Weekly Astrology Forecast — Aug 27, 2018 – Sep 2, 2018:


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Astro Forecast for the week of Aug 27, 2018 – Sep 2, 2018:

We start this week with Mars going stationary direct on Monday, at its exact degree of exaltation (28 Capricorn). Mars has been retrograde for the last two months, and while it’s much more comfortable moving forward than it is moving backwards, it will take until October 9th to cross its shadow point. 

Weekly Astrology Forecast — Aug 20, 2018 – Aug 26, 2018:


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Astro Forecast for the week of Aug 20, 2018 – Aug 26, 2018:

We start the week on Monday, with Mars at the 29th degree of Capricorn, retrograde, out of bounds, and at an anaretic degree. This is a volatile placement for Mars (even though it’s exalted in Capricorn) and should be taken into consideration when making plans or developing expectations.

Weekly Astrology Forecast — Aug 13, 2018 – Aug 19, 2018:


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Astro Forecast for the week of Aug 13, 2018 – Aug 19, 2018:

We start the week on Monday with Mars retrograding back into Capricorn, where it will remain for the next three weeks, during which time it turns direct before re-entering Aquarius. Mars has been retrograde since the end of June and will turn direct again on August 28th, but won’t cross its shadow-point until October 10th.

Weekly Astrology Forecast — Aug 6, 2018 – Aug 12, 2018:


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Astro Forecast for the week of Aug 6, 2018 – Aug 12, 2018:

This week, we have a planet changing signs, a planet changing direction, and the third eclipse of the summer — this one a New Moon solar eclipse in Leo. Starting on Monday, Venus moves into Libra, the sign it co-rules with Taurus. The Libra version is all about objectivity, tact, diplomacy and grace. It’s about striving for harmony in relationship and interacting socially with others rather than engaging in conflict.

August 2018 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

Nine of Cups

ARIES: Nine of Cups

Take some time this month to look around you, and see how many of your dreams and wishes have come true.

The Nine of Cups is a called ‘Happiness” in this deck (the beautiful Röhrig Tarot). It’s a card of contentment and fulfillment. It speaks of being more than just satisfied with your lot in life, but also feeling truly blessed and grateful for where you are.

The Nine of Cups is known as the Wish card; in this sense it’s about manifesting your heart’s desires. Nothing is taken for granted and nothing is left to chance. It’s about aligning yourself with the universal laws of attraction and getting what you deserve.

Along with being the “Wish” card, it’s also a card of Miracles. As there’s so much more focus on what one has than what one lacks, it’s easier to notice small miracles and in even the smallest things.

Be careful though that you don’t become too complacent: one of the potential pitfalls with this card is getting exactly what you wished for, only to discover later on that it wasn’t what you wanted in the first place. Because of this, you want to be very mindful of what you ask for — and what you  “put out there” — this month.

Think about what makes you happy and chances are good it’s the simple things in life. Home, family, friends, health, material comforts and peace of mind. This is what the Nine of Cups is all about and if you’re not where you want to be just yet, think of ways to change that.

Take some time to think about what you really want — and don’t forget to be grateful for what you already have. There’s an intricate balance between gratitude and personal fulfillment, so make sure you’re putting enough energy and effort into both.

August 2018 Monthly Horoscopes by Chrisalis

August Horoscopes

Happy Birthday Leo! Here are highlights for the month ahead.

Lunations: Moon Phases for the entire month:

New Moon: This month’s New Moon — a partial Solar Eclipse — occurs on August 11th at 18° Leo 41.

Full Moon: The Full Moon occurs on August 26th at 3° Pisces 12.

Retrogrades: Uranus turns retrograde on August 7th; Mercury turns direct on August 19th; and Mars turns direct on August 27th. Chiron, Neptune, Saturn and Pluto are all retrograde for the month of August.

Ingresses: Venus enters Libra on August 6th; Mars retrogrades back into Capricorn on the 13th; and the Sun enters Virgo on the 23rd.

