March 2020 Monthly Horoscopes by Jeanne

March 2025 monthly horoscopes

March has some very interesting planetary energy pairings beginning with Venus conjunct Uranus at 4 degrees of Taurus and the Sun conjunct Neptune at 18 degrees of Pisces on the 8th. That day and the three days leading up to it have a kind of a magical mystical mystery tour vibe if you ask me. Lovers, mystics and artists should have a very good time with it as the energy is wildly creative, romantic and exciting but everyone can enjoy it in some way as well.

Mercury goes direct on the 10th at 28 degrees of Aquarius. The minor speed bumps of the last three weeks will begin to straighten out through the end of the month. Don’t sweat the small stuff as it can always be corrected and many times the delays turn out to be of benefit in some way.

Mars is now cruising through its sign of exaltation, Capricorn, and is strong, competitive with a drive for achievement. You can definitely use this martial energy to accomplish things. It is primarily positive through the 20th when he joins up with Jupiter at 20 degrees of Capricorn. But after that, Mars gets into malefic and volatile territory when it meets up with Pluto on the 22nd.

February 2020 Monthly Horoscopes by Jeanne

There’s a lot going on this month, including the first Mercury retrograde of the year! The little dude does his apparent backwards dance from February 16th through March 9th, beginning at 12 degrees of Pisces and back to 28 degrees of Aquarius.

Mercury is considered weak in the sign of Pisces because it is opposite Virgo, a sign he rules. In Pisces, Mercury loses his precision focus and gets scattered. Be aware of this during the retrograde period and also when he moves forward over those degrees through the end of March. Mercury is in Pisces until April 12th, so this is a fairly long period of debility, almost 2 months!

Mercury is the conscious mind, the intellect, how we communicate, short trips and mechanical objects. We all have our Mercury Rx stories and while this time can be annoying it is not devastating or to be feared. Any planetary retrograde period is a time to do things over, review progress and revise action. Things generally work themselves out as he begins forward motion again.

Venus is transiting Pisces, her sign of exaltation, through February 8 and then she enters Aries, a sign of her debility because it is opposite Libra, a sign she rules. She is still highly visible in southwestern sky after sunset. Check out that luminous brilliance while you can. May all beings be blessed by this vision.

January 2020 Monthly Horoscopes by Jeanne

Happy New Year! 2020 begins with a nice connection of Mercury with Jupiter, signifying many new ideas for plans, goals, optimism and hope. People from the past could be contacting you between the 4th and the 8th as Mercury and Jupiter connect with the south node. See who shows up for you and what they have to say. It is always interesting when this happens.

The full Moon Lunar eclipse at 20 degrees of Cancer/Capricorn on the 10th changes the dynamic a bit as it is very close to the Saturn Pluto conjunction, which will have a big effect for change in the world.  This may be a rough month to endure as there will be world events that will trigger fear, anger and suspicion in most people. Do your best to remain proactive and positive while double checking your sources for accurate information.

The next 3 months have a lot of volatility for political chaos, earth changes and weather events because of the planetary aspects involved. On January 12th we have Mercury, Sun, Saturn and Pluto all together at 22 degrees of Capricorn making for a rather repressive day followed by Mars making an inconjunct aspect to the north node which can be some kind of power move or explosive event.

The 23rd has the balsamic Moon in conjunction with Saturn and Pluto followed by a new Moon on the 24th. The reflected light of the Moon will return after its dark phase. It’s a good time for your spiritual practices to take a prominent place in your life. With these difficult planetary aspects it is not a positive week to start a new venture or begin a relationship.

The 27th offers a lighter aspect with Venus conjunct Neptune, which has an artistic and inspirational vibration as Venus is in her sign of exaltation, Pisces. Then Mars comes along the next day to square Neptune, which can be an aspect of delusion or deception. This is like being smitten by someone so wonderful on the internet and then being totally disappointed by the reality when you meet them in person. A real wtf was I thinking moment. This month will test us all so remain constant with your spiritual practices and ability to remain centered.

Not to spoil the plot but the year 2020 ends with the grand conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in Capricorn, then still conjunct and moving into Aquarius. This grand conjunction happens approximately every 20 years so it ushers in a big cultural trend/change. The last time it happened in the sign of Capricorn was in February 1961. Better things are ahead!

Read Rising sign and Sun sign for best information:

December 2019 Monthly Horoscopes by Jeanne

December Horoscopes

We have some interesting new vibrations coming in this month as Mercury, Venus and Jupiter change signs and all the planets are traveling between Scorpio and Taurus this month so half of the zodiac signs are empty. Not to mention we have the winter solstice, an eclipse on Christmas and only a degree of separation between the rather harsh planets of Saturn and Pluto by month’s end. That is a whole bunch of change, folks, so buckle up as it may be a bumpy transition.

