Weekly Astro Forecast — April 3, 2016 – April 9, 2016


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Astro Forecast for the week of April 3, 2016 – April 9, 2016:

This week starts with a reasonably well-aspected Moon in Aquarius on Sunday. It sextiles Mars, the Sun and Saturn before the day is through. These planets all work well together, with the Moon in innovative, unconventional Aquarius, Mars and Saturn in expansive, optimistic Sagittarius and the Sun and in fiery, dynamic Aries.

Weekly Astro Forecast — Mar 27, 2016 – April 2, 2016


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Astro Forecast for the week of Mar 27, 2016 – April 2, 2016:

We start the week on Sunday with a Moon in Scorpio sextiling Pluto and trining Venus. The Moon is debilitated in Scorpio but works very well with these transits — joining the planets that relate to love and sex with the Moon’s natural inclination toward closeness and intimacy.

Weekly Astro Forecast — Mar 20, 2016 – Mar 26, 2016


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Astro Forecast for the week of Mar 20, 2016 – Mar 26, 2016:

We start this week with the Sun moving into Aries on Sunday — marking onset of the Vernal Equinox and the first day of Spring. The Sun in Aries signals a time to come alive and see the world through brand new eyes. It’s a time for embracing life fully, without fear or trepidation.

Weekly Astro Forecast — Mar 13, 2016 – Mar 19, 2016


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Astro Forecast for the week of Mar 13, 2016 – Mar 19, 2016:

This week starts with the Moon in sensuous, calm, mellow Taurus making favorable aspects to just about everything else. This could shape up to be a lazy Sunday morning where you decide to sleep in or just hang out in your pjs all day, especially since the Moon goes void around 10 am.

Weekly Astro Forecast — Mar 6, 2016 – Mar 12, 2016


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Astro Forecast for the week of Mar 6, 2016 – Mar 12, 2016:

This week starts with Mars moving into Sagittarius and the Sun squaring Saturn on Sunday. Mars in Sagittarius is up for almost anything. It’s adventurous and spontaneous, and ready to jump in and try something new at a moment’s notice.

March 2016 Monthly Horoscopes


Happy Birthday Pisces!  Here are the astrological highlights for March 2016

Lunations: Moon Phases for the entire month. This month’s New Moon is a total Solar Eclipse which falls on March 9th at 1:54am at 19° Pisces 55″.  The Full Moon is a Lunar Penumbral (Appulse) Eclipse which falls on March 23rd at 12:00pm at 3° Libra 17″.

Retrogrades: Saturn turns retrograde on March 25th at 16° Sagittarius 24″. Jupiter is retrograde for the entire month of March.

Ingresses: Mercury enters Pisces on March 5th. Mars enters Sagittarius on March 6th, on January 2nd. Venus enters Pisces on March 12th.The Sun enters Aries on March 20th. Mercury enters Aries on March 22nd.

Weekly Astro Forecast — Feb 28, 2016 – Mar 5, 2016


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Astro Forecast for the week of Feb 28, 2016 – Mar 5, 2016:

We start the week with a Sun / Neptune conjunction in Pisces on Sunday. This aspect can see you feeling inspired to make your dreams a reality or it can see you escaping into a world of fantasy and delusion. It’s a highly receptive aspect that may see you lacking in boundaries but full of creative potential and Utopian ideals.

Weekly Astro Forecast — Feb 21, 2016 – Feb 27, 2016


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Astro Forecast for the week of Feb 21, 2016 – Feb 27, 2016:

This week starts with a Gibbous Moon on Sunday in warm, dynamic, creative Leo. It trines Saturn and Uranus and then squares Mars. The Moon in Leo represents a time for feeling good about yourself and for expressing creative drives. It’s good for strutting your stuff and letting your love light shine.

Weekly Astro Forecast — Feb 14, 2016 – Feb 20, 2016


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Astro Forecast for the week of Feb 14, 2016 – Feb 20, 2016:

Happy Valentine’s Day (and week!). The week starts out with a dignified Moon in Taurus on Sunday that makes harmonious aspects to both Jupiter and Venus before it’s done. Keep these in mind because they’re good romance transits and can hopefully balance out some of the more difficult aspects (a square to the Sun and an opposition to Mars).

Weekly Astro Forecast — Feb 7 – Feb 13, 2016


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Astro Forecast for the week of Feb 7, 2016 – Feb 13, 2016:

This is a busy week with lots of planetary activity and fortunately most of it very harmonious. We start with a Venus / Mars sextile on Sunday, which brings love and romance to the forefront. This transit is all about going with the flow and staying in sync with your loved ones. It’s good for attracting new people into your life and for collaborating rather than putting up resistance.

Weekly Astro Forecast — Jan 24 – Jan 30, 2016


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Astro Forecast for the week of Jan 24, 2016 – Jan 30, 2016:

This week starts with a Full Moon at 3° Leo 29″ on Sunday. The Leo Full Moon is all about honor, dignity, pride and integrity. It’s a warm, generous, creative and expressive energy that may see you feeling more confident about yourself and more indulgent of loved ones. This Full Moon is called the “Wolf Moon” in Native American traditions, and is sometimes referred to as the Old Moon, even though it’s the first Full Moon of the year.

Weekly Astro Forecast — Jan 17 – Jan 23, 2016


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Astro Forecast for the week of Jan 17, 2016 – Jan 23, 2016:

This week starts with a Void of Course Aries Moon on Sunday, which moves into Taurus in the early morning hours. It opposes Mars and sextiles Neptune late in the afternoon. The opposition to Mars can be temperamental, but because it’s in Taurus and is so closely sextile to Neptune, this should be a relatively mellow day. It’s a good day to lounge around the house, listening to music, baking, decorating, and — depending on where in the world you are located — landscaping and gardening. These are all Taurus Moon activities, with the idea of comfort, luxury, and getting in touch with nature and the earth being the corresponding theme.