Happy Birthday Capricorn! Here are highlights for the month ahead.
Lunations: Moon Phases for the entire month:
New Moon: This month’s New Moon is a partial solar eclipse that occurs on January 6th at 15° Capricorn 25.
Full Moon: The Full Moon is a total lunar eclipse (and also a Super Moon) that occurs on January 21st at 0° Leo 51.
Retrogrades: Uranus goes stationary direct on January 6th. At that point it joins all other planets in moving forward for the entire month of January.
Ingresses: Mars moves into Aries on the 1st; Mercury moves into Capricorn on the 5th; Venus moves into Sagittarius on the 7th; the Sun moves into Aquarius on the 20th and Mercury follows suit on the 24th.
Continue reading for complete scopes for each sign: