Happy Birthday Libra!
Here are some astrological highlights for the month ahead.
Lunations: This Month’s Full Moon — a total lunar eclipse — occurs on October 8th at 15° Aries 05′.
The New Moon — a partial solar eclipse — takes place on October 23rd at 0° Scorpio 24′.
Retrogrades: Mercury turns retrograde October 4th, and turns direct October 25th.
Chiron, Uranus and Neptune are retrograde for the entire month of October.
Ingresses: Mercury moves back into Libra October 10th. The Sun and Venus enter Scorpio October 23rd. Mars enters Capricorn October 26th.
Continue reading for complete scopes for each sign:
Aries — March 21-April 19: This could be an important month for you in the relationship department. With the Sun and Venus — your romance and relationship rulers — moving through your partnership sector, your primary focus will be on matters of the heart. This a harmonious aspect that can bring in a new love interest or jump-start one that has been faltering. It’s all about cooperation and collaboration, putting your own needs aside for a change and making it easier for you and your loved ones to stay on the same page. The Full Moon on the 8th — a total lunar eclipse — is in your sign and stretched across your relationship axis. This can act as a conduit for self-awareness, bringing opportunities for you to reinvent yourself. You’re likely to learn things about yourself and your relationships that you didn’t know. It could also help you to uncover areas that you need to work on. A grand trine, involving Mars (your ruler), Jupiter and Uranus, can motivate you to expand your horizons. Personal growth, creative self-expression and long distance travel are all indicated. At the end of the month your focus shifts to career and professional aspirations. You can put your competitive drives to good use at this time by directing your attention to career-related goals.
Moon in Aries: Oct 7, 8 (Full Moon Lunar Eclipse) and 9
Taurus — April 20-May 20: You can put some of your practical skills to use this month, both in the workplace and on projects around the home. Between Jupiter in your home sector and Venus in your work sector, it won’t be just about what you accomplish but how much you enjoy yourself in the process. Take stock of whatever personal changes you want to make too, such as changing your diet or embarking on a new exercise regimen. Health is an important area of focus so pay attention to the signals your body is sending you. This is not the time to ignore health problems, but with the Sun and Venus in this sector now you should be fine. Venus — your ruling planet — moves into your relationship sector on the 10th, setting off a two-week period where love, romance and relationships take center stage. It meets up with Mercury retrograde on the 17th and the Sun and Moon (in a partial solar eclipse) on the 23rd. This could mark an important turning point for you and a partner. If you’re in a relationship now, it can expose problems that need to be resolved. And if you’re not currently involved, it can bring someone in whose presence forces the same. This eclipse can act as a wakeup call so don’t let the opportunity to make things better pass you by.
Moon in Taurus: Oct 9, 10 and 11
Gemini — May 21-June 21: You could be spending more time sorting out your feelings this month than you do expressing them, particularly as Mercury (your ruler) barely steps into your self-improvement sector before it turns around and moves back into your love and romance sector. As a result, you’ll be shifting your focus between these two areas. Mercury is all about thought processes and communications and Scorpio is peering into the depths of your own psyche. With Mars in your relationship sector and Mercury turning retrograde, you may be less inclined to work things out with a partner and more about turning inward and figuring out your own needs. This can exacerbate existing problems so be prepared to answer for yourself if called into question. In the meantime, Venus and the Sun are moving through your romance sector. This is where things can get tricky. With tension in your relationship sector and harmony in your romance sector, you’re going to have to either lighten things up in your relationship, or keep a romantic connection from getting too serious. As long as it’s fun and games things are fine. But once needs and expectations become part of the equation, you’re bound to run into conflicts. Mercury turns direct on the 25th. Hold off on making any important relationship decisions until after that time.