Mercury clears the degree of its recent retrograde phase on 12/7 so things that went awry during the Rx time can still be cleared up. Mercury enters Sagittarius on 12/9 and stays in the sign of its detriment through 12/28 so be aware that your decision-making ability may be flawed during this time.

Venus transits the practical sign of Capricorn until 12/21. It is a challenging time for Venus as she makes contact with the south node on the 2nd. This could bring in contact from relationships of the past so think carefully before you agree before deepening a connection with that person. Is it moving you backward or forward in your life?

November 2019 Monthly Horoscopes by Jeanne

November Horoscope

The month begins with a retrograde Mercury in Scorpio. Whoopie! The gauntlet for going deeper and revealing the truth of things has been thrown by the cosmic forces that be. Show up, tell the truth and go deep within yourself to make the most of this transit. People will be hypersensitive to criticism so go easy with your words.

Mercury will go direct on November 20 at 11º Scorpio 38’. This one could get pretty intense, just sayin’. The little dude is close to Venus until the 3rd, making it all rather pleasant and civilized. Venus goes into Sagittarius on the 2nd and they separate as Mercury retros and Venus moves forward.

It gets more intense after that as transiting Mars in Libra squares transiting Pluto in Capricorn. This is an explosive aspect with a potential for nasty confrontations and outcomes. Avoid volatile people and watch your back in unfamiliar surroundings. Jupiter, the planet of optimism, right action and justice, moves between 23 degrees and 29 degrees of Sagittarius, and is aspecting the Galactic Center between November 15-21. This coincides with Mercury going direct on the 20th and Mars entering Scorpio on the 20th as well. The truth of the matter does get revealed as the month unfolds.

October 2019 Monthly Horoscopes by Jeanne

October Horoscopes

The month begins with Pluto going into direct motion on October 3rd at 20º Capricorn 38’. Pluto is the slowest moving known planet in our solar system and will proceed to 20º Capricorn 49’ at the end of the month.

This degree was transited by Pluto in the first week of January 2019 so there is a transformative cycle that culminates this month for people whose charts (heads up to anyone with major chart points and planets at 20º of cardinal signs) are directly impacted by this transit.

Pluto transits are not easy and usually require us to encounter dark energies that facilitate a breakdown to breakthrough kind of transformation. Mercury will be in the sign of Libra through the 4th and then enter the sign of Scorpio, where it will spend two months before going into its retrograde cycle on October 31 at 27º Scorpio. Secrets will be revealed to be sure!

Venus transits Libra through the 9th and then enters Scorpio, a sign she is not very comfortable in. Mars ends its Virgo transit on the 5th and then will be in Libra through the end of the month. Mars tends to be weak in Libra so both Venus and Mars will be energetically off this month. Be patient with relationship dynamics throughout October and into early November.

September 2019 Monthly Horoscopes by Jeanne

september horoscopes

The month begins with 4 planets in Virgo so there’s work to be done, rooms to declutter and file drawers to organize!

Mercury, Mars and the Sun are very close to each other the first 6 days so there may very well be verbal jousting and hair trigger tempers so be careful with your speech as it is possible to inflame any situation with poorly chosen words. Mars will be opposite Neptune and the full Moon on the 13th so I expect some lies or deceptions to be exposed that may be shocking to some.

Things lighten up a bit when both Mercury and Venus go into the sign of Libra on the 15th. Jupiter covers the 15th, 16th, and 17th degrees of Sagittarius. Jupiter transited these same degrees in the middle of January and then again in early July so it’s time to wrap things up around the projects or events going on at that time.

Saturn will station at just under 14 degrees of Capricorn and will go into direct motion on the 18th. Saturn will be traveling with the south node and be quite powerful at this time. Saturn likes to have a solid foundation, follow the rules and there’s no skipping over steps with this taskmaster in a power position. Saturn and the south node will be in an exact conjunction on the 28th that feels kind of karmic. There could be an event that produces a great amount of fear at this time.

Pluto, also in Capricorn at 20 degrees, is stationing there and very powerful the last week of the month. Pluto goes direct on October 2nd. I expect power struggles, protests, fearmongering and government breakdowns to be prevalent at this time. This, too, shall pass.

Read Rising sign and Sun sign for best information:

August 2019 Monthly Horoscopes by Jeanne

August Horoscopes

The month begins with Mercury in direct motion and the Moon gaining in light after its new phase on 7/31. What a relief to have Mercury moving forward again but at 23 degrees 57’ of Cancer it still makes an opposition to Pluto so the correction of the things that went awry during the last 3 weeks may have an urgency some of us may not enjoy. This, too, shall pass after the 7th when Mercury moves out of orb of that aspect.

Venus is in Leo through the 21st. She is combust the Sun by exact degree on the 11th and then travels between the Sun and Mars through the 24th after which she starts to pull ahead of Mars in the sign Virgo. This can mean a bit of a rocky time ahead for relationships and any Venusian endeavor as her rays are harmed by all that heat from the Sun and Mars. Don’t get too pushy with women during this time as they aren’t having any of it.

