There is a lot going on in October with three planets going into direct motion and one going retrograde so expect some shifts in attention and action for sure. Mercury leads the parade by going direct on October 3rd at 24 degrees of Virgo, a sign it rules. This will help smooth out any communication glitches or complications that developed over the last three weeks.
Next, Pluto at 26 degrees of Capricorn goes direct and will cover the last degrees of that sign before its next retrograde cycle in at 0 degrees of Aquarius on May 1, 2023. The direct motion of planets gives one the chance to embark on a new or corrected course that was discovered or rectified during the planet’s retrograde cycle. Having an earth trine between Mercury and Pluto now will help ground ideas into a reality plan.
Saturn goes direct on October 23rd at 18 degrees of forward thinking, airy Aquarius, a sign it rules. This makes for a powerful and helpful Saturn if one has operated with right action and correct thinking. Saturn is not a fan of dodgy behavior or the skirting of law and order. He likes people to play by the rules, baby, or pay the consequences. It is still squaring Uranus retrograde in Taurus so that brings some instability or chaos into the mix but at least wisdom can prevail with Saturn moving forward once again.
Before Mars goes retrograde at 25 degrees of Gemini on October 30th, there is a new Moon Solar eclipse on October 25th in the sign of Scorpio which will bring some intensity with it that could signify major changes ahead for people with planets in the early degrees of Scorpio. The Mars retrograde cycle goes through January 12, 2023 so that will bring a review of where your actions of the last two months took you and if you want to continue on that path. You have the next two and a half months to make any changes to carry you in the direction you want to go in the new year.
Yes, there’s a lot going on, folks! Venus is in Libra until October 23, using her powers to keep on with harmonious relationships along with the Sun, also in that sign. Mercury joins them on October 12th until the end of the month so there is attempt at balance as characterized by the scales of justice as Libra’s symbol suggests. Jupiter is still retrograde and goes back into its home sign of Pisces on October 29 as a beneficial influence, too.
Uranus retrograde hangs out on the 18th and 17th degrees of Taurus putting an uncomfortable knot in that sign’s nighty while Neptune’s retrograde moves back to 22 degrees of Pisces on October 29th. That both Neptune and Jupiter will be in the sign of Pisces offers a lot of hope for a better future and that right action will prevail for the most benevolent outcome for all.
Read your Sun sign and Rising sign for best information.
Aries — March 21-April 19: With your ruling planet, Mars, in your solar 3rd house for the next six months it’s time to up your game with communication and improve your skill set in general. Maybe you could even take a sabbatical or seminar to study something you’ve always wanted to. The months of November and December favor that kind of action. Your best days are the 8th, full Moon of the 9th and the AM hours of the 10th..
Taurus — April 20-May 20: With Venus in Libra now, you will be focusing on improving your relationships, your health, your appearance and your finances. Saturn will be going direct in your solar 10th house of profession, career and public image so there’s momentum for you in that area of life as well. Mars going retrograde in your solar 2nd house means you need to take action about your financial health too. The PM hours of the 10th, the 11th and the 12th are your stellar days.
Gemini — May 21-June 21: Mercury going direct at the beginning of the month will give you an edge and help you clear up any misunderstandings or stalled projects now. Get moving to create momentum as Mars going retrograde in your sign at the end of the month could mean some setbacks or things you counted on being delayed. Still, Mars in your sign for the next six months should bode well for you as does Saturn in fellow air sign Aquarius. Jot down your ideas and what inspires you and prepare to take action in the new year. The 13th and 14th are power days for you.
Cancer — June 22-July 23: You have a bit of a dual focus this month as Mercury, the Sun and Venus are moving in the lower part of your chart, giving you energy in your home and family sector while Jupiter and Neptune traverse the top part of your chart regarding career and professional image. However, maybe it’s time to take a break with Mars in the 12th house and get some distance to collect your thoughts. Being around water always helps you ground out so consider that option. The 15th, 16th and 17th are your best days.