Moon in Gemini: Oct 11, 12 and 13
Cancer — June 22-July 23: This month you want to working on getting your own emotional needs met rather than pushing them aside to accommodate others. With a packed 4th house and all of your personal planets below the horizon, it may seem easier for you to just keep your mouth shut and let others lead the way, but in the end it won’t be fulfilling. While you want to guard against being trampled on by those who just don’t get your sensibilities, be careful not to push those away who are there to offer support. You’ll want to work on trusting your intuition, especially around the two eclipses that are taking place this month. The first one, a Full Moon total eclipse, occurs on Oct 8th, and the second one, a New Moon solar eclipse occurs on the 23rd. This second one is the one you want to pay attention to. Venus, the Sun and the Moon all come together at 0° Scorpio, shining a spotlight on matters of the heart. It can bring someone new in or revitalize an existing connection. But it also forces you to look at where you’re going in that area — as in whether you want to take something to the next level of put it firmly in your past.
Moon in Cancer: Oct 13, 14, 15 and 16
Leo — July 24-August 23: The first few days of October may find you a bit restless with Mars, Jupiter and Uranus coming into close aspect to each other. This is not a bad thing for you though as it will give you energy and insight into what you may be planning to do next. Not only that, but the force of Mars, the luck of Jupiter and the unpredictability of Uranus may have your plans running into action faster than you thought possible. This will also be triggered by the eclipse on the 8th when a Full Moon illuminates your area of adventure so what you are planning for will not be small. Think big and think expansive. With Venus in your area of communication up until the 24th any talks you were hoping for with your partner should start on a good basis. Not promising that they will remain good though as the Scorpio eclipse on the 23rd also falls in this area of your chart and could undo some of your best laid plans. Mars is set to add a lot of fun to this month so take advantage of this up to the 27th when it moves into a more serious area that may see you finishing all of that work you should’ve started “yesterday.”
Moon in Leo: Oct 16, 17 and 18
Virgo — August 24-September 22: The Moon in your relationship area on the 6th and 7th happens just in time for Mercury to turn retrograde in your area of communications, thus giving you an indication of what this month may really be about for you. Mercury is retrograde in your area of communication up until the 11th. This means you need to be careful that messages, phone calls and mail does not go amiss and that you are also very clear in what you say is actually what you mean because signals can be crossed at this time. For this reason it is not a good time to try to sort out a disagreement because you may actually make matters worse. Take special notice to this around the eclipse on the 23rd because although Mercury would’ve changed signs the eclipse will trigger anything you left undone earlier in the month and it could come back to bite you… and not in a small way. Venus will be lending you a helping hand after the 24th with anything you have to fix with your partner. This is the time to sit down and have that talk you were putting off and as Mars moves into a more fun part of your chart on the 27th then you can add a little humor so the conversation doesn’t turn too heavy.
Moon in Virgo: Oct 18, 19, 20 and 21
Libra — September 23-October 22: You won’t have to worry about being lonely this month, with the Sun, Venus and the North Node moving through your sign and Jupiter moving through your social sector. If anything, you’ll have to free up some time for just yourself as the demands on your time by others could see you feeling stretched too thin. You’ll have to prioritize the time you spend with loved ones and family members, as it seems like even your most casual acquaintances want a piece of you. Mercury gos retrograde on the 4th and move back into your sign on the 10th, bringing with it the potential to reconnect with someone from your past. Long distance communications is also indicated. If this is a “love interest” though, tread carefully. It’s not only unlikely to go anywhere it could wreak havoc in your existing relationships. This transit is more about tying up loose ends than it is about reclaiming a missed opportunity. The Full Moon eclipse on the 8th falls in your relationship sector, bringing even more emphasis to this area. This eclipse is made more powerful due to its connection with Uranus — the planet that rules sudden and erratic change. You want to hold on for dear life to the relationship you want to preserve, and bid those you don’t a farewell.
Moon in Libra: Oct 21, 22 and 23
Scorpio — October 23-November 22: What is it you really want to do with your life? If this is a question you’ve been struggling with, October’s transits are bound to steer you in the right direction. The planet that rules money for you (Jupiter) is now moving through your career sector, while the planet that rules work (Mars) is moving through your financial sector. Together these transits can pave the way for success, as long as you’re invested fully in whatever it is you’re doing. These two planets are part of a grand trine — along with Uranus — that span your work, career and money houses. This is a harmonious aspect that can turn doing what you love into a powerful money-making venture. In the meantime Mercury turns retrograde in your sign on the 4th. While it’s not a good time to be signing contracts or making major decisions, it’s great for going back over half-finished projects and fixing what needs to be revisited. Venus moves into your sign on the 23rd, and joins in with the Sun and Moon in a powerful New Moon solar eclipse that should have you getting in touch with who your needs and desires. Take the time to evaluate your relationships as they’ll likely also be placed under a microscope during this time.
