Weekly Astrology Forecast — Mar 2, 2020 – Mar 8, 2020


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Astro Forecast for the week of Mar 2, 2020 – Mar 8, 2020:

This week we have both Mercury and Venus changing signs, Mars moving back into bounds, and the Moon increasing in light and dimension as it moves toward the first Super Moon of the year.

But before all that happens, we have a first quarter Moon in Gemini on Monday, and Venus squaring Saturn on Tuesday. The first quarter Moon is tied to home, family, security, emotions and needs (among other things). This is a very sociable Moon, and while it may not be the time to try to delve too deeply into any one thing, it’s great for connecting and interacting with others.

March 2020 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

Aries: Black Tortoise Six

Opportunities abound for you this month with your ruler (Mars) joining Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in your public sector. This is a powerhouse conjunction that’s likely to get you noticed. It can herald a period of increased public scrutiny, and can bring you more recognition on the job.

You may have been putting a lot of effort into your work and not even realizing that others have taken notice. Or you could be unexpectedly pulled aside by a loved one, just to tell you how much you’re valued.

This is the Feng Shui Tarot’s version of the Six of Wands. It’s a card of appreciation and admiration. You “win” something and have earned the right to be satisfied with the spoils of your victory.

This isn’t about ego or conceit and it’s never at someone else’s expense. There’s a strong sense of being supported and lifted up by others who rejoice right along with you.

You could be in line for a promotion or an award at work. You could be given the okay to go ahead with a project you’ve been excited about. Or it may be as simple as pat on the back and some words of encouragement from those who look up to you.

Whatever form this takes for you this month, know that you’ve earned it and that you deserve it. It may just give you the incentive to keep shooting for the stars and manifesting your highest goals. Don’t shy away from celebrating your achievements with others.

Even if it feels premature at this stage know that you’re well on your way and that the fun doesn’t have to stop once you reach your goals. Embrace the accolades that are coming toward you and don’t forget to thank those who’ve helped you along the way.


March 2020 Monthly Horoscopes by Jeanne

March 2020 monthly horoscopes

March has some very interesting planetary energy pairings beginning with Venus conjunct Uranus at 4 degrees of Taurus and the Sun conjunct Neptune at 18 degrees of Pisces on the 8th. That day and the three days leading up to it have a kind of a magical mystical mystery tour vibe if you ask me. Lovers, mystics and artists should have a very good time with it as the energy is wildly creative, romantic and exciting but everyone can enjoy it in some way as well.

Mercury goes direct on the 10th at 28 degrees of Aquarius. The minor speed bumps of the last three weeks will begin to straighten out through the end of the month. Don’t sweat the small stuff as it can always be corrected and many times the delays turn out to be of benefit in some way.

Mars is now cruising through its sign of exaltation, Capricorn, and is strong, competitive with a drive for achievement. You can definitely use this martial energy to accomplish things. It is primarily positive through the 20th when he joins up with Jupiter at 20 degrees of Capricorn. But after that, Mars gets into malefic and volatile territory when it meets up with Pluto on the 22nd.

Weekly Astrology Forecast — Feb 24, 2020 – Mar 1, 2020


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Astro Forecast for the week of Feb 24, 2020 – Mar 1, 2020:

This week starts with Mars conjuncting the Moon’s South Node (and thus automatically opposing her North Node) on Monday. This is a rather tense aspect that encourages you to be mindful of your actions (and your reactions), The  South Node is tied to karmic events and repercussion, pay attention to what you’re putting out there at time time.

This transit is also about determining your role in group interactions. Remember that there needs to be a good balance between give and take: don’t try to force your views on others, or you could wind up alienating them.

Weekly Astrology Forecast — Feb 17, 2020 – Feb 23, 2020


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Astro Forecast for the week of Feb 17, 2020 – Feb 23, 2020:

This week we have a planet (Mercury) going retrograde, the Sun changing signs and a New Moon in early Pisces. Starting with the Mercury retrograde, it’s official just after midnight UT on Monday (late Friday in the US). We all know that Mercury retrograde means things are likely to go haywire — especially all things related to communications, communications devices and local travel — like automobiles, train and bus schedules and so on.

Communications tend to run amok, plans get turned on their head, communications devices (computers, electronics, cell-phones, etc) and written communications (emails, texts, letters, etc.) get lost or misconstrued. It’s not a good time to sign contracts or legal documents and not a good time to purchase Mercury-ruled items (automobiles, televisions, computers and so on).

Weekly Astrology Forecast — Feb 10, 2020 – Feb 16, 2020


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Astro Forecast for the week of Feb 10, 2020 – Feb 16, 2020:

This week starts with Venus conjuncting Chiron in Aries on Monday. Venus is in its fall in Aries, as the sign opposite Libra which it naturally rules. It can be seen as a bit rash and abrasive, but the conjunction with Chiron shifts the focus away from self-interests and toward understanding the suffering of others.

This transit should see you becoming more aware of your own capacity for giving and for being able to put yourself in other people’s shoes. This is a charitable aspect that compels you to reach into the very depths of your soul — where compassion, forgiveness and understanding all reside — and bring forth that which is within you in order to pass it onto others.

Weekly Astrology Forecast — Feb 3, 2020 – Feb 9, 2020


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Astro Forecast for the week of Feb 3, 2020 – Feb 9, 2020:

We start this week on Monday with Mercury moving into Pisces, where it remain until April 11th — aside from a 2 week return to Aquarius between March 4th-16th due to an upcoming retrograde.  Mercury is in detriment in Pisces, the sign opposite Virgo which is naturally rules. As a result, it’s considered “weak” in there, although there are many ways in which Mercury in Pisces is seen as advantageous.

