Weekly Astrology Forecast — Nov 11, 2019 – Nov 17, 2019:


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Astro Forecast for the week of Nov 11, 2019 – Nov 17, 2019:

This week starts with a Sun / Mercury conjunction at 18º Scorpio 55 on Monday. This is Mercury’s inferior conjunction, which renders it “combust,” or so close to the Sun that it’s obscured by the Sun’s rays. The exact conjunction takes place around 3:20 pm UT, and is referred to by classical astrologers as “cazimi,” which means in the heart of the Sun.

This is a powerful condition, with the cazimi planet’s influence generally seen as heightened and energized by the Sun. But because Mercury’s retrograde and is essentially “hidden” by the Sun, this aspect can be somewhat problematic. The main thing to watch for is information that is hidden or lacking, which can result in making ill-informed decisions.

Weekly Astrology Forecast — Nov 4, 2019 – Nov 10, 2019:


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Astro Forecast for the week of Nov 4, 2019 – Nov 10, 2019:

This week starts with the Sun trining the Moon’s North Node (and thus automatically trining the South Node) on Monday. This aspect is all about coming to terms with who you are and being more than ok with it. It’s about bringing the lessons of the past (South Node) into harmony with where you are today.

As this is a Water sign trine it may have more to do with feelings and emotions than anything else. It can relate to gaining a better understanding of the inner workings of your own psyche (Scorpio Sun) and healing old wounds and hurts (Cancer Node). As the Nodes are said to be karmic in nature you can make great strides toward clearing up karmic debts during this time.

November 2019 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

King of Wands

Aries: King of Wands

How comfortable are you feeling with your own power? This month you might need to find out; as you’re probably going to need to step forward and take charge of a situation that needs a strong, confident and authoritative hand.

The King of Wands — this version from the Crystal Tarot —  is often a force to be reckoned with. He’s strong, confident, powerful and imposing; in other words, not someone anyone is going to want to trifle with.

He is dynamic and expansive. He embodies Fire sign qualities: warmth, charisma, passion, ardor. And Leo qualities in particular, according to this card. He does everything — and experiences everything — in a big way.

As with all of the court cards, this King can represent a person in your life, in this case someone who possesses strong leadership qualities and who has a larger-than-life presence that’s impossible to ignore. He can also represent a state of mind — as in displaying an infectious confidence and enthusiasm that draws people to you and elevates you in their eyes. And he can represent an event — such as a promotion or recognition from your peers.

If this is someone in your life, know that he’s here to pull you out of your shell. He’s here to teach — and to show you through example — how to live life to the fullest and to embrace it with a passion.

He may be a friend, a lover, or an authority figure, or he may be someone entering for just a brief period of time. Whatever role he plays in your life, the message for you is the same: It’s time to stand up and take charge and show the rest of the world what you’re capable of.


November 2019 Monthly Horoscopes by Jeanne

November Horoscope

The month begins with a retrograde Mercury in Scorpio. Whoopie! The gauntlet for going deeper and revealing the truth of things has been thrown by the cosmic forces that be. Show up, tell the truth and go deep within yourself to make the most of this transit. People will be hypersensitive to criticism so go easy with your words.

Mercury will go direct on November 20 at 11º Scorpio 38’. This one could get pretty intense, just sayin’. The little dude is close to Venus until the 3rd, making it all rather pleasant and civilized. Venus goes into Sagittarius on the 2nd and they separate as Mercury retros and Venus moves forward.

It gets more intense after that as transiting Mars in Libra squares transiting Pluto in Capricorn. This is an explosive aspect with a potential for nasty confrontations and outcomes. Avoid volatile people and watch your back in unfamiliar surroundings. Jupiter, the planet of optimism, right action and justice, moves between 23 degrees and 29 degrees of Sagittarius, and is aspecting the Galactic Center between November 15-21. This coincides with Mercury going direct on the 20th and Mars entering Scorpio on the 20th as well. The truth of the matter does get revealed as the month unfolds.

Weekly Astrology Forecast — Oct 28, 2019 – Nov 3, 2019:


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Astro Forecast for the week of Oct 28, 2019 – Nov 3, 2019:

We start this week with a New Moon at 4º Scorpio 25 on Monday. As New Moons always represent new beginnings and opportunities to start anew, this one — in Scorpio — presents opportunities for deep personal connections with others, as well as a chance to explore the inner workings of our own psyches.

Weekly Astrology Forecast — Oct 21, 2019 – Oct 27, 2019:


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Astro Forecast for the week of Oct 21, 2019 – Oct 27, 2019:

This week starts on Monday with the Moon in Cancer (opposite Pluto) and a Venus / Neptune trine. Although the Moon is dignified in Cancer (as the sign it naturally rules), the opposition to Pluto can intensify emotional reactions, especially the more uncomfortable emotions, like jealousy, mistrust and even paranoia.

It’s a relatively fleeting aspect, which should be overshadowed by the much more pleasant Venus / Neptune trine. This spect asserts a idealized version of love, beauty, romance and compassion for others. It can bring you closer to loved ones, and see you feeling so connected to them that it’s hard to tell where you end and they begin. As a result, you may feel so in sync with those who hold a special place in your heart that you know exactly what they need to feel appreciated during this time.

