The month begins with Mercury retrograde joined to the Sun’s 9th degree and cazimi, which means a planet is within 15 minutes of the Sun’s position.
With a fast-moving planet like Mercury, this period doesn’t last very long and in this case it’s only 7 hours, beginning at 5 PM (MDT) on 6/30 and lasting until 1 AM on 7/1.
This means that Mercury, the messenger, is so close to the Sun that he “has the ear of the king” as represented by the Sun. Important conversations are going on at this time between advisors and rulers of nations. Stay tuned.
This event is followed by the full Moon lunar eclipse at 13 degrees of Cancer/Capricorn, on the birthday chart of the USA. Interestingly, Pluto was retrograde at 27 degrees of Capricorn in 1776 and while not at the same degree as it is now (24 degrees Capricorn), you can see the large scale, and somewhat dark, deadly and transformational events happening in the daily news. The United States’ Pluto return doesn’t occur until late February 2022, so this is a process we will be in for years.