Weekly Astrology Forecast — Sep 16, 2019 – Sep 22, 2019:


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Astro Forecast for the week of Sep 16, 2019 – Sep 22, 2019:

This week starts with Mercury opposing Chiron on Monday. This aspect can bring feelings of guilt and regret to the surface.  It can cause you to be more susceptible to deception — including your own. This is not the time to wallow in self-pity or to let your feelings of inadequacy govern your actions. 

You could be questioning whether you’ve done enough to help others or whether you’ve said the right things. You may also be more gullible than usual, so be careful not to fall prey to someone’s sob story. Don’t get caught up in (melo)drama and don’t let your compassion for others cloud your judgment.

Weekly Astrology Forecast — Sep 9, 2019 – Sep 15, 2019:


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Astro Forecast for the week of Sep 9, 2019 – Sep 15, 2019:

This week we have two planets (Mercury and Venus) changing signs, a Full Moon / Neptune conjunction in Pisces, and a planet (Saturn) stationing as it prepares to go direct.

Starting on Monday, Mars trines Saturn and the North Node while Mercury trines Pluto.The Mars / Saturn trine is not particularly lucky. But it does present opportunities as long as you’re willing to work for them. This is a good time to take plans that have been thoroughly and painstakingly finessed (Saturn) and put them into action (Mars).

Weekly Astrology Forecast — Sep 2, 2019 – Sep 8, 2019:


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Astro Forecast for the week of Sep 2, 2019 – Sep 8, 2019:

We start this week with a Sun / Mars conjunction on Monday, with Venus squaring Jupiter and sextiling the North Node.  With Mars so close to the Sun it’s said to be hidden by the Sun’s bright rays, a condition known astrologically as “combust.”  

Add to that the Venus aspects — the square to Jupiter, an expansive, indulgent energy, and the sextile to the North Node, a cooperative, conciliatory energy — and this combination of aspects can make for a harmonious, productive day.

September 2019 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

Two of Wands

Aries: Two of Wands

Your card this month is the Two of Wands from the beautiful Fantastical Tarot. The Two of Wands — like all Twos — refers to taking the spark of an idea (seen in the Aces) and forming it into a tangible, working plan.

This requires looking at it from all angles — weighing the pros and cons, evaluating time and energy, separating the wheat from the chaff and so on. This is beautifully represented in the imagery depicted on this version of the card.

Here we see two leopards — one dark and one light — each standing watch by their own ornate pillars. The dark leopard is an exact mirror image of the light. Their sleek bodies curve toward one another and become “one,” reminding us of the power of uniting opposing forces to make one stronger entity. The Sun shines high in the sky between them.

The key here is balance: you won’t be able to make something happen without careful consideration and planning. And all the planning in the world won’t cause your ideas to materialize without putting in the effort.

There’s a certain give and take with the Two of Wands (as with all Twos in the tarot) that is mirrored right back to you. There’s also a need for discrimination — throwing out the unrealistic or half-baked ideas and focusing on what has a genuine shot at being successful. The Two of Wands requires you to be objective and this is why it’s always wise to bounce your ideas off of another.

If you want to make something happen this month, prove it by participating in its development. The outcome you achieve will be directly proportionate to the energy you put into making it manifest.


September 2019 Monthly Horoscopes by Jeanne

september horoscopes

The month begins with 4 planets in Virgo so there’s work to be done, rooms to declutter and file drawers to organize!

Mercury, Mars and the Sun are very close to each other the first 6 days so there may very well be verbal jousting and hair trigger tempers so be careful with your speech as it is possible to inflame any situation with poorly chosen words. Mars will be opposite Neptune and the full Moon on the 13th so I expect some lies or deceptions to be exposed that may be shocking to some.

Things lighten up a bit when both Mercury and Venus go into the sign of Libra on the 15th. Jupiter covers the 15th, 16th, and 17th degrees of Sagittarius. Jupiter transited these same degrees in the middle of January and then again in early July so it’s time to wrap things up around the projects or events going on at that time.

