June 2013 Monthly Horoscope

June 3013 Monthly Horoscope

Happy Birthday Gemini! Here are some highlights for the month ahead:

Lunations: The New Moon this month is on June 8th at 18° Gemini.

The Full Moon takes place on June 23rd at 2° Capricorn.

Retrogrades: Neptune goes retrograde on June 7th at 5° Pisces. Chiron goes retrograde on June 16th at 13° Pisces.

Mercury goes retrograde on June 26th at 23° Cancer. Saturn and Pluto are both retrograde for the entire month of June.

Ingresses: Venus moves into Cancer on June 2nd.  The Sun enters Cancer on June 21st. Jupiter enters Cancer on June 25th. Venus enters Leo on June 27th.


May 2013 Tarot Scopes featuring the Mary-El Tarot

ARIES: 7 of Disks

This month your values are likely to be tested.

You may be presented with several different opportunities — none of which are ideal, and most of which require you to make sacrifices you’re not prepared to make.

A “get rich quick” scheme or opportunity that seems too good to be true are just two examples.

If you look at the imagery in this card, you can see that both paths lead to the same point on the horizon.

One requires you to carry a heavier load, but the riches at the end are more plentiful. The other path is lighter, but leads to a less bountiful outcome.

You’ll have to keep your eye on the prize — and remember that all that glitters is not gold — if you want to navigate this next chapter toward the best possible conclusion.

Don’t be tempted by detours or shortcuts: the end result depends on both your willingness to stay on track and your refusal to compromise your principles.

April 2013 Monthly Horoscope

April 2013 Monthly Horoscope

June 2013 Monthly Horoscope -- Aries
You should be in fine form this month, with five planets moving through your sign. The Sun aspects Venus and Jupiter on the 1st, paving the way for social and romantic opportunities. Remember that these require a lot more give and take than you’re probably used to: you’re going to have to curb some of those Arian impulses if you want to make the most of these aspects. Your relationship rulers come together on the 7th, followed by the New Moon in Aries on the 10thYou’ve got so much potential here to start something new, or to revitalize a current connection. You’ll get the green light to “go for it” – whatever the elusive “it” may be – on the 13th. But the most powerful aspect for you this month occurs on the 17th when the Sun and Mars come together in your sign.These two planets are dignified in Aries: the Sun through exaltation and Mars through rulership. Consider this an added Aries boon and use it as a springboard for success. You don’t have to prove anything to anyone, least of all you. But this month you’re able to show the world what you’re made of — and in doing so can surpass even your own expectations.

Moon in Aries: April 8, 9 and 10

Soulmate Relationships: The Truth about Venus and Mars

soulmate relationships

There’s been a lot of press about the roles of Venus and Mars in soulmate relationships, but what exactly does that mean in the true astrological context?

Are these two planets the primary indicators of relationship compatibility, or are they just one small part of what makes up a good connection between partners?

Venus and Mars are actually relatively minor factors for determining relationship compatibility, and are rarely “karmic indicators.” They’re good for determining attraction (by sign) but little else.

They’re usually present when there are strong sexual sparks or chemistry at the onset of a relationship, but don’t say much about exclusivity, longevity or commitment.

In the coming weeks, we’ll delve into Venus and Mars from a deeper, more comprehensive perspective. If you’d like to read more about how these planetary energies are expressed for men specifically, you can check out this companion piece: Men are from Mars (and Venus): Astrology, Men and Love.

March 2013 Tarot Scopes featuring the Mythic Tarot

ARIES: Nine of Swords

You may be tossing and turning in your sleep this month; stressing over concerns that seem to have no resolution.

This card speaks of our tendencies to magnify problems, often making them out to be worse than they are.

You’ll need to learn to step back from intrusive thoughts and fears before they escalate into full-on panic. This doesn’t mean you should ignore your problems: that may be what’s gotten you into your predicament in the first place.

You’ll have to confront your fears head-on if you’re ever going to conquer them. You may have to look at where you’ve made mountains out of molehills or have been your own worst enemy.

You may have contributed to your problems, as responsibilities that have been avoided could very well be coming back to haunt you now. But it’s also important to forgive yourself for past mistakes and work on putting them behind you.


February 2013 Monthly Horoscope

February 2013 Horoscope

June 2013 Monthly Horoscope -- Aries

Your relationship rulers both change signs at the start of the month: Mars moves into Pisces and Venus moves into Aquarius. As a result you’ll be shifting gears in your relationship – whether you’re prepared for it or not. If you’re not currently involved, you can expect someone new and “different” to make an appearance. Someone who’s the antithesis of your usual “type” and who can bring a whole new perspective to your relationship landscape. If you’re already involved, you’re likely to see changes in your partner that you’ll have to deal with. A series of transits between the 8th and the 13th bring conflicts to the forefront, but also provide you with the tools that are necessary to resolve them. The Moon in your sign on the 12th offers you a fresh start, while Venus moving into your 12th house (the sector related to self-undoing) can bring temptations into the picture that can threaten the stability of your current situation. Are you going to move forward in your relationship or decide to call it a day? The outcome is more in your hands than you know.