Continue reading for complete scopes for each sign:

Weekly Astrology Forecast — Jul 30, 2018 – Aug 5, 2018:


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Astro Forecast for the week of Jul 30, 2018 –  Aug 5, 2018:

It may not seem like we’ve got a lot going on this week, but that doesn’t mean there’s nothing happening. There are six planets retrograde, and six planets in the early degrees of their respective signs. We’ve also got Mars out of bounds — and closer to the Earth than it’s been in 15 years, or will be for another 269 years.

Weekly Astrology Forecast — Jul 16, 2018 – Jul 22, 2018:


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Astro Forecast for the week of Jul 16, 2018 – Jul 22, 2018:

Things get up close and personal this week, starting on Monday, with several inconjunct (150 degree) aspects. Inconjuncts require us to make adjustments and to find a middle ground between very dissimilar energies. In this case it involves the three inner (or personal) planets — the Moon, Mercury and Venus, and their relationships with Chiron, Pluto and Mars.

Weekly Astrology Forecast — Jul 9, 2018 – Jul 15, 2018:


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Astro Forecast for the week of Jul 9, 2018 – Jul 15, 2018:

This week, we have a planet changing direction, a planet (and an asteroid) changing signs, a New Moon in Cancer and a partial Solar Eclipse. Starting on Monday, Mercury squares Jupiter, a transit that pits the planet that rules thoughts, ideas and communications against the planet associated with beliefs and higher mind ideals.

Weekly Astrology Forecast — Jul 2, 2018 – Jul 8, 2018:


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Astro Forecast for the week of Jul 2, 2018 – Jul 8, 2018:

We start this week on Monday with three different inconjuncts (150° aspects); one involving Mercury and Saturn, one involving Venus and Pluto, and one involving the Sun and Mars.

Starting with the Mercury / Saturn inconjunct: this aspect can see you questioning the value of your own thoughts and ideas. it can have you feel uncertain or insecure about what you believe in, and can have you feeling shy about expressing it. This transit can have your mind playing tricks on you, as in wondering “is what I have to say important enough to say?” or “am I even sure about what I think?”

July 2018 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

page of swords

ARIES: Page of Swords

This month should be loaded with opportunities for you to go back and clear up some unfinished business. With your ruling planet (Mars) still retrograde, you may be dealing with a sense of urgency to tie up loose ends and put the past behind you.

An important part of this is going to be acknowledging and then learning from your mistakes.The Page of Swords — this version from the Tarot of Trees —  is all about clearing the air and cutting to the chase. It’s about seeking out the truth and being honest with yourself,  even when it hurts.

It’s also about communications, ideas, information and news. The Page of Swords is generally very curious, a good judge of character, quick to size up others and able to see through ulterior motives and agendas.

Like all the Pages, it’s a messenger card so you want to pay attention to any messages you receive. You want to remember that things are not always as they seem. And while it’s not the time to take things at face value, although you don’t want to be so focused on ferreting out hidden information that you become paranoid.

The Full Moon lunar eclipse this month is going to be exactly conjunct that retrograde Mars. This should make for some high energy days; just be sure you choose your battles wisely as it can also manifest as impulsive or irrational behavior. You may uncover a deception or meet with someone whose motives prove to be disingenuous. Or you may have to be the bearer of uncomfortable news yourself, in which case you find yourself needing to deliver it carefully and diplomatically.

July 2018 Monthly Horoscopes by Chrisalis

July Horoscopes

Happy Birthday Cancer! Here are highlights for the month ahead.

Lunations: Moon Phases for the entire month:

New Moon: This month’s New Moon — a partial Solar Eclipse — occurs on July 13th at 20° Gemini 41.

Full Moon: The Full Moon — a total Lunar Eclipse — occurs on July 27th at 4° Aquarius 44.

Retrogrades: Chiron turns retrograde on July 5th, Jupiter turns direct on the 10th, Mercury turns retrograde on the 26th, Neptune, Mars, Saturn and Pluto are all retrograde for the entire month of July.

Ingresses: Venus enters Virgo on July 10th and the Sun enters Leo on July 22nd.

Continue reading for complete scopes for each sign: