from time to time. But because the two of them can’t seem to get into sync, she wrote asking for an astrological perspective into this dynamic.

Because her email contained so many personal details I decided not to include it here. But this her main concern.

Ask the Tarot: Is it Time to Move on?

Ask the Tarot: is it time to move on?

My client came to me with a question that I hear all too often. A relationship that’s hit a road block and seems impossible to repair, despite both people still professing love for one another.

In this case though, it’s far more complicated.  Not only are they married, but they have a small child — less than 2 years old.

I want to preface this article with my views on this type of question, as as I explained to her: while I can tell her exactly what I see, in the end I wouldn’t trust such an important decision on the tarot alone and neither should she. I advised her to seek counseling and think long and hard about this before coming to any concrete decision.

January 2014 Tarot Scopes featuring the Prairie Tarot


ARIES: The Star

This month it’s going to be all about counting your blessings. In recent months you may have been too focused on what you lack — or what you feel has been missing in your life, But the Star card speaks of putting all that aside while you focus on what you do have.

This is a very calm and peaceful version of the Star card. In it, we see a young Native American woman sitting on the banks of a river, replenishing it from the water in her vessel.

She sits with her eyes closed and her feet dangling comfortably in the water. A large white star shines above her to the right, while seven smaller stars, in the colors of the rainbow are lined up on the left.

There are elements of tolerance and acceptance here too. The gentle imagery of the young woman in Native garb coupled with the rainbow stars act as symbolic reminders that the world is full of different kinds of people and all of them belong here. Even the act of pouring water into the stream reminds us of how important it is to “give back.”

As the New Year begins, think about resolutions you made last year that you didn’t end up keeping. The Star card is full of hope and inspiration but it’s not exactly well grounded. There’s a need to work in order to manifest your dreams, as they’re not about to fall into your lap.

Venus Retrograde — Turning Love Around

Scarlet Figments by Kate Rodrigues

Venus — the planet associated with love, romance, beauty, money, material possessions and personal values — will be retrograde from December 21st until January 31, 2014 (or February 1, 2014 in some parts of the world).

From an astrological perspective, retrogrades motivate us to review, revisit, refine and resolve challenges that are holding us back from progressing in the area related to the planet involved.

They may relate to unfinished business from past lives, or they may refer to repeating patterns in our present lifetimes. Either way, the presumption when that planet is Venus is that the challenges faced are love and relationship challenges. This includes the entire spectrum of “relationships”: romantic, familial, social, etc.

Ask the Tarot: Should I Change Careers?

change careers

This installment relates to a client who came in faced with a major and potentially life-altering question: “Should I change careers?” He’s currently working as a software developer for a large firm and already has a bit of an online presence.

But he wanted to know if taking a giant leap of faith and launching his own business (doing something similar but working entirely for himself from home) would be a good move.

While I usually like to pose questions exactly as they’re presented to me, in this instance I rephrased it and asked the following: “What would be the result of Will* quitting his job and launching his own business from home?”

Mars in Libra — December 7, 2013-July 26, 2014

Mars moves into Libra on December 7, 2014 at 20:41 UT (3:41pm EST). Mars is in detriment in Libra, as the polarity point of the sign it naturally rules, Aries.

What this means is that it’s not comfortable in Libra, as the diplomatic, peace-loving Libran archetype is strained when filtered through the Martian natural aggressive, dynamic energy.

With that said, there are many Mars in Libra natives who handle this energy beautifully:  they epitomize grace and charm, like Nicole Kidman, Bill Clinton,  Anderson Cooper and Prince William; they know how to make people laugh, Whoopi Goldberg, Jimmy Fallon, Sarah Silverman, Fran Drescher, Seth Rogen, Jason Alexander and Will Ferrell; and they know how to use their unique talents, skills and voices to appeal to the masses, like J.K. Rowling, Elvis Presley, Arianna Huffington and Bill Gates.

If Mars represents what we’re compelled to “do” — what we are willing to fight for — Mars in Libra people strive for harmony, balance, fairness and most of all peace (think Nelson Mandela and the Dalai Lama).