Weekly Astrology Forecast — Oct 26, 2020 – Nov 1, 2020


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Forecast for the week of Oct 26, 2020 – Nov 1, 2020:

This week we have two planets (Mercury and Venus) changing signs, a Cardinal t-square involving the Moon, Mercury and  Saturn, and a Full “Blue” Moon in Taurus.

We start the week on Monday with the Moon in Pisces, where it trines Mercury and the Sun and sextiles Uranus before the day is through. These are all relatively cozy and mellow transits, with the Pisces Moon bringing empathy, intuition and empathy to the table, with the Sun, Mercury and Uranus adding elements of brilliance and creativity.

Weekly Astrology Forecast — Oct 19, 2020 – Oct 25, 2020


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Forecast for the week of Oct 19, 2020 – Oct 25, 2020:

We start this week with a couple of powerful Jupiter aspects on Monday. First there’s a trine to Venus and then there’s a square to Mars. On its own, the Jupiter / Venus trine is optimistic, enthusiastic and benevolent, and can see you feeling so good about yourself that others respond in kind. Those feelings of goodwill are infectious and can result in opportunities that come to you through unexpected channels.

But the Jupiter / Mars square can definitely overdo it. It can see you biting off more than you can chew, promising more than you can deliver and taking risks that can see you ending up in hot water. Best to keep yourself in check, or at assign a trusted friend to do it for you.

Weekly Astrology Forecast — Oct 12 2020 – Oct 18, 2020


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Forecast for the week of Oct 12, 2020 – Oct 18, 2020:

We start the week with the Moon in Leo and a sextile between Mercury and Venus on Monday. With the respect to the sextile aspect involving Venus and Mercury: this is the only aspect (aside from the conjunction) these two planets can make. This is due to their relative proximity to the Sun and to one another.

Venus is weak in this configuration as it’s in the sign of its fall (Virgo) where Mercury is exalted. And Mercury is in Scorpio, the sign of Venus’s detriment. Still this is a harmonious aspect that promotes cooperation, communication and collaboration.

Weekly Astrology Forecast — Oct 5, 2020 – Oct 11, 2020


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Forecast for the week of Oct 5, 2020 – Oct 11, 2020:

This week starts on Monday with the Moon — still Full — in calm, gentle, sensuous Taurus. The Moon in dignified in Taurus, the sign of its exaltation. It’s earthy, composted and tranquil, although it can also be slow-moving and overly cautious. It prefers to savor meaningful experiences, much like someone would savor a meal or a bottle of fine wine.

This Taurus Moon is also making mostly favorable aspects: it sextiles Neptune and trines Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn before the day is through. It makes for a good day to lounge around the house, listening to music, baking, decorating, and — depending on where in the world you are located — landscaping and gardening. These are all Taurus Moon activities, with the idea of comfort, luxury, and getting in touch with nature and the earth being the corresponding theme.

October 2020 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

Aries: Two of Swords

With the Full Moon in your sign this month, along with Mars which is also in your sign and still retrograde, you may find yourself struggling to stay in sync partners and loved ones.

You might question whether others have your back, or you may be struggling with a decision that might put you at odds with others.

The Two of Swords — this version from the Samurai Tarot — can refer to an impasse or stalemate that’s more likely than not a result of your own indecision. It can refer to a pivotal moment in time where you recognize that the options before you are equally appealing (or terrifying) and that whatever decision you make will have a huge impact on your life.

In this respect it can refer to inaction and immobility. Sometimes this is due to fear: “What if I make the wrong decision?” But it’s just as often related to a desire to not have to choose at all.

You may have come to an impasse with someone and are actualizing this energy through passive resistance. This isn’t a better solution and it won’t solve anything: you’re going to have to take a stand whether you like it or not. This is the dilemma with the Two of Swords. It tells you that while either decision leads to a different outcome, you can’t know the exact nature of that outcome until you make your choice.

The inertia that comes from choosing not to choose can prevent you from moving forward. It’s going to be critical for you to weigh your options this month, make your decision and then stand by it in the end.


October 2020 Monthly Horoscopes by Jeanne

The month begins with a full Moon in Aries conjunct the asteroid, Chiron, the wounded healer archetype. This suggests some emotional healing is needed at this time for everyone, not just Aries or Libra people. Take advantage of this time to enjoy the Harvest Moon’s rays and do some inner work on yourself.

The vibes this month are pretty similar to September’s as Mars is retrograde and squaring Saturn and Pluto for almost the entire month of October but is moving away from the exact degrees. It’s something, folks!

Pluto goes direct on October 4 and is therefore quite slow and powerful this month. This is transformational energy but it is also under stress from Saturn and Mars.

Jupiter moves forward to be very close to Pluto at the month’s end while squaring Mars through most of the month as well. There is some hope, however, it may feel like it gets overridden by the demands of the other planets. You have to keep going, no matter what and work towards a positive outcome. This energy is moving forward now so even if it is a struggle, gains can be made.

And just the time these planets start to separate from each other, the little dude, Mercury, does its final retrograde dance of the year on October 14th at 11 degrees of Scorpio. Mercury is within the 5 degree orb of opposition to Uranus in Taurus, so there may be some shocking events, particularly about money and assets at this time.

Weekly Astrology Forecast — Sep 28, 2020 – Oct 4, 2020


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Forecast for the week of Sep 28, 2020 – Oct 4, 2020:

Highlights this week include a planet (Venus) changing signs, two planets (Saturn and Pluto) changing direction and the first of this month’s two full Moons. 

We start the week on Monday with Venus trining Mars and inconjuncting Saturn. The trine to Mars — with both of these planets in Fire signs — brings love and romance to the forefront. This transit is all about going with the flow and staying in sync with your loved ones. It’s good for attracting new people into your life and for collaborating with others.

Weekly Astrology Forecast — Sep 21, 2020 – Sep 27, 2020


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Forecast for the week of Sep 21, 2020 – Sep 27, 2020:

This week starts on Monday with Mercury squaring Pluto. This aspect is associated with intrusive thoughts, anxieties and fears. It can feel like your mind is playing tricks on you, convincing you that something is real based on rudimentary “facts.” You want to be careful not to let your imagination run away with you, lest you find yourself growing increasingly paranoid.

This aspect is great for ferreting out hidden information but is not so good at evaluating it objectively. With the Moon in Scorpio — squaring Venus and trining Neptune on that day —  you could be in danger of jumping to conclusions, so if you notice yourself getting fixated on something and feeling the urge to act, step back, take a breather and re-evaluate it in a couple days.

Weekly Astrology Forecast — Sep 14, 2020 – Sep 20, 2020


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Forecast for the week of Sep 14, 2020 – Sep 20, 2020:

This week starts with Balsamic Moon / Venus conjunction in Leo on Monday. This conjunction will be visible on the Eastern horizon in the early morning hours. The Leo Moon is associated with warmth, vitality, personality and creative self-expression. Add to that the conjunction with Venus and the emphasis is on reveling in the moment, embracing life to the fullest, and setting your worries aside long enough to bask in the light of the day.

This fits in very well with a Sun / Pluto trine, which is partile on Monday. This transit is all about harnessing your personal power and channeling it in productive / transformative ways. It’s excellent for business and financial matters since both of these planets are in Earth signs. It can also be used to make positive changes in yourself — as in how you wish to present yourself to the outer world and how you want to be perceived.

Weekly Astrology Forecast — Sep 7, 2020 – Sep 13, 2020


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Forecast for the week of Sep 7, 2020 – Sep 13, 2020:

This week we have a two planets changing direction: We have Mars going retrograde and Jupiter going direct. We also have seven planets in earth signs, counting the Moon which is in Taurus — where it’s exalted — on Monday.

Because there are so many planets in earth signs now, The Moon makes favorable aspects to all of them and continues this trend into Tuesday before it goes void of course around 9:30 pm  (GMT). 

September 2020 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

Aries: The Hanged Man

This month, with your ruling planet (Mars) turning retrograde, you may feel like the Universe is forcing you to put certain aspects of your life on hold. Plans you’ve made may he held up or delayed, or you may feel the need to take a step back and regroup.

This card — the Hanged Man from the Feng Shui Tarot — refers to things slowing down or even coming to a dead halt. It could be due to circumstances beyond your control, or it could be a decision you make when you realize the path you’re on is leading you in a direction you don’t want to go.

You could be frustrated over something that’s taken too long to manifest, or have the sense that nothing is happening despite your best efforts. You may also feel like it’s one step forward and two steps back, courtesy of Mars retrograde.

Roadblocks are put in your path — often for your own good. You may have been running at a break-neck pace, never stopping to look at what you’ve accomplished. Or you may have found yourself losing steam over a project that just hasn’t panned out.

Either way, it may be time to step back, take some time to get perspective and put things on hold — at least long enough to evaluate your commitment.

The Hanged Man can refer to delays and sacrifices and when it does, you can bet they’re necessary. You’ll have to trust that there’s a reason, even if it’s not readily apparent, and that it will reveal itself to you in time. It indicates a need to back down, even if what you really really want to do is push forward. Your best bet under these circumstances will be to surrender to a higher power, or at least give up the resistance, for now.


Weekly Astrology Forecast — Aug 31, 2020 – Sep 6, 2020


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Forecast for the week of Aug 31, 2020 – Sep 6, 2020:

This week’s highlights include a Full Moon in Pisces and two planets — Mercury and Venus — changing signs. There are also numerous transits involving aspects between personal planets, ie Mercury, Venus and Mars.

The Aquarius Moon on Monday is the only Air sign presence we’ll see until the end of the week when Mercury moves into Libra. It’s largely unaspected, aside from a separating square to Uranus and an applying sextile to Mars.