Moon in Scorpio: Oct 23 (New Moon Solar Eclipse), 24, 25 and 26
Sagittarius — November 23-December 20: You may have more energy than you know what to do with this month, thanks to a grand fire trine that emanates from Mars (in your sign) and spans your personal-growth sectors. If you’ve put important goals on the back burner, you may find yourself scrambling to complete them now. You may also be feeling more driven and inspired to broaden your personal horizons. Mars can be reckless though and cause you to feel like you’re invincible, so exercise caution. There are a few days (between the 4th and the 7th) where having your head in the clouds could cause you to become careless or accident prone. For the most part though you should be flying high this month, both personally and socially. The eclipse on the 8th falls in your romance sector and could bring something that’s been hidden in this area to light. With Venus, the Sun and the North Node all moving through your social sector — and Mercury retrograding back in on the 10th — friendships take center stage. Female friends and family members play important roles, offering support and companionship. Turn your attention towards making money at the end of the month, as Mars leaves your sign on the 26th and moves into your financial sector.
Moon in Sagittarius: Oct 1, 26, 27 and 28
Capricorn — December 21-January 20: This month finds you with an eclipse in your area of family and home life. It happens on the 8th and may be a good time for you to keep your head down and out of trouble with that area of your life. Mars is moving through an area of your chart that may be making the waters around you a bit muddy which means you may not be seeing things too clearly but you are more than willing to rush in and act on what you think you know. Best wait till the end of the month when Mars moves in to your own sign to forge ahead with any plans you have because at this time Mercury will also turn direct. You saving grace this month comes in the form of Venus in your area of friends and friendship. It may be having some nasty aspects to Mercury retrograde but at least it is in a part of your chart that the worst thing you have to look out for is a misunderstandings between you and friends. Try to balance and pace yourself this month. Don’t get caught in the middle of any power struggles which surround family and friends. Keep yourself on the right track and you can bypass any nasties that are heading your way.
Moon in Capricorn: Oct 28, 29 and 30
Aquarius — January 21-February 19: The moon in your relationship area on the 18th falls into line with a beautiful aspect with Jupiter. This is your lucky day! As Mars is travelling through your area of friends and associates for most of the month you may like to think about the difference between your love life and your relationship with friends. The lines could get a bit blurred this month and, if so, you don’t want any nasty conversations around for you with your partner. Mercury is retrograde and it’s retrograde in an area of your chart that may have you thinking of yourself more than anyone else. It may also have you saying things you’ll regret in the cold light of day. Venus is sitting right alongside Mercury on the 18th, that magical day I mentioned before, and I’d hate to see what could’ve been a lovely moment for you slip out of your hands because of Mars intruding onto the scene. As Venus moves into your work area after the 24th, which also coincides with an eclipse in that area for you, then you are feeling much more grounded. Alongside this Mars will give a boost to your creativity after the 27th… something which is possibly long over needed.
Moon in Aquarius: Oct 3, 4, 5, 30 and 31
Pisces — February 20-March 20: With the moon in your relationship area this on the 19th, 20th and 21st you can rest assured that that is what will be taking centre stage for you. Mercury retrograde may have you digging up secrets or trying to get to the bottom of something but as it is retrograde this may be more dangerous than you realise. What you find out or what you take as truth is really gossip. Anything you do uncover may not be the full story and you don’t want to fly off on a tangent thinking you know it all. It is especially important for you this month that you keep these words in mind because not only is Mercury retrograde in an area of your chart linked to secrets Venus is also moving through this area and if you are going to be looking for trouble then trouble will most assuredly come and find you… through your love life. Mars is also looking to cause a bit of recklessness around you this month as it is in an area of your chart that would have you saying the words “fools rush in where Angels fear to tread” over and over to yourself in an effort to avoid anything blowing up in your face.
Moon in Pisces: Oct 5, 6, and 7
Be sure to check out this month’s tarotscopes too!
October 2014 Horoscopes
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