We begin November with a new Moon in Scorpio, a feminine, fixed water sign. It is happening in a part of the sky that is associated with the fixed star, Arcturus, Saraswati, the goddess of beautiful words, wisdom and knowledge along with Vayu, the god of the wind.
This is about using your wisdom, wit, charm and intuitive abilities to make your way through the world. There is quite a bit of sparkle and charm to this part of the sky so tap into that energy if you are feeling down or depressed right now.
The Sun and Moon are in a trine relationship with Saturn, the rule master, who is super powerful right now as he is about to go into direct motion on November 15 at 12 degrees of Pisces, a fellow water sign. This is a positive aspect for setting intentions for things to work out for the best possible outcome.
Mercury is in the last few degrees of Scorpio right now and making a trine to Mars at 29° Cancer. That makes for an easier time of communication over the first week of November as they continue that relationship as they both enter the fire signs of Sagittarius and Leo, respectively. However, Mercury gets weaker in Sag and Mars gets stronger in Leo as he likes fire signs very much. But still, they get along and you can make your points effectively. On a note of caution, the little dude, Mercury, is making an opposition aspect to Uranus right now, so some unexpected news is likely to be revealed through the weekend. Stay tuned.
Venus is now at 17° Sagittarius and moves into Capricorn on November 11th. Venus feels comfortable in Capricorn as she is a friend of Saturn, the sign’s ruler. After the 11th of the month, it is a good time to look into your finances, investments and assets to make a determination for improvement in the future.
Mars is at the final degree of Cancer and goes into the sign of Leo on November 5th. Hot Mars feels at home in fire signs and is raring to go but does have a retrograde period coming up in early December, so there’s a glitch in the Mars machinery. Mars will go back into the sign of Cancer in early January 2025 through April 18th, 2025. This retrograde cycle will churn up a lot of energies that need to be re-directed during that retrograde period that begins on December 6, 2024 and ends on February 25, 2025. Watch what comes up in your plans and make the changes as you go along, it is a period of time to hone your skills and the tools of your trade.
Jupiter is retrograde and moves from 20 degrees 26’ in Gemini back to 17 degrees 19’ in Gemini. Jupiter retrograde is considered to be a force for good working behind the scenes to affect a future positive outcome. Jupiter does have a tendency to over commit and thereby scatters its energy in too many directions at once instead of focusing on a major task at hand. Those of you with planets or angles between 15 and 22 degrees in Gemini and in the mutable signs of Pisces, Virgo and Sag need to take note of that tendency and rein in some of your actions for a better overall outcome.
Saturn, the planetary task master, time lord and rule follower, goes into direct motion on November 15th at 12° Pisces 41’. Basically, he is powerful throughout the entire month as he begins and ends November at 12° Pisces 52’. Maintaining your routine and structure is very important right now as Saturn wants to maintain balance and correct action for effective positive outcomes.
Uranus is still retrograde at 25° Taurus 52’ and moves back to 24° Taurus 41’ during the month. This is close to the fixed star, Algol, considered to be a bad actor in the sky as it represents the severed head of Medusa. Yikes! It also represents the passion of feminine energy that can be used constructively or destructively. It can cause instability, problems with eyesight, betrayals or in the end a redemption of sorts according to the mythology of Perseus, Medusa and Andromeda. Tread carefully if you have any planets or angles around the 25th degree of the fixed signs, Aquarius, Taurus, Leo and Scorpio.
Neptune is also retrograde and moves from 27° Pisces 30’ back to 27° Pisces 9’. She is also in her stationary period as she goes direct on December 7th, the day after Mars goes retrograde. Neptune’s effects can run from total deception, delusional thoughts and addiction to sublime states of spiritual bliss, artistic inspiration and self-sacrifice for the higher good. Your choice, folks, we use the planetary energies to reflect our state of consciousness.
Pluto moves forward and out of the last degree of Capricorn and into Aquarius on November 19. He will then move through the sign of Aquarius for approximately the next 19 years. We will begin a new chapter in humanity’s evolution during that period. It’s time.
Aries — March 21-April 19: Your ruling planet, Mars, gets a boost of energy as he moves into the sign of Leo on November 4th and is energized by Leo’s fiery nature. This goes on through the month so prepare to have ample energy to complete the tasks at hand. It can also assist you in overcoming your insecurities and fears and taking care of any joint financial matters and investments. It is also a good time for self-promotion and public appearances. Your stellar days this month are the 12th and 13th.
Taurus — April 20-May 20: Matters of partnership are highlighted by this new Moon on the 1st as well as your ancestors, your home and your assets. Maybe you have some plans for home improvement in the back of your mind, well, it would be a good time to do it as long as you can finish it by the first week of December. Delays are assured if it goes after that date. Later in the month you will start planning for a trip abroad for 2025. Just make sure you have the money set aside for that to happen, don’t get into debt. Your best days are the 14th and the full Moon on the 15th.
Gemini — May 21-June 21: Jupiter is still retrograde in your sign and might be making you a bit reticent to promote yourself or you don’t feel as social as usual. That’s OK, sometimes it is a good idea to journey inward to make sure you are on track within yourself. Don’t force yourself to be anywhere other than where you authentically are. Your ruling planet, Mercury, is about to enter the sign opposite you, that being Sagittarius and your solar 7th house so partnership issues are on deck to be discussed. Mercury also rules your 4th house of home, family, ancestors and real estate. If you are considering moving in with someone, it would be better to delay that decision until the new year for a variety of astrological reasons. Great days to be social and have fun are the 16th and 17th of this month.