Moon in Aries: Feb 12, 13, 14, 15

Ask the Astrologers: Surviving a Breakup


What happens when one person moves on from a failed relationship while the other is still holding on?

This question relates to a long-standing relationship that ended “abruptly” — or did it?

There were astrological themes shifting into place for some time before the actual breakup.

But as we look at the underlying relationship needs for both of the individuals involved, we can see that while  they might have been in sync at one time, that was no longer the case.

Facing that reality is not only the first step toward healing but also ultimately toward closure.

January 2013 Tarot Scopes featuring the Thoth Tarot


You’ll have the opportunity to re-invent yourself this month and to achieve equilibrium in your relationships.

You can turn something negative into something positive by striving for balance, harmony and composure.

This is a powerful card. It relates to the alchemical process of turning lead into gold. You can activate this concept personally by embracing that which has been resisted or denied and working to transform it.

This card is called “Art” (Temperance, in some decks). It speaks of seeking out symmetry.

It speaks of finding a middle-ground. In what areas of your life are you too inflexible, too rigid and too unwilling to hear another’s point of view?

Your challenge will be to overcome those impediments and to integrate the opposing forces in your life.


December 2012 Monthly Horoscope

December 2012 Monthly Horoscope

June 2013 Monthly Horoscope -- AriesYou’ll be rolling with the big dogs this month, thanks to some powerful planetary lineups affecting both your career and financial sectors.  Your ruler (Mars) and Pluto are elevated and moving through your professional sector from the beginning of the month.  You may feel like you’re under greater public scrutiny, but you should come out smelling like a rose — as these planets are both well placed and well aspected for the better part of the month.  Mercury, Venus, Saturn and the North Node are all moving through your 8th house – the area related to sex, death, joint resources and personal transformation. You’ll likely have dealings with each of these areas throughout the month, but these are also favorably aspected.  This is a better time for saving and investing than it is for spending, even in the midst of the Holiday season. A message from afar comes on the 10th, followed by good news on the 15th. You’re also in line for some recognition in the work-force closer to the 21st. All in all this month should be favorable for you professionally so work on manifesting your career aspirations as you prepare for the year ahead.

 Moon in Aries:  Dec 20, 21, 22

October 2012 Monthly Horoscope

October 2012 Horoscope

June 2013 Monthly Horoscope -- AriesYou’ll be feeling both restless and adventuresome this month, starting on the first with (still) full moon in your sign, and gaining momentum through the 7th when your ruler (Mars)  moves into Sagittarius. This should be a dynamic period for you, rife with travel and personal expansion. You’ll be flying high and looking out over so many unexplored vistas. You don’t want to get reckless; there are a couple days (namely the 7th and 28th) where having your head in the clouds could cause you to become careless or accident prone.  Venus (your relationship ruler) moves in Virgo on the 3rd, forming an opposition to Neptune.  You or your partner may become disillusioned, or one of you (most likely you) may express a need to break free. This can also apply to casual relationships and love-interests – where you wake up and realize that you’re no longer on the same page.  The Moon moves back into your sign on the 26th, and Venus enters your relationship sector a day later. Hold off on making important decisions until that time: while you may want to spread your wings this month, you won’t want to do it at the expense of your relationship.

 Moon in Aries:  Oct 1, 26, 27, 28 and 29

August 2012 Monthly Horoscope

August 2012 Monthly Horoscope


March 21 – April 20 

You won’t have to worry about being lonely this month, with the Sun moving through your house of romance and the full moon taking place (on the 1st) in your house of friendships. If anything, you’re going to have to figure out which is more important so that you can prioritize the time you spend with others. Your ruling planet (Mars) spends most of the month in your relationship sector. But it’s not “happy” there: it’s debilitated by both sign and house. You’ll be navigating through your share of relationship challenges – most likely related to how little time you’re devoting to those who need it most. Everything comes to a head on the 15th when Mars conjuncts Saturn. You’ll have to “man up” (or “woman up”) and meet those challenges head on. Saturn demands your complete attention so don’t try to ignore or avoid. By the 23rd, when Mars moves into Scorpio, things should be falling back into place. You’ll be glad you took the time to resolve your relationship issues and gotten back on the same page as your loved ones.

Moon in Aries: Aug 5, 6, 7 and 8

Ask the Astrologers: Recovering from a Betrayal


Can two people who are madly in love get past what some consider the ultimate betrayal?

The “love planets” — Venus, Mars and personal relationship rulers all paint a picture that can help to determine whether a relationship can be saved:

Dear Melodie;

My girlfriend confessed that she’s been with her ex-lover since we became involved.

She swears she’ll never do anything like this again and I’ve forgiven her, but I don’t know if I can trust her now. It feels like such a betrayal.