Saturn will station at just under 14 degrees of Capricorn and will go into direct motion on the 18th. Saturn will be traveling with the south node and be quite powerful at this time. Saturn likes to have a solid foundation, follow the rules and there’s no skipping over steps with this taskmaster in a power position. Saturn and the south node will be in an exact conjunction on the 28th that feels kind of karmic. There could be an event that produces a great amount of fear at this time.

Pluto, also in Capricorn at 20 degrees, is stationing there and very powerful the last week of the month. Pluto goes direct on October 2nd. I expect power struggles, protests, fearmongering and government breakdowns to be prevalent at this time. This, too, shall pass.

Read Rising sign and Sun sign for best information:

Weekly Astrology Forecast — Aug 26, 2019 – Sep 1, 2019:


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Astro Forecast for the week of Aug 26, 2019 – Sep 1, 2019:

We start this week on Monday with Venus trining Uranus with the Moon in Cancer at their midpoint (and sextiling them both). These two planets in harmonious aspect bring an ease of expression and cooperation to the forefront, particularly in social settings. With Venus in Virgo and Uranus in Taurus, the focus is on comfort and consistency. But with a twist: as Uranus likes to shake things up we might be surprised to see these things take on a whole new meaning for us during this time.

Remember that Venus is still conjunct the Sun (and in mutual reception with Mercury) so there’s also a lot of emphasis on originality and individuality. This is a progressive, forward-thinking, trend-setting configuration that encourages creative self-expression. As such, it’s a good time to change things up a bit, especially in how you present yourself to the outer world.

Weekly Astrology Forecast — Aug 19, 2019 – Aug 25, 2019:


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Astro Forecast for the week of Aug 19, 2019 – Aug 25, 2019:

This week we have three planets and an asteroid (Juno) in Leo all moving into Virgo. Venus and Mars are also still combust, or hidden from view. Mercury is visible, in the early morning skies while Jupiter and Saturn are visible at night. The Moon is still full — in Aries — on Monday, forming a conjunction to Chiron, a semi-sextile to Uranus and a trine to Mercury before the day is through.

These are all relatively benign aspects but because the Moon is in Aries — the sign associated with action, energy, motivation and drive — we may be chomping at the bit to get things moving. The Moon in Aries is lively, free-spirited and adventurous. It’s wide-open to to the world of possibilities, facing whatever comes its way without fear or trepidation.

Weekly Astrology Forecast — Aug 12, 2019 – Aug 18, 2019:


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Astro Forecast for the week of Aug 12, 2019 – Aug 18, 2019:

This week starts on Monday with Uranus going stationary retrograde, where it will remain for the next five months. As with all retrogrades, the planetary energy is turned inward, making those sudden flashes of Uranian brilliance and insight all the more real.

Uranus is known as the “great awakener” and loves to shake things up — just to make sure we’re paying attention. It’s a naturally rebellious archetype, but the retrograde makes it less about bucking the system and more about challenging our own deeply personal ideals. Uranus will retrograde back to 2º Taurus 39, before it turns direct and starts moving forward again (on January 12, 2020).

Weekly Astrology Forecast — Aug 5, 2019 – Aug 11, 2019:


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Astro Forecast for the week of Aug 5, 2019 – Aug 11, 2019:

This week we have a planet (Mercury) changing signs, a planet (Jupiter) changing direction and what promises to be a spectacular light show (the Perseid Meteor Showers) by week’s end.

Starting on Monday though, the Moon is still New in Libra, where it is known for fairness, impartiality and objectivity. Those things should come ion hand, since it forms several stressful aspects: including an opposition to Chiron, square to Saturn and inconjunct to Uranus. Fortunately, there’s also a sextile to Jupiter, and a trine to Venus and the Sun before the day is through.