Cancer — June 22-July 23: The new Moon on the 1st falls in your solar 5th house of creativity, children, fun and passions. If you have some unfulfilled creative aspirations, this would be a good time to step up and start to do something about those desires. Give yourself some time off for some R&R and to reconnect with your inner child. You need this time for yourself to sort some things out about what you need in your life. There is a big new chapter in your life coming in mid-2025 with Saturn and Neptune coming to your solar chart midheaven so you are in a completion of a cycle mode now, leading up to a new beginning. The 18th and 19th are days for rejuvenation, socializing and fun.
Leo — July 24-August 23: Mars moves into your sign and solar 1st house while opposite Pluto who will move into your solar 7th house later in the month. You are in the creation phase of a new cycle that begins to germinate in November but hits a snag in early December when Mars does its retrograde dance through the end of February in 2025. There are details that will be worked out during that almost three month period of the retrograde. The new Moon on the 1st happens in your solar 4th house of home, family, ancestors and real estate. You could possibly be considering a move, a remodel or a family reunion over the holidays. Lovely, indulge yourself or even host it at your place! The 20th, 21st and the 22nd are your stellar days.
Virgo — August 24-September 22: With Mercury about to enter your solar 4th house in the next two days, you may be spending more time at home or doing some entertaining in the coming weeks. Mercury rules your solar 10th house of profession and public image so it is a good time for self-promotion and/or sending out your resume if you are looking for a new position. The new Moon today happens in your solar 3rd house so communication is favored as well as connecting with siblings, neighbors and your natural instincts for learning. The 23rd, and 24th are your best days this month.
Libra — September 23-October 22: The new Moon on the first falls into your solar 2nd house of money, assets, values and personal wealth. This is the month to start making changes and goals regarding how you create wealth and income in the future. You are in a completion or clarification cycle regarding your priorities and your partner’s priorities as the nodes will cross your solar chart’s horizon at the end of February in 2025. Identify what you want and the steps that need to happen to achieve the goal and visualize that positive outcome. Let the universal energies rise to support you. The 25th, 26th and 27th are days to get your way.
Scorpio — October 23-November 22: The new Moon falls in your solar 1st house for a new beginning cycle in addition to Mars about to enter the sign of Leo on the 4th. Mars rules your solar 10th house of public image and professional stature. Mars makes you want to go for it now, so go for it. There may be a bit of a glitch in your progress as Mars will go retrograde in early December through the end of February of 2025. Be patient, it will work out fine in the late spring of 2025, it is just a few adjustments needed to the plan. It is possible that something regarding the family, your ancestors or real estate that demands your attention as Pluto enters your solar 4th house at the very bottom of your chart. Use the positive energies on the 1st, 2nd, 28th and 29th to further your aims.
Sagittarius — November 23-December 20: With Jupiter retrograde in the sign Gemini, he is opposite your sign. However, Venus is in your sign in your solar first house giving you some personal charisma and charm. It makes it a good time to enhance your wardrobe, get a new haircut or a makeover, just don’t go for any extremes. The new Moon happens in your solar 12th house, which is a house of karma, self-undoing, the subconscious mind and surrender. It is time for a little solitude to sort things out for yourself. Use the stellar vibes on the 3rd, 4th and the new Moon on the 30th to get your way.
Capricorn — December 21-January 20: Your ruling planet, Saturn will go into direct motion on the 15th giving you a boost of energy and some basic foundational support. This is happening in your solar 3rd house of siblings, communication, neighbors and personal intelligence. Your instincts will improve and your energy will improve with this motion change from retrograde to direct motion. The new Moon on the 1st happens in your solar 11th house of friends, personal ambition, social and business associations and worldly gains. This is a good sign for you to visualize your future success and gain stature in your business. Your days to get what you want are the 5th, 6th and AM hours of the 7th.
Aquarius — January 21-February 19: This is a pivotal month for you as Pluto will be going into your sign and be transiting there for the next 19 years. Pluto dipped his toes into your sign in direct motion for the first 4 months of 2024 in direct motion so that is clue as to how Pluto works in your chart. The end of this year 2024, however, could be a bit stressful as Pluto is opposed by Mars, which will hit it 3 times between now and the end of April in 2025. It indicates you may have some anger or frustration coming up that you will have to learn to deal with constructively rather than seething internally or lashing out at who you believe to be at fault. Also, take active measure to improve your health now and in the future so you can burn off some of this energy. That’s a constructive way to use this Mars/Pluto vibe. The New Moon happens in your solar 10th house of public image and professional stature. This is good for a fresh start in some way so visualize your ongoing success with this new Moon cycle.
Pisces — February 20-March 20: With Saturn going direct in your sign and your solar 1st house, you have a turning point coming with Saturn there and Venus transiting in your solar 10th house. Time to flex your competency muscles and direct your energy to support yourself to get what you want professionally. Jupiter is retrograde and in your solar 4th house which is a good time to connect with family or have a gathering for them in your home. You are feeling generous and also a bit nostalgic for old times this month. Mars enters your 6th house of health which is a good time for establishing new routines that support your good health habits. The 10th and 11th are your good luck days.
Personal Consultations:
I offer a number of personalized services, including natal and progressed charts as well as a personal lucky days report, an awesome way to make astrology work for you by allowing you to focus on your optimum timing, when the universe seems lined up to support your wishes and dreams.
The date, time, and location of your birth is all I need to provide you with insight into your important place in the grand scheme of life! For more information, or to schedule a session with me, feel free to email me or visit my website.