Mercury in Sagittarius — Dec 4, 2013

mercury in sagittarius

Mercury, the planet that relates to thoughts, ideas, words and communications in general is now moving into Sagittarius. This is an upbeat, optimistic and expansive placement for any planet — but when it comes to Mercury, the expression of those qualities are most evident through the sharing of thoughts and ideas.

Mercury in Sagittarius people tend to be honest, direct and outspoken. They’re not known for tact or diplomacy: they generally say whatever’s on their mind without regard for the consequences.

They’re broad-minded and expressive: they have big (sometimes grandiose) ideas that they want to share with others. They tend to be interested in philosophy, spirituality (or religion), politics, social sciences, culture and foreign affairs.

They’re always looking to broaden their horizons — often through travel or the pursuit of a higher education. They’re life-long students and are usually voracious readers. They want to know about and learn about everything.

December 2013 Monthly Horoscope

December Horoscopes

Happy Birthday Sagittarius! Here are some highlights for the month ahead:

Lunations: The New Moon this month is on December 2 at 10° Sagittarius and the Full Moon is on December 17th will be at 25° Gemini. In some parts of the world, there will be a second New Moon this month, on December 31st at 10° Capricorn.

Retrogrades: Uranus is retrograde until Dec 17th, when it goes stationary direct at 8° Aries. Venus goes retrograde December 21 at 28° Capricorn. Jupiter is retrograde for the entire month.

Ingresses: Mercury enters Sagittarius on December 4th and Capricorn on December 24th. Mars enters Libra on December 7th. The Sun enters Capricorn on December 21st.
Continue reading for complete scopes for each sign:

Ask the Tarot: Will My Lover Return?

This past August, my client Karen* was blind-sided (her words) by a breakup with her long-term lover Paul.*

They had been together for six years and had discussed marriage. But she started to feel him pulling away after a business trip in the summer and even went so far as to accuse him of having an affair. It turns out her instincts were right. Paul is now seeing the other woman and Karen is struggling with the emotional backlash.

While she’s still reeling from the breakup, and still dealing with a variety of uncomfortable emotions (feeling angry, hurt, confused and betrayed), she realizes she still loves him.

Jumping Jupiter! Another Planet Goes Retrograde!

Jupiter Retrograde

Jupiter — the largest planet in our solar system is now retrograde.

Astrologically Jupiter is said to relate to benefit, gain and fortune. It’s the planet of abundance and extravagance; of philosophy, spirituality, travel, foreign affairs, personal expansion and higher education.

Your natal Jupiter will describe where you do things in a big way or the area of your life where you might go overboard. It’s where you’re naturally confident and optimistic and where things tend to come more easily to you.

When it retrogrades by transit, depending on the sign and area of your natal chart it’s moving through, you can expect to go through a bit of a renaissance, as you review, revisit and refine your own personal belief systems.

Venus in Capricorn — November 5, 2013 – March 5, 2014

Greta Scacchi

Venus enters Capricorn on November 5th, 2013. If you were born with this Venus, you probably understand the value of hard work, dedication, perseverance and discipline.

You’re responsible and reliable — with money, in your career, in your relationships with loved ones, and especially when it comes to matters of the heart.

There’s usually a soulful quality about Venus in Capricorn people and a classic, timeless beauty: think Greta Scacchi, Scarlett Johansson or Faye Dunaway; or an ageless, sophisticated air, such as with Rock Hudson, Richard Burton and Paul Newman.

Venus in Capricorn people tend to be wise beyond their years and yet they’re also known to be late bloomers. Why? Because they know that good things come to those who wait, aw well as to those who take their time nurturing and developing their characters, rather than racing to the finish line.

Decisions, Decisions — the Lovers Card

the Lovers -- Mary El Tarot

If you’ve ever found yourself in the uncomfortable position of being torn between two lovers, you’ll know exactly how difficult it is to make a choice.

You may have looked at others in that situation with disdain — only to find yourself later on in the exact same predicament.

You may have been on the painful receiving end of your loved one being tempted by another, or — even more painful — having given in to those temptations.

The lovers card, for all its exciting-sounding prospects, is a card of difficult (and sometimes next to impossible) choices. It doesn’t generally refer to the kind of passionate love affairs that you read about in romance novels. No. Someone usually gets hurt. Sometimes that someone is you.

This card refers to choices that must be considered, sacrifices that must be made, and consequences that must be accepted.

It can also refer to the union of polarities, as in the Mary-el version of the card.

The figures here are about as opposite as they can get: male and female, young and old, black and white. The female figure is strong and aloof, the male passive and vulnerable, Yet they flow together in an intimate embrace.

Even so, there’s an apparent emotional disconnect in this rendition. The female figure stares off into the distance while the males gazes downward.