The global heat wave will likely continue through the month as well. Mars is also combust the Sun on the 18th and into the early days of September. This agitates and heats up men and the masculine vibration so there will be lots of saber rattling and angry threats flying around. Testy times ahead for much of this month.

Jupiter goes into direct motion on the 11th at 14 degrees 30’ of Sagittarius which should bring in much needed feelings of hope and optimism. Uranus goes retrograde on the same day at 6 degrees 36’ of Taurus, giving a shaky feeling to earthy and stable Taurus. In fact, the earth could be quite quaky at this time.

Saturn is still retrograde in Capricorn as is Pluto. Fortunately, they are separating from each other so the intensity of the fear vibe that’s been present for months will ease up a bit. They join together in early 2020 so learn how to effectively cope with that fear vibe now so you will have a strategy in place when the are conjunct in the new year. Fear = False Evidence Appearing Real. Remember that love is stronger than fear!

Neptune, not to be forgotten, is still retrograde at 18 degrees of Pisces making water issues ever present worldwide. This is as it should be as all living things need water to survive on this planet. Protect the water and get involved in causes that do so.

Read Rising sign and Sun sign for best information:

July 2019 Monthly Horoscopes by Jeanne

July Horoscopes

July begins the unusual cosmic energy for the month with a new Moon Solar Eclipse on the 2nd at 10 degrees, 38 ‘of Cancer, a feminine, cardinal water sign. Both protective and emotional, Cancer is a caregiver sign. The nurturing Divine Mother energy that defends its beliefs and brings comfort to others is embodied with this sign and with this eclipse.

Mars and Mercury in neighboring Leo, provide bold communication occasions until Mercury goes retrograde on July 7th at 4 degrees of Leo and begins to separate from this collision, moving back to 24 degrees of Cancer on August 1st. This further reinforces the Cancer theme of the month. This is prickly energy as Mars in Leo agitates Mercury and that provocation can manifest as words that are cutting and cruel while Cancer is hypersensitive and reactive.

Venus enters the sign of Cancer on July 3rd which underlines the role of the feminine nurturing principle as well. Venus is in this sign until the 29th so the month emphasizes females and their skills and talents. Jupiter remains retrograde in its own sign of Sagittarius reminding people of just causes and fairness in one’s dealings. Saturn is partnered by degree with the south Node of the Moon and only 5 degrees away from Pluto so there is still some destructive energy in the circles of business and power. Uranus, at almost 6 degrees of Taurus which agitates the status quo and offers new lessons in remaining centered in unstable times. It is a great time to be generous and kind to others, especially those in need.

Read Rising sign and Sun sign for best information:

June 2019 Monthly Horoscopes by Chrisalis

June Horoscopes

Happy Birthday Gemini! Here are highlights for the month ahead.

Lunations: Moon Phases for the entire month:

New Moon: This month’s New Moon occurs on June 3rd at 12° Gemini 33.

Full Moon: The Full Moon occurs on June 17th at 25° Sagittarius 53.

Retrogrades: Neptune goes retrograde on June 21st. Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto are all retrograde for the entire month.

Ingresses: Mercury moves into Cancer on June 4th; Venus moves into Gemini on June 9th; the Sun moves into Cancer on the 21st, Mercury moves into Leo on the 27th.

Continue reading for complete scopes for each sign:

May 2019 Monthly Horoscopes by Chrisalis

May Monthly Horoscopes

Happy Birthday Taurus! Here are highlights for the month ahead.

Lunations: Moon Phases for the entire month:

New Moon: This month’s New Moon occurs on May 4th at 14° Taurus 10.

Full Moon: The Full Moon occurs on May 18th at 27° Scorpio 38.

Retrogrades: Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto are all retrograde for the entire month of May. Everything else is in direct motion for the entire month.

Ingresses: Mercury moves into Taurus on May 6th; Venus moves into Taurus on May 15th; Mars moves into Cancer on the 16th; the Sun and Mercury move into Gemini on the  21st.

Continue reading for complete scopes for each sign:

April 2019 Monthly Horoscopes by Chrisalis

April Horoscopes

Happy Birthday Aries! Here are highlights for the month ahead.

Lunations: Moon Phases for the entire month:

New Moon: This month’s New Moon occurs on April 5th at 15° Aries 17.

Full Moon: The Full Moon occurs on April 19th at 29° Libra 06.

Retrogrades: Jupiter goes retrograde on April 10th; Pluto goes retrograde on April 24th; Saturn goes retrograde on the 30th. All other planets are in direct motion for the month of April.

Ingresses: Mercury moves into Aries on April 17th; Venus moves into Aries and the Sun moves into Taurus on the 20th.

Continue reading for complete scopes for each sign: