Weekly Astro Forecast — Oct 9, 2016 – Oct 15, 2016


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Astro Forecast for the week of Oct 9, 2016 – Oct 15, 2016:

We start this week with the Moon moving into first quarter phase (at 16 Capricorn 18′) on Sunday. This first-quarter Moon is closely conjunct Pluto, and will square Uranus before the day is through. This is a rather volatile signature, with the potential for power struggles and emotional confrontations exceedingly high.

Weekly Astro Forecast — Oct 2, 2016 – Oct 8, 2016


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Astro Forecast for the week of Oct 2, 2016 – Oct 8, 2016:

We start the week on Sunday with Mercury opposite Chiron and inconjunct Uranus, while Neptune inconjuncts the Sun and sextiles Venus. Starting with the Mercury aspects: as Mercury is the planet that rules thoughts, ideas and communications, this combination can be particularly tricky.

The Chiron opposition can see you feeling inadequate or wallowing in self-pity. It can also leave you susceptible to deception — including your own. Don’t get caught up in drama and don’t let your compassion for others cloud your thinking.

Weekly Astro Forecast — Sept 18, 2016 – Sept 24, 2016


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Astro Forecast for the week of Sept 18, 2016 – Sept 24, 2016:

Coming on the heels of last week’s stressful planetary activity, this week starts with one somewhat difficult aspect — a Venus / Uranus opposition — and then follow up with a few more favorable transits through the remainder of the week.

Weekly Astro Forecast — Sept 11, 2016 – Sept 17, 2016


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Astro Forecast for the week of Sept 11, 2016 – Sept 17, 2016:

We’ve got a busy and somewhat volatile week ahead of us, with the personal planets all interacting with one another — for better or worse — as well as a Full Moon / Lunar Eclipse.

We start with a Venus Pluto square on Sunday. This can be a stressful aspect as far as relationships are concerned, especially if there’s been tension brewing for you and your partner / love interest in recent weeks. Venus and Pluto in hard aspect can intensify emotional responses and is known to produce some very unsavory reactions. Like jealousy, obsession, suspicion and paranoia.

Weekly Astro Forecast — Sept 4, 2016 – Sept 10, 2016


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Astro Forecast for the week of September 4, 2016 – September 10, 2016:

We start the week with the Sun conjuncting the North Node at 12° Virgo on Sunday.  This aspect can bring someone new into your life who turns out to play a meaningful role. Particularly in terms of self-actualization or individuation. As the Nodes are said to be karmic in nature, this person may not be “new” at all, but have strong past life ties.

The Sun/ North Node contact can also describe a change in direction as far as your social relationships are concerned. Aligning yourself with a different group of people or inviting new friends into your circle for example.

Weekly Astro Forecast — August 21, 2016 – August 27, 2016


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Astro Forecast for the week of August 21, 2016 – August 27, 2016:

This week is loaded with planetary activity, with the Sun changing signs and four major aspects completing before the week is through. We start with the Moon in Aries and the Sun at 29 Leo — an anaretic degree which is also conjunct the fixed star Regulus — on Sunday

Weekly Astro Forecast — August 14, 2016 – August 20, 2016


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Astro Forecast for the week of August 14, 2016 – August 20, 2016:

Love and relationship issues are at the forefront this week, with several Venus aspects taking center stage. We start with a Venus / Neptune opposition on Sunday. This can be a difficult aspect, with the planet representing love and beauty at odds with the planet that represents idealism and hope. And because Venus is in Virgo (the sign of its Fall) and Neptune is in Pisces (the sign it rules), Neptune is likely to prevail.

Weekly Astro Forecast — August 7, 2016 – August 13, 2016


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Astro Forecast for the week of August 7, 2016 – August 13, 2016:

This week starts on Sunday with quite a bit of planetary tension, featuring hard aspects between Mercury and Neptune, Mars and Venus, and the Sun and Pluto. Starting with Mercury and Neptune, an opposition between these two planets can make you susceptible to misunderstandings and self-deception.

Weekly Astro Forecast — July 31, 2016 – August 6, 2016


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Astro Forecast for the week of July 31, 2016 – August 6, 2016:

We start this week on Sunday, with Mars at the last degree of Scorpio as it prepares to move back into Sagittarius, where it went retrograde this past April. The 29th degree is referred to as an “anaretic degree,” which is said to be fated. As Mars co-rules Scorpio (along with Pluto) it’s said to be dignified there, and is made all the more powerful by its placement in Scorpio’s final degree.

Weekly Astro Forecast — July 24, 2016 – July 30, 2016


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Astro Forecast for the week of July 24, 2016 – July 30, 2016:

Venus and Pluto are involved in an uncomfortable aspect — an inconjunct — as we start the week on Sunday. The inconjunct to Pluto forces us to re-evaluate our relationship with deep-seated fears and desires and find a way to reconcile them with our personal realities.