August 2019 Monthly Horoscopes by Jeanne

August Horoscopes

The month begins with Mercury in direct motion and the Moon gaining in light after its new phase on 7/31. What a relief to have Mercury moving forward again but at 23 degrees 57’ of Cancer it still makes an opposition to Pluto so the correction of the things that went awry during the last 3 weeks may have an urgency some of us may not enjoy. This, too, shall pass after the 7th when Mercury moves out of orb of that aspect.

Venus is in Leo through the 21st. She is combust the Sun by exact degree on the 11th and then travels between the Sun and Mars through the 24th after which she starts to pull ahead of Mars in the sign Virgo. This can mean a bit of a rocky time ahead for relationships and any Venusian endeavor as her rays are harmed by all that heat from the Sun and Mars. Don’t get too pushy with women during this time as they aren’t having any of it.

The global heat wave will likely continue through the month as well. Mars is also combust the Sun on the 18th and into the early days of September. This agitates and heats up men and the masculine vibration so there will be lots of saber rattling and angry threats flying around. Testy times ahead for much of this month.

Jupiter goes into direct motion on the 11th at 14 degrees 30’ of Sagittarius which should bring in much needed feelings of hope and optimism. Uranus goes retrograde on the same day at 6 degrees 36’ of Taurus, giving a shaky feeling to earthy and stable Taurus. In fact, the earth could be quite quaky at this time.

Saturn is still retrograde in Capricorn as is Pluto. Fortunately, they are separating from each other so the intensity of the fear vibe that’s been present for months will ease up a bit. They join together in early 2020 so learn how to effectively cope with that fear vibe now so you will have a strategy in place when the are conjunct in the new year. Fear = False Evidence Appearing Real. Remember that love is stronger than fear!

Neptune, not to be forgotten, is still retrograde at 18 degrees of Pisces making water issues ever present worldwide. This is as it should be as all living things need water to survive on this planet. Protect the water and get involved in causes that do so.

Read Rising sign and Sun sign for best information:

August 2019 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

Aries: Ace of Bows

This month — with five planets (including your ruler Mars and the New Moon) moving through your 5th house — the area related to self-expression and creativity — you want to be thinking about your dreams, desires and intentions; as well as the actions you can take to turn them into a powerful reality.

The Ace of Bows (Wands in most decks) speaks of directing your energy toward your goals with purpose and intent: much the same way you’d take aim with an arrow and launch it at a distant target.

If you’ve ever done any archery, you know that you don’t just pick up an arrow and fling it haphazardly into the air. You have to pull back, focus on your objective and become one with the bow before you even shoot. Once you let go of the arrow, you’re committed to the outcome so you have to put everything you have into hitting your target.

This is the energy you want to keep in mind as you work on manifesting your goals. This card — called the “Spark of Life” here in the Wildwood Tarot — refers to that raw, pure, unharnessed energy that is the Ace of Wands as it changes energetically from spark (idea) to flame (intention) to contact (manifestation).

What is it you really really want that you haven’t (up to now) put your whole heart and soul into? And what are the chances of making it a reality unless you do? These are the questions you want to be asking yourself this month.

The Ace of Bows is about offering your intentions up to the Universe with every reason to believe you will be rewarded for doing so. With this in mind, it’s time to push all negativity aside and replace it with optimism and inspiration. If you’re truly serious about manifesting your desires, there is no time like the present to do it.


Weekly Astrology Forecast — Jul 29, 2019 – Aug 4, 2019:


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Astro Forecast for the week of Jul 29, 2019 – Aug 4, 2019:

This week starts on Monday with the Moon and Mercury in mutual reception and the Sun trining Chiron. The Moon /  Mercury reception can translate as an insatiable thirst for knowledge and an ability to impart both guidance and wisdom to others. It’s capable of listening as well as speaking and gathering information for later use. 

This aspect is curious, observant and insightful. It’s capable of seeing things that others cannot see. Its unique vantage point allows it to rise above petty grievances and broaden its perspective.