November will be a challenging but empowering month as we have some potent planetary aspects and ingresses occurring within the next 30 days.
Mars enters Scorpio on Oct 31st and so does Mercury on Nov 5th and those two planetary energies combined can be tenacious, argumentative and confrontational. Let’s just say it is a great aspect to have if you are a lawyer and leave it at that.
Venus begins the month at the Galactic Center which can impart cosmic wisdom. Venus is very visible after sunset in the west so you can identify the area of the sky that is known as the Galactic Center during the first 4 days of November. That’s pretty cool. She enters the sign of Capricorn on Nov 5th where she will remain all month. Earth signs find enjoyment and stability during this time.
Jupiter moves between the degrees of 22 Aquarius and 25 Aquarius and will square the Lunar eclipse degree of 27 Taurus on Nov 19th. This aspect is not negative if you do the Jupiterian thing of taking the high road in any situation.
Saturn also plays a big part of the challenging energies as its position of 7-8 degrees of Aquarius will square the Mars/Mercury degrees in Scorpio between Nov 5th and the 13th. One must be impeccable with their words during this Mars/Mercury conjunction aspect. Actually, always if you really want to get ahead. No shortcuts or dodgy deals.
Uranus remains retrograde at 12 degrees of Taurus this month and will be opposing the Mars/Mercury positions in Scorpio between Nov 13th and the 20th which can bring a sudden change of circumstances or an accident-prone signature. I would avoid risky ventures during this time.
Neptune is still retrograde in Pisces at 20 degrees and is in a positive trine aspect to Mercury and Mars by water sign element. This can lead to intuitive insights, mystical experiences and artistic breakthroughs, particularly for the water signs. Pluto is slowly moving forward in Capricorn from 24 degrees to 25 by the end of the month. Venus enters Capricorn on Nov 15th, the sign Pluto is in and will provide much cosmic intensity in December as she stations and then retrogrades within 1 degree of Pluto. That’s a superlative and strong aspect for feminine power coming through if I’ve ever seen one!
Read your Sun sign and Rising sign for best information.
Aries — March 21-April 19: Your ruler, Mars, goes into its other power sign, Scorpio and thus enables you to surge forward with gains as you receive the energy of that power sign. Since it is happening in your solar 8th house, there’s a financial symbology to it as well as an investigation into life’s deeper mysteries signature. If you feel stuck in your life, maybe it’s time to dig a little deeper into your psyche to get to the bottom of what you fear or feel insecure about. Your stellar days are the 14th, 15th and 16th.
Taurus — April 20-May 20: With Venus entering fellow earth sign, Capricorn, on the 5th, you are concerned with security and stability. It’s a good time to review your financial holdings and look at new investment opportunities towards the end of the month. Be careful around the 13th-20th as Mars in Scorpio will oppose Uranus in Taurus, making for a bit of instability or drama. Avoid making big decisions around that time. Venus getting close to the top of your chart offers some protections, however, you need to be patient and calm about all things that matter to you. The 17th, 18th and early AM hours of the full Moon of the 19th are your power days. It’s a charge your crystals Full Moon for you.
Gemini — May 21-June 21: With the transiting nodes on your horizon, there is a change in status beckoning you these days. Venus at the Galactic Center in your solar 7th house also may color how you think about committed relationships. Look for clues in your past or also seek some professional advice on what you could be doing better to attract a suitable mate. Your health is also a concern this month as you may have some inflammatory reactions brewing. The 19th, 20th and 21st are your stellar days this month.
Cancer — June 22-July 23: With Venus about to enter Capricorn in your solar 7th house you might be thinking about relationships now. It is a good time to dig deeper into your motivations for wanting that as Jupiter and Saturn in your 8th house can deepen your understanding of your underlying motivations and tendencies. What you uncover will be very beneficial. One can always develop new skills at communication so why not take it on now when Mars and Mercury are so powerful this month? Your best days this month are the 22nd and 23rd.
Leo — July 24-August 23: With the Sun, Mars and soon to be Mercury transiting your solar 4th house of ancestry, real estate, and emotional roots, you have the opportunity to take a look at how you talk to and about your family. There’s always something we can heal in this area if we take the time to own our stuff and look at the wounded natures of those we came from. Yes, it seems never ending but any form of healing takes time and is worth the effort. The 24th, 25th and 26th are your personal best days.
Virgo — August 24-September 22: With Mercury, your planetary ruler, traveling close to Mar through the 16th, you are going to find your patience with just about everything is very short. You will need to do some deep breathing and centering practice to get through this without eviscerating those around you who dare to step out of line. After the 5th you can draw some support from Venus in Capricorn but even that energy is a bit exacting. So, take some time off, relax and just learn to let it go. Best days to relax are the 1st, the 27th and the 28th.
Libra — September 23-October 22: Mercury is still in your sign until the 5th, so you are staying neutral in most relationship situations. After that date when Mercury enters Scorpio and catches up with Mars, your words can have a biting effect on others. Think before you speak throughout the 16th when Mercury gets beyond the Mars’ sharp influence. It’s not going to be easy, but if you want to preserve your relationships it is worth it. The best days for you are the 2nd, 3rd, 4th (until 6 PM), the 29th and the 30th.
Scorpio — October 23-November 22: With Mars in your sign and soon to be Mercury, you are ready for confrontation and asserting yourself. This is also a good time for taking up some kind of martial art or perfecting a skill in some kind of competitive sport. The key for you now is action. Mars with Mercury excels at strategic thinking at the same time. You can achieve much during this period of Mars in Scorpio through December 14th. Your power days are the new Moon on the 4th and the 5th.
Sagittarius — November 23-December 20: With the transiting nodes on your horizon, there’s some thoughts about partnership vs solitude crossing your mind these days. And with Jupiter in your solar third house you could have siblings trying to connect with you so that is also making you think about what’s next and with whom? Mars and Mercury will be transiting your solar 12th house bringing in some necessary solitude for you to deal with these situations. Use the positive vibes of the 6th and 7th to come to some resolution.
Capricorn — December 21-January 20: Venus enters your sign on the 5th, giving you a pleasant power boost. She will grace your sign with her presence until late January 2022 as she goes retrograde in Capricorn in the middle of December. That’s a long time for feminine archetype to stay in a sign so do take some time off to lighten up and enjoy some sensual pleasures or just life in general. You deserve a break from all that Saturn and Pluto have been dishing out to your over the last few years. The 8th and 9th are your power days.
Aquarius — January 21-February 19: Both Saturn and Jupiter are still transiting your sign so you feel a bit stagnant as these 2 energies kind of nullify each other in that Jupiter likes to expand what it touches and Saturn, in general, contracts. So, what’s a person to do? Well, Saturn likes to chart a course for future success so that’s what you do. Then Jupiter applies his penchant for generating inspiration so that gets added to the mix. This is a formula for success and next year when Jupiter gets into Pisces and expands your 2nd house, you get your rewards. Great days for you are the 10th and 11th.
Pisces — February 20-March 20: With the transiting nodes on your Midheaven/IC angles, there is some consideration about your work time versus family time. Maybe you set the date to retire or change jobs? Or you make a sudden move without notice? Or maybe you work from home? Just be aware you have some control over your actions (read Scorpio for more info) as you can direct them for the positive instead of the negative. Pay extra attention to your intuition from the 1st – 4th, there’s value in what comes through. The 12th and 13th are your stellar days.
Personal Consultations:
I offer a number of personalized services, including natal and progressed charts as well as a personal lucky days report, an awesome way to make astrology work for you by allowing you to focus on your optimum timing, when the universe seems lined up to support your wishes and dreams.
The date, time, and location of your birth is all I need to provide you with insight into your important place in the grand scheme of life! For more information, or to schedule a session with me, feel free to email me or visit my website.

November 2021 Monthly Horoscopes
Be sure to check out this month’s tarotscopes too!