Happy Birthday Pisces! Here are the astrological highlights for March 2016
Lunations: Moon Phases for the entire month. This month’s New Moon is a total Solar Eclipse which falls on March 9th at 1:54am at 19° Pisces 55″. The Full Moon is a Lunar Penumbral (Appulse) Eclipse which falls on March 23rd at 12:00pm at 3° Libra 17″.
Retrogrades: Saturn turns retrograde on March 25th at 16° Sagittarius 24″. Jupiter is retrograde for the entire month of March.
Ingresses: Mercury enters Pisces on March 5th. Mars enters Sagittarius on March 6th, on January 2nd. Venus enters Pisces on March 12th.The Sun enters Aries on March 20th. Mercury enters Aries on March 22nd.