Weekly Astrology Forecast — Oct 14, 2019 – Oct 20, 2019:


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Astro Forecast for the week of Oct 14, 2019 – Oct 20, 2019:

This week starts with a Sun / Pluto square and a Mercury / Saturn sextile on Monday. The Sun / Pluto square can be extremely volatile. It can erupt into power struggles or confrontations with others. Intense anger (rage), trust issues and overreactions are all potential manifestations of this transit, which can fortunately be tempered by the Mercury/ Saturn aspect.

Mercury sextile Saturn makes it a little easier to “get a grip” and see things from a more rational perspective. It puts the Sun / Pluto paranoia under a microscope and forces you to see things as they are rather than jumping to conclusions. It forces you to rely on facts rather than conjecture and can get you thinking logically rather than irrationally.

Weekly Astrology Forecast — Oct 7, 2019 – Oct 13, 2019:


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Astro Forecast for the week of Oct 7, 2019 – Oct 13, 2019:

Things could be a bit tense at the start of this week with two stressful transits — the Sun squaring Saturn and Mercury opposite Uranus on Monday. The Sun / Saturn square may see you feeling like the Universe is raining on your parade, at least temporarily. It can indicate a sense of feeling trapped or prohibited from accomplishing your goals.

It represents limitations, obstacles and restrictions and may see you feeling like “what’s the use” with one roadblock after another standing in your way. But shake it off or ride it out — this is a short-lived transit that generally feels much heavier than it actually is.

October 2019 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

Seven of Pentacles

Aries: Seven of Pentacles

Now would be a good time to re-evaluate a recent decision and decide your next move. Do you proceed as planned? Change directions? Or throw in the towel and start all over again?

The Seven of Pentacles — this version from the Shadowscapes Tarot — indicates a need for patience to see something through. But it can also trigger feelings of disappointment or frustration over that something taking too long to produce results.

That also brings in the potential that as those results develop they turn out to be not what you thought you wanted in the first place. You could be involved in a relationship that’s just not working out the way you hoped or a career-path that turns out to be unrewarding.

You may be mid-way through a college degree and find yourself wondering if you should change majors, or moving halfway around the world and realizing you’re homesick.

The Seven of Pentacles — like all Sevens — refers to delays, dilemmas and decisions that are not easy to resolve. This card can refer to a pause or a setback, a choice between disparate paths, or even a change in direction late in the game.

This card represents finding yourself a pivotal juncture that there’s no easy answer for. If you find yourself at a crossroads — wondering whether it’s best to hang in there or to hang it up and start all over again, your best move may just be to step back and give it some time.


Weekly Astrology Forecast –Sep 30, 2019 – Oct 6, 2019:


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Astro Forecast for the week of Sep 30, 2019 – Oct 6, 2019:

We’ve got a lot going on this week, with two planets (Mercury and Mars) changing signs, a planet (Pluto) changing direction, and a stellium of planets (five in all — if you include the still-New Moon) in Libra by week’s end.

The Libra Moon is nestled in between Venus and Mercury at the beginning of the week (on Monday) setting the tone for pleasant  and amicable conversations. This is a graceful, conciliatory aspect that seeks to  set aside differences and bring people together in harmony. While it’s a relatively fleeting transit, a lot can be accomplished through tact, diplomacy and skillful communications during this time.

October 2019 Monthly Horoscopes by Jeanne

October Horoscopes

The month begins with Pluto going into direct motion on October 3rd at 20º Capricorn 38’. Pluto is the slowest moving known planet in our solar system and will proceed to 20º Capricorn 49’ at the end of the month.

This degree was transited by Pluto in the first week of January 2019 so there is a transformative cycle that culminates this month for people whose charts (heads up to anyone with major chart points and planets at 20º of cardinal signs) are directly impacted by this transit.

Pluto transits are not easy and usually require us to encounter dark energies that facilitate a breakdown to breakthrough kind of transformation. Mercury will be in the sign of Libra through the 4th and then enter the sign of Scorpio, where it will spend two months before going into its retrograde cycle on October 31 at 27º Scorpio. Secrets will be revealed to be sure!

Venus transits Libra through the 9th and then enters Scorpio, a sign she is not very comfortable in. Mars ends its Virgo transit on the 5th and then will be in Libra through the end of the month. Mars tends to be weak in Libra so both Venus and Mars will be energetically off this month. Be patient with relationship dynamics throughout October and into early November.

Weekly Astrology Forecast –Sep 23, 2019 – Sep 29, 2019:


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Astro Forecast for the week of Sep 23, 2019 – Sep 29, 2019:

We usher in the Autumnal Equinox this week (Spring Equinox for those in the Southern Hemisphere) on Monday, as the Sun moves into Libra.  From a symbolic standpoint, the Equinox is associated balance and harmony. It’s also associated with with reaping what we have sewn and harvesting what we have grown. It speaks of conserving our energy and making preparations for the longer colder nights.

With the day (consciousness and intention) and night (intuition and emotion) momentarily equal, the ability to synchronize our own inner rhythms is unparalleled during this time. This is reinforced by the fact that the Sun has moved into Libra, which shifts our collective consciousness toward thoughts of fairness and impartiality. The Sun in Libra is objective and open-minded, willing to weigh all sides of an argument and listen to all points of view.