Mercury goes retrograde again on June 7, 2014 which means we are all in for another period of communication disharmony. Its time to steady yourself and get ready for another journey through the “many” things that can go wrong during this period… or right if you perhaps choose to handle it in a different way.
Hence today’s tarotscope image of the Five of Swords which may be something you would like to come back to and focus on if things get too out of hand for you.
Mercury goes retrograde at 3°10′ Cancer on June 7 and proceeds its retrograde journey until it reaches Gemini on June 17 at which point you should feel a change in the energy.
The first part of Mercury’s retrograde in Cancer may find you wanting to hold onto your thoughts, feelings, ideas and not let go of them. It is not a good time to try to put all your cards on the table and hash something out with another person as you may find that you don’t have all the facts and could come of sorely from any argument you find yourself in. On the flip side… so could the other person.
So its about finding a balance, having a bit of patience and seeing this period through to when you may be able to get everything off your chest in a clear, concise and safe way without the risk of some part of this coming back to bite you in the future.
Mercury returns to Gemini on June 17. Mercury rules Gemini so is usually at home there. With Mercury retrograde in its own sign you may feel as if you are having a double dose of what that actually means. Words, correspondence, communication, thought processes may all start tumbling out and running together and perhaps not in a clear and concise way if you try to push too hard.
However, if you sit back for a bit and just allow things to happen around you it may end up that you have accomplished a great deal without even feeling as if you have put in any effort and this may be doubly true if you have any writing to do.
Mercury stations at 24°23′ Gemini on July 1, 2014, at which time it moves forward through the degrees of Gemini and Cancer until it comes again to the original 3°10′ Cancer on July 16. This gives you about 5 weeks of Mercury’s crazy influence on your life.
In line with the dualistic nature of Gemini (ruled by Mercury) today’s tarotscope — from the Yoga Tarot series (created by Massimiliano Filadoro, and Adriana Farina, a Lo Scarabeo deck published by Llewellyn), the Five of Swords shows an image of a yogi in opposing positions.
If you find yourself going from one extreme to the other at the drop of a hat or if things are not panning out the way you would like them take a leaf out of the message behind this image and try to bring yourself back into balance.
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