Nov 2014 Tarot Scopes featuring the Gypsy Palace Tarot

King of Swords

ARIES: King of Swords

This month you’re likely to be thinking more about doing business and finding your place in the world than anything else.

With a line-up of planets moving through your 8th house — the area associated with joint resources and other people’s money — as well as Mars (your ruler) joining Pluto in your public sector, the focus is going to be more on career and professional achievements.

The King of Swords is all about power and authority. Success, Accomplishment. Strategy. Intelligence. You’ll have all of these things at your fingertips and should be taking advantage of them — particularly in the first two weeks of the month.

This is a time for putting your ideas out there — verbally or in writing — and communicating them to others. It’s not the time for ambivalence or uncertainty.

Look at the King in this card. He’s a bit more colorful and flamboyant than we’re using to seeing with the King of Swords. He’s usually rather stoic and somber.

But this whimsical version is just spirited enough to capture the dynamic and playful Uranus in Aries transit you’re dealing with and just dignified enough to capture the Mars in Capricorn transit you’ve got moving through your 10th house.

This King says you can have the best of both worlds. It doesn’t have to be all work and no play. And you won’t get anywhere if it’s all play and no work.

Sept 2014 Tarot Scopes featuring the Tarot of Delphi

Tarot of Delphi -- the Sun

ARIES: The Sun

This month should see you feeling a sense of satisfaction and contentment over recent accomplishments.

The Sun card is traditionally associated with vitality, warmth and a sense of feeling particularly “alive.” But in this version the focus is just as much on taking care of yourself and manifesting that vitality through soaking in the Sun’s rays and recharging your batteries.

The Sun, Mercury and Venus all move through your 6th house this month — the area associated with work and with self-improvement, which includes your physical and mental well-being. Rest and relaxation is just as essential to that process as are work and productivity.

The “Sun” in this card appears to be setting. It casts its rays onto the ocean in the background, shining across the surface like molten gold.

The image of the woman sleeping comfortably without a worry in the world perfectly captures the essence of the Sun. There’s a sense of effortlessness that’s associated with this card, even as the world keeps on turning around you.

Your ruler (Mars) moves into Sag this month (on the 13th) and into your 9th house — the area associated with personal growth and expansion. After that point there will be plenty of time to spread your wings and fly.

Ask the Tarot: Is That all There Is?

ask the tarot

We received the following question from a reader who has questions about her marriage:

My name is Sage (not real name) and I am married and I am constantly struggling to know if I made the right choice in marrying him. I often feel there is more for me or a better match. And while my husband is great, loving devoted and financially supportive I am not sure I can stay for the rest of my life with him and have kids with him…

I am not sure what information you need but I want to know if I am deep down destined to be with someone else or if I have found the person I am meant to be with and I should just live my life with them. Please help me I am a bit of an emotional mess.

July 2014 Tarot Scopes featuring the Tarot of the Zirkus Magi

Tarot of the Zirkus Magi -- the Lovers

ARIES: The Lovers

Relationships and relationship issues are going to be hands down the biggest area of focus for you this month.

That doesn’t mean it’s going to be easy. But what it does mean — with Mars (your ruler) moving through your relationship sector and in hard aspect to both Pluto and Uranus — is that it should be “interesting” at the very least.

The Lovers card brings all of your relationship issues to the forefront. The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. It refers to decisions that must be made — sometimes between two lovers, and sometimes between love and something else — as well as all the temptations, fixations and complications that are a part of that elusive and intoxicating mystery we call Love.

If you’re dealing with challenges in your own relationship, it may just be a matter of getting out of your own way. You don’t want to be creating problems where there are none to begin with. If you’re just now discovering that Love is not all it’s cracked up to be, join the crowd. You would do well though to put your own needs, expectations and agendas aside.

Check out the figures in this card. Who would have thought the Clown and the Bearded Lady could portray such a fantastic representation of Love? Yet all the pieces are there. The comfort, the closeness, the intimacy — even the whole world fading into the background behind them — are all beautifully rendered here. The angel statue blesses their union from above and who are we to question it?

Ask the Tarot: Second Time Around

Second Time Around

A client wants to know about a relationship that ended a few years back. It started, faltered and then fizzled out over the course of a year, without ever fully developing into the serious, committed relationship that my client was interested in.

Since January, their relationship has been “back on” again, after several different transitions (from periods of not speaking at all to attempts to maintain the connection as a friendship only, with a few ‘casual’ hookups in between).

Now though things seem to be moving forward again. And my client — Melissa — is curious about how this plays out in their cards and charts.

Ask the Astrologers: Should I Stay or Should I Go?

What can astrology tell us about the prospects for happiness with different relationship partners? By looking at the connections between natal charts and composite  charts, can we determine who we’re better suited for in a long-term capacity?

That’s the question we’re looking at today. A client (we’ll call her Elizabeth) wrote in asking about her connections to two different men.

The first one is her husband (whom we’ll call John). She’s been married to him for more than 10 years although for the most part she’s been unhappy. The other is a friend (whom we’ll call Mark) who she’s developed strong feelings for over the course of  the last few years, although she’s never acted on them.

Ask the Astrologers: Why Do I Keep Running?

running away from love

A client — whom we’ll call Julie — wrote in asking about a man (whom we’ll call Patrick) that she’s been involved with for several months. The relationship has been seriously compromised by her pattern of running away — or pushing him away — and then agonizing over having done so until they get back together.

By her own admission, she’s never felt this way about anyone. Yet every time things start to settle into a comfortable rhythm, and seemingly every time there’s even the smallest hint of a problem, off she goes again.

He’s done a bit of pulling away himself. He doesn’t “run” per se. Instead he disconnects emotionally from time to time. But because the two of them can’t seem to get into sync, she wrote asking for an astrological perspective into this dynamic.

Because her email contained so many personal details I decided not to include it here. But this her main concern.

Ask the Tarot: Is it Time to Move on?

Ask the Tarot: is it time to move on?

My client came to me with a question that I hear all too often. A relationship that’s hit a road block and seems impossible to repair, despite both people still professing love for one another.

In this case though, it’s far more complicated.  Not only are they married, but they have a small child — less than 2 years old.

I want to preface this article with my views on this type of question, as as I explained to her: while I can tell her exactly what I see, in the end I wouldn’t trust such an important decision on the tarot alone and neither should she. I advised her to seek counseling and think long and hard about this before coming to any concrete decision.

Ask the Tarot: Should I Change Careers?

change careers

This installment relates to a client who came in faced with a major and potentially life-altering question: “Should I change careers?” He’s currently working as a software developer for a large firm and already has a bit of an online presence.

But he wanted to know if taking a giant leap of faith and launching his own business (doing something similar but working entirely for himself from home) would be a good move.

While I usually like to pose questions exactly as they’re presented to me, in this instance I rephrased it and asked the following: “What would be the result of Will* quitting his job and launching his own business from home?”

Ask the Tarot: Will My Lover Return?

This past August, my client Karen* was blind-sided (her words) by a breakup with her long-term lover Paul.*

They had been together for six years and had discussed marriage. But she started to feel him pulling away after a business trip in the summer and even went so far as to accuse him of having an affair. It turns out her instincts were right. Paul is now seeing the other woman and Karen is struggling with the emotional backlash.

While she’s still reeling from the breakup, and still dealing with a variety of uncomfortable emotions (feeling angry, hurt, confused and betrayed), she realizes she still loves him.

Ask the Tarot: Where is this Relationship Heading?

One of the most common questions that psychics, astrologers and tarot readers are asked is: ”Where is my relationship heading?” This usually comes in the early days of a new relationship, when things are still relatively undefined — but can also come later on in established relationships, after there’ve been a few bumps in the road.

There are so many nuances to this question — just as many as there are to any given relationship, but if you distill it down to its purest essence, the answer to that question boils down to three things: what person A is bringing to the table; what person B is bringing to the table, and the “table” (i.e., relationship) itself.

Men are from Mars (and Venus): Astrology, Men and Love

We hear so much about men being “from Mars” — and in a lot of ways this is true, at least astrologically.

In general, they tend to relate more to their natal Mars positions and project their Venuses out onto the women (or male partners, if gay) in their lives.

This is in line with the Jungian concept of anima/animus (inner woman or inner man) projections that each of us embody. But this also tells us a great deal about what men are looking for in a mate.

A man’s natal Venus sign placement describes not only what he’s attracted to, but how he’s likely to conduct himself in relationship. It tells us how he expresses love and affection, how he receives love and affection from others, and how he relates to his partner in a one-on-one relationship.It tells what he’s looking for in a soulmate and how capable he is of investing himself emotionally in soulmate relationships.