Mercury in Pisces is visionary, mystical and ethereal. It is very perceptive and should have you feeling more introspective and intuitive. But it’s also gullible and highly impressionable so make sure you get your facts straight before you race off down any rabbit holes.

February 2020 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

Aries: Ace of Swords

Your card this month — the Ace of Swords from the beautiful Prisma Visions Tarot — is all about achieving the kind of clarity that’s needed to focus your intentions and accomplish your goals.

The Ace of Swords can act as a tool for manifesting. It is raw, pure, unharnessed energy that can be channeled into something both powerful and magical.

It can act as a lightning rod for either positive or negative energy, depending on how it’s used. It refers to getting to the heart of the matter, cutting through the BS, speaking your mind and honoring your truth.

But the Ace of Swords can also be somewhat aggressive and argumentative. When used negatively it really does “cut like a knife” with respect to cruelty or hurtful words. For this reason it’s sometimes best to put some distance between yourself and whatever outside influences are triggering reactions.

Your ruling planet (Mars) is dignified in Capricorn this month. This is a strong placement, associated with climbing to the top, staking your claim and asserting your power — all of which are so beautifully represented here.

Aces are associated with fresh starts and new beginnings, and nowhere is that more evident than the Ace of Swords in this deck, where each card is represents a small snippet of a much bigger picture. Here the Sword glows against a midnight sky, Here there are references to clarity, perfection and purity with the embedded Sword glistening in a new-fallen snow.

The Ace of Swords can have a dual meaning just as the blade itself is double edged. It can be victorious or defiant, depending on how you decide to wield it. Remember that your words and actions can have far reaching consequences, so wield yours not as a weapon this month, but as a conduit for fairness and honesty.


February 2020 Monthly Horoscopes by Jeanne

There’s a lot going on this month, including the first Mercury retrograde of the year! The little dude does his apparent backwards dance from February 16th through March 9th, beginning at 12 degrees of Pisces and back to 28 degrees of Aquarius.

Mercury is considered weak in the sign of Pisces because it is opposite Virgo, a sign he rules. In Pisces, Mercury loses his precision focus and gets scattered. Be aware of this during the retrograde period and also when he moves forward over those degrees through the end of March. Mercury is in Pisces until April 12th, so this is a fairly long period of debility, almost 2 months!

Mercury is the conscious mind, the intellect, how we communicate, short trips and mechanical objects. We all have our Mercury Rx stories and while this time can be annoying it is not devastating or to be feared. Any planetary retrograde period is a time to do things over, review progress and revise action. Things generally work themselves out as he begins forward motion again.

Venus is transiting Pisces, her sign of exaltation, through February 8 and then she enters Aries, a sign of her debility because it is opposite Libra, a sign she rules. She is still highly visible in southwestern sky after sunset. Check out that luminous brilliance while you can. May all beings be blessed by this vision.

Weekly Astrology Forecast — Jan 27, 2020 – Feb 2, 2020


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Astro Forecast for the week of Jan 27, 2020 – Feb 2, 2020:

This week starts with Venus conjuncting Neptune and squaring Mars on Monday. The Venus / Neptune portion of this aspect is a harmonious apsect that is made all the more powerful by the fact that both planets are dignified in Pisces — the sign that Venus is exalted in and Neptune rules. Neptune is also the higher octave of Venus. This conjunction is associated with the purest forms of beauty, art and love.

It is merging completely with others — and with the Universe — and in this respect it’s associated with all of those areas that bring us together in ways that we can relate to one another — through things like music, romance, dreams and psychic connections. It’s visionary, mystical and idealistic. It’s also incredibly compassionate and altruistic. On a personal level it can inspire us to strive for ecstasy, nirvana and bliss.

Weekly Astrology Forecast — Jan 20, 2020 – Jan 26, 2020


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Astro Forecast for the week of Jan 20, 2020 – Jan 26, 2020:

Starting on Monday, the Sun leaves Capricorn and moves into Aquarius. The Sun is said to be debiliated in Aquarius, the sign of its detriment. But when you look at it, this placement is far from weak. With the bodyt associated with ego, will, Self, etc. (the Sun) in the sign of the Water Bearer, known for pouring wisdom, progress and humanitarian ideals into the collective unconscious — we should be inspired to start marching to the beat of our own drums, to think outside the box and to take the roads less traveled.

The Sun in Aquarius represents a time when the Ego is introduced into the collective and we start seeing ourselves as part of something bigger — bigger than our homes, families and cities. Bigger than our states and countries. We see ourselves as unique individuals — a tiny and potentially insignificant microcosm — in a much larger and more significant macrocosm, known as humanity.

Weekly Astrology Forecast — Jan 13, 2020 – Jan 19, 2020


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Astro Forecast for the week of Jan 13, 2020 – Jan 19, 2020:

The week starts on Monday, with the Sun joining up with the Saturn / Pluto conjunction we spoke about last week. This adds another layer to an already powerful astrological configuration that’s been moving into play for several months. There’s no question that Saturn / Pluto aspects relate to power, influence and control. Especially in the ambitious and authoritative sign of Capricorn.

The Sun adds things like Will, Ego and Self-Importance to the mix, and let’s not forget that Mercury is still there as well. So we have five planets in Capricorn with four of them tightly conjunct (within less than 1 degree) and it’s going to be impossible to separate their influences. Power struggles may erupt. We’ll likely see leaders vying for prominence with the potental for ruthlessness to take center stage.