The general cosmic mood is lightening up this month with Venus in its exaltation sign of feminine, mystical Pisces and Mercury now direct and conjunct Jupiter in air sign Aquarius.
This combination brings in ideas for artistic expression and beauty as well as many ideas for the practical improvement of life, for the many as opposed to just the few.
Mercury moves into the sign of Pisces on March 16th, where is shares the space with Venus and Neptune giving it a more artistic experience, even though Mercury is considered to be weak in Pisces. Make your big decisions before March 16th, if possible.
Mars moves from its detrimental placement in Taurus into Gemini on March 5th, which may scatter our energies as we will feel the release of pent-up desires over the last two months surging for expression.
Jupiter, in forward thinking air sign Aquarius, will help prioritize that expression from trivial to those of a more universal appeal. Mars breaks out of the entrapment of the north and south nodes placements on March 26th, which will free up more energy for progress in all ways.
Saturn moves from 8 degrees to 11 degrees of Aquarius, separating somewhat from the recent square to Uranus at 7 degrees of Taurus. They will continue that square dance throughout the year, meeting by exact square again in mid-June for their 2nd time and again for the final square in this act at the end of December, 2021.
Neptune keeps its cosmic vibe going in Pisces and gets a lovely kiss from transiting Venus from March 10th-18th. This is a great time for mystical inspiration as well as personal beauty enhancement or photography. Take advantage of that vibe of pleasure in any way that brings you joy!
Pluto moves a half degree at 26 Capricorn to 26.5 degrees. Transformation takes time, folks, we all know that but with all the planets in direct motion for the next 8 weeks, lots of progress can be made.