Leo — July 24-August 23:With the Sun now in its debility sign of Libra, you may feel the urge to rest or withdraw from social activity for a while. This won’t last long but it can be a welcome relief from feeling you have to always be “on” in public. Life will still be busy, however, and you maybe in the mood to travel as well. Saturn in your 7th house has you concerned about some aspects of your relationship but the direct motion on the 23rd will start to open up better dialog about any issues. The 18th, 19th and AM hours of the 20th offer cosmic support.
Virgo — August 24-September 22: With Mercury going direct on the 3rd, there should be a lessening of pressure felt or some kind of crisis passing very shortly. This month can open up more options for you regarding your work environment and professional life as Saturn transiting in your 6th house and in a good relationship with Mars in your 10th house will give you some options previously not considered. Venus and the Sun in your solar 2nd house of assets could have you making a big purchase this month, oh well, it happens! The cosmic vibes favor your sign on the PM hours of the 20th, the 21st and the 22nd so maybe take a break and have a little getaway!
Libra — September 23-October 22: Venus and the Sun in your sign in your solar 1st house will have you more focused on your image, your appearance and the truth of who you are in the world. Maybe it is time for a new haircut or wardrobe makeover? Long term financial goals and investments are also due for some in depth planning and strategy. It’s more about how you envision your future than taking any big actions now. Jupiter being retrograde in your 7th house of partnership is shaping some opinions about your options in that part of life as well. Your stellar days are the 23rd and 24th. Enjoy!
Scorpio — October 23-November 22: With Mars in your solar 8th house you are having deep conversations with yourself about end of life matters, investments, what to do next and what scares the crap out of you. This is a long conversation which will probably not be over for another six months! However, once we get to February of 2023, you will have worked through these issues and have a plan of action. Saturn is going direct in your solar 4th house, so next year you will be coming out of a 2½ year period of reclusion and ready to join the world again. The new Moon on the 25th is the beginning of this, actually, and one of your lucky days this month. The other day is the 26th so do venture out and enjoy life.
Sagittarius — November 23-December 20:Your ruling planet, Jupiter, is now opposite the Sun and Venus so there’s some fun waiting for you this month. It’s time to get social again! With Jupiter ruling your solar 4th house, the family and your property will be getting a lot of your attention for the next couple of months. There is power in this connection with your family of origin as it is actually important to maintain these connections, even if you don’t live close to them. The 1st, 27th and 28th are your stellar days.
Capricorn — December 21-January 20: With your ruling planet, Saturn, going into direct motion this month, you gain some momentum in your plans, particularly in the realm of assets, money and values. Discipline is required but Saturn is in a good relationship with Mars in Gemini in the arena of health, habits and work environment so you have the motivation and drive. With Pluto going direct in your sign early in the month, you also have ample magnetism and power on your side and with Venus and the Sun at the top of your chart you will be noticed by others. The cosmic vibes of the 2nd, 3rd, 29th and 30th are your best days to get your way.
Aquarius — January 21-February 19: Saturn will be going direct this month in your sign so you should gain clarity, focus and stamina for the pursuit of your goals. Saturn makes a trine to Mars in Gemini so you have the drive and strength to make things happen. There may be a course correction during the last two months of this year but you pick up the pace again in mid-January of 2023. Communication is favored this month with Jupiter in the 3rd opposing the Sun and Venus and people will be glad to hear your message. Your best days are the 4th, 5th and 31st.
Pisces — February 20-March 20:Jupiter in your solar 2nd house will have you assessing your financial goals but could also bring some money coming your way. You just have to decide what to do with it. When Jupiter goes back into Pisces at the end of the month, there’s more of a hopeful vibe for you personally and for the world in general. You could be quite busy this month but torn in a couple directions. Just make a choice on what to pursue and don’t over think it. The cosmic vibes favor Pisces on the 6th and 7th, enjoy!
Personal Consultations:
I offer a number of personalized services, including natal and progressed charts as well as a personal lucky days report, an awesome way to make astrology work for you by allowing you to focus on your optimum timing, when the universe seems lined up to support your wishes and dreams.
The date, time, and location of your birth is all I need to provide you with insight into your important place in the grand scheme of life! For more information, or to schedule a session with me, feel free to email me or visit my website.

October 2022 Monthly Horoscopes