March 2012 Horoscope

March 2012 Horoscope


The new moon on March 22 falls within your sign heralding the arrival of Spring for many of you. At this time both the Sun and Moon will be at the same degree in the sky along with the planets Mercury and Uranus. Expect anything and expect the unexpected! Communication may be hampered for you for most of this month and it would be wise to check and double check that all is in order there. Don’t go rushing in trying to fix anything within a relationship by expecting this will be a time you are heard… it could go completely wrong for you and the twists and turns that come out of it will may be beyond any “damage control” you can do.

Moon in Aries March 23, 24

February 2012 Monthly Horoscope

February 2012 Monthly Horoscope


March 21 – April 20 

This month the past and the present intersect for you in the form of unfinished business with a relationship partner. Whether this is someone literally from your past, or a current partner who wants to rehash old problems, you’ll be called upon to work toward resolution. You can make a lot of progress here – and even make a fresh start – beginning around the 8th when Venus moves into your sign and conjuncts Uranus. The full Moon is in your romance sector this month too. This can shed light on issues that need to be addressed in your personal life and can also force you to assess the roles that people play in your life. It’s not the best time to start a brand new relationship though – with Mars (your ruler) now retrograde, the focus is more on resolving the past than it is constructing the future.

Moon in Aries: Feb 23, 24, 25, 26

January 2012 Monthly Horoscope

January 2012 Horoscope


The new year sees you start with all good intentions… and a lot of these intentions are to do with your work. However, as the month progresses and Venus travels her path through your area of friendship and then spirituality you may find you are pulled back into your love life whether you like it or not. There is a pivotal point this month around January 22 when Mercury and Mars form a great aspect to really have your seen and heard at your workplace. Any plans you are thinking of to change your career direction are best left to this time. Do not wait till after January 24 when Mars turns retrograde and may scupper any ideas you have to move forward. Jupiter is in your area of security and stability for the next few months and this is a time when you can lay down plans to see you through times of upheaval with finances.

Moon in Aries January 1, 2, 29, 30

December 2011 Monthly Horoscope

December 2011 Monthly Horoscope


March 21 – April 20 

Right from the very beginning of the month you’ll be met with challenges in your relationships.  All three of your relationship rulers (Mars, Venus and the Sun) are involved in tense aspects until the 5th, which are likely to manifest as conflicts with friends and loved ones, and even those on the perimeters of your social circles.  Because you’re going through so many internal changes right now, others may have a hard time keeping up.  Your primary relationship will take the brunt of all this tension, and any thoughts you have about taking a break will be amplified around the 10th.  Just be sure you think about the repercussions before you make any serious decisions. Steps you take now and choices you make can have far-reaching consequences.

Moon in Aries:  Dec 3, 4, 5, 6

November 2011 Monthly Horoscope

November 2011 Monthly Horoscope


March 21 – April 20

You may have found October a bit hard going with things just that little bit out of your reach, however, November has a totally different feel to it for you.  Mercury and Venus will move into your area of freedom and adventure from November 3 and this spells a lot of  fun for you.  Mars is in your area of work from November 12 when you will have a lot more energy to put into your career.  Those of you born earlier in Aries may need to watch for a bit of a bumpy ride in the last week of the month when Venus enters Capricorn but for the most part this is a month where you can let your hair down and act as if life is meant for living and you mean to live it to the full.

Moon in Aries: November 7, 8, 9

October 2011 Monthly Horoscope

October 2011 Monthly Horoscope


March 21 – April 20

The urge to merge is especially strong for you this month, with a lineup of planets moving through both your romance and relationship sectors.   This can be good thing, if you’re single. If you’re already taken though you’ll want to be careful, although you can still whet your appetite for seduction by spicing things up with your existing partner. Nothing gets you fired up and raring to go like an all-out challenge – whether it’s chasing after a new conquest or fanning the flames in old one. Either way, you can expect fireworks to erupt in your relationships. Around the 14th or 15th a competing desire bubbles to surface, and you swing from pursuing your heart’s desires to asserting your independence. Important keywords for you this month are discipline, compromise, collaboration and balance.

Moon in Aries:  Oct 10, 11 12

September 2011 Monthly Horoscope

SSeptember 2011 Monthly Horoscope


March 21 – April 20 

You may be feeling a bit jittery this month with a lot of activity in your relationship area. Problem is you may feel you need to act quickly when in fact you may need to actually get your mind clear on what you want (or wish to say). Uranus is causing a bit of havoc for you just now as it in your own sign and whilst this may have been giving you flashes of insight recently it may now be that those insights were not what they used to be. Towards the end of the month relationship problems start to solidify for you and you have a more steadfast way forward as Saturn shines some wisdom on your heart.

Moon in Aries 13, 14 September

August 2011 Monthly Horoscope

August 2011 Monthly Horoscope


March 21 – April 20

Go easy on family members this month, as disagreements with those you’re closest to are likely to get personal. Misunderstandings abound: feathers can get ruffled and feelings can get hurt, especially around the 10th and 11th. Your ruler in hard aspect to Pluto during that time can set you on edge and make you more irritable and impatient than ever. You’ll make great strides in healing any rifts if you put yourself in someone else’s shoes and try to see things from their perspective. On the 16th, with the Moon in your sign and the Sun, Venus and Mercury moving through your romance sector, you can expect your love life to start heating up. You may rush headlong into a new relationship or fan the flames in an existing involvement. Just be careful not to neglect those who need your attention most.

Moon in Aries: Aug 16, 17, 18, 19

July 2011 Monthly Horoscope

July 2011 Monthly Horoscope

Aries: March 21 – April 20

Relationships are important to you this month and not just because Mars moves into that area of your chart on July 4 possibly causing you a few jitters and misunderstandings with someone close to you but also because there is a full moon in this area of your chart on July 3 which will highlight and bring to the fore any inconsistencies you have been experiencing with your partner. You will certainly not be without words to throw around if you are upset but you may wish to think a bit before you speak out especially early in the month.

Moon in Aries July 10, 11

June 2011 Monthly Horoscope

June 2011 Monthly Horoscope


March 21 – April 20

It’s time for you to let go of painful associations. You’ve probably been doing a fair job of weeding the dead wood out of your life in recent months anyway. But now with Uranus in your sign and Saturn changing direction in your relationship sector, you’ll be feeling a sense of urgency you hadn’t felt in the past. You may have been holding out and hoping that a partner would change, only to see that it’s you who’s changed. There’s no more room in your life for whatever’s been holding you back – and that includes people, material things, or outdated ideas. It’s out with the old and in with the new for you this month – as you prepare for the next chapter in your life.

Moon in Aries: June 23rd, 24th and 25th