November 2013 Tarot Scopes featuring Deviant Moon Tarot

Deviant Moon Tarot -- 2 of Pentacles

ARIES: This month you’re going to be weighing different options and opportunities as you work toward manifesting your goals. If you’re feeling pulled in different directions, you’ll be working on bringing the divergent areas of your life back into focus.

You may be juggling funds, career options, or even relationship choices, and are called upon now to find a middle ground. Moderation and balance are integral parts of satisfying the dual desires of this archetype.

In this version of the card, we see a Gypsy fortune-teller performing an exotic dance ritual under a crescent moon. Her movements are fluid and effortless; in fact she almost appears to be in a trance.

She holds a pentacle in each hand — the light of the moon balanced between them.

Pentacles relate to mundane areas and material concerns. Therefore you may find yourself juggling funds this month, or you may be torn between saving it up and spending it on something you just don’t need.

You could also be trying to decide whether to make a major purchase or hold off on it until a later date. With Mercury retrograde until the 10th, your best bet is to hold off.

I always liked the idea of “one hand feeding the other” with this card: you don’t want to put all your eggs in one basket as you risk coming up empty handed. It’s best to keep some of your options afloat, until you’re clearer about the direction you want to go.


Ask the Tarot: Where is this Relationship Heading?

One of the most common questions that psychics, astrologers and tarot readers are asked is: ”Where is my relationship heading?” This usually comes in the early days of a new relationship, when things are still relatively undefined — but can also come later on in established relationships, after there’ve been a few bumps in the road.

There are so many nuances to this question — just as many as there are to any given relationship, but if you distill it down to its purest essence, the answer to that question boils down to three things: what person A is bringing to the table; what person B is bringing to the table, and the “table” (i.e., relationship) itself.

The Temperance Card — Finding your Center


So many of us struggle with finding balance in our lives, whether it’s between head and heart, career and family, or material vs. spiritual progress, etc.

The Temperance card encourages us first and foremost to seek that balance and to find our personal “Center.”

In the Archeon Tarot, we see an angelic figure: youthful, graceful and innocent.

She stands watch over two totem animals, a lamb and a tiger.

She appears to be tending equally to both of her charges.

The lamb represents peace, harmony and gentility.

The tiger represents passion, strength and a wild ferocity.

Her manner of tending them is different for each.

She keeps a cautious hand above the tiger at all times while watching over the docile lamb.

She maintains her sense of balance and equilibrium, all the while staying present in the moment.

Ask yourself in what ways taming the inner beast and activating the inner lamb can most benefit you now?

Mars in Virgo — Oct 15, 2013-Dec 7, 2013

Mars moved into Virgo today. Mars represents energy, action, drive and assertion – in other words what we are compelled to “do” (among many other things). Virgo is analytical, efficient, productive and resourceful.

In this context, the Mars in Virgo energy is all about making yourself useful, putting your energy into helping others and making the world a better place.

If you were born with Mars in Virgo, you’re probably very detail-oriented and precise. You may not be organized, but you’re always organizing. Making lists: “things to do today;” refining and perfecting your surroundings; and pitching in to help others wherever you may see yourself as useful.

There are never enough hours in the day for Mars in Virgo people. They can’t really sit still: they have to be doing something all the time – usually two or three things at a time.

They’re good with facts and figures, have a great eye for detail and are quick to point out where improvements can be made.

Ace of Wands — Following your Bliss

Ace of Wands - Thoth


Follow your bliss.
If you do follow your bliss,
you put yourself on a kind of track
that has been there all the while waiting for you,
and the life you ought to be living
is the one you are living.
When you can see that, you begin to meet people
who are in the field of your bliss,
and they open the doors to you.
I say, follow your bliss and don’t be afraid,
and doors will open where you didn’t know
they were going to be.
If you follow your bliss, doors will open for you
that wouldn’t have opened for anyone else.

                          ~ Joseph Campbell

Venus in Sagittarius — Oct 7, 2013 – Nov 5, 2013

Jude Law

Venus enters Sagittarius today! If you were lucky enough to be born with this Venus, you’re probably generous, vivacious, outgoing and expansive.

You’re known for being up-beat and optimistic, always seeing the glass as half-full, and always up for a good time.

Venus represents “love” among other things. Sagittarius is related to personal growth and expansion, travel, religion, philosophy, higher education and ideas.

Venus in Sagittarius people tend to love all of these things, even though they’re prone to engage in heated debates about them. They tend to be spontaneous, adventurous and happy-go-lucky.

They say what’s on their mind and in their heart — often at the most inappropriate times! They’re know for putting their feet in their mouths,but are usually very good natured. They can laugh at themselves and can take a joke, as long as it’s told without malice.