January 2022 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

gypsy palace king of pentacles

Aries: King of Pentacles

This month, with five planets (and the New Moon) in your 10th house, you’ll be focusing on career and your plans for the future. You might be thinking about starting a business, feathering your nest, or looking for ways to establish security for you and your loved ones.

This is the King of Pentacles from the Gypsy Palace Tarot. He’s a robust and colorful King. He’s clothed in the finest royal attire. He’s vibrant, spirited and energetic: you can see that he’s got places to go. Yet he’s also very open and generous. There’s not an ounce of stinginess or pettiness about this King.

The phrase “if you want something done you may as well do it yourself” speaks directly to you, but may not always be in your best interests. If you struggle with trusting that things will get done without your input, keep in mind that giving up control and allowing others to show you what they’re made of can benefit you more in the end.

This may be someone coming into your life and if so, know that he or she is there to teach you those qualities. But if, on the other hand, you’ve been focusing too much on what you lack or what’s been missing in your life, it’s time to rethink the messages that you’re sending out to the Universe.

Remember the universal laws attraction: they’re as present as ever in this card. You ‘ll need to shift your energies to those of prosperity-consciousness and gratitude in order to fully appreciate the blessings of this King.


December 2021 Monthly Horoscopes by Jeanne

The month begins with Neptune going into direct motion at 20 degrees of Pisces on December 1 after being in its apparent retrograde motion since late June of this year.

This planet’s effect can be subtle as it takes so long to move through a sign. One can be totally unaware of anything going on but it is associated with the sign of Pisces and is involved with inspiration, delusions, mystical states, spiritual and religious fervor, new cultural concepts and medical discoveries so that gives a clue to the areas of life under its domain.

If one has Neptune aspecting a planet in your natal chart, one can feel like a stranger in a strange land during the transit, very detached or appear confused in fact. Neptune was last in the sign of Pisces from 1847-1861.

Next up, we have a Solar eclipse in the early morning hours of December 4 at 12 degrees of Sagittarius. Mercury is also very close to the eclipse degree so the mind is very much involved with this eclipse as the Moon rules the unconscious and emotional mind and Mercury rules the conscious intellectual mind.

This eclipse energy can help one become aware of negative unconscious patterns that are running things under the surface, a “face your demons” kind of energy. Much understanding and wisdom can be gained if you embrace those unconscious patterns and heal those wounds.

November 2021 Monthly Horoscopes by Jeanne

November will be a challenging but empowering month as we have some potent planetary aspects and ingresses occurring within the next 30 days.

Mars enters Scorpio on Oct 31st and so does Mercury on Nov 5th and those two planetary energies combined can be tenacious, argumentative and confrontational. Let’s just say it is a great aspect to have if you are a lawyer and leave it at that.

Venus begins the month at the Galactic Center which can impart cosmic wisdom. Venus is very visible after sunset in the west so you can identify the area of the sky that is known as the Galactic Center during the first 4 days of November. That’s pretty cool. She enters the sign of Capricorn on Nov 5th where she will remain all month. Earth signs find enjoyment and stability during this time.

Jupiter moves between the degrees of 22 Aquarius and 25 Aquarius and will square the Lunar eclipse degree of 27 Taurus on Nov 19th. This aspect is not negative if you do the Jupiterian thing of taking the high road in any situation.

Saturn also plays a big part of the challenging energies as its position of 7-8 degrees of Aquarius will square the Mars/Mercury degrees in Scorpio between Nov 5th and the 13th. One must be impeccable with their words during this Mars/Mercury conjunction aspect. Actually, always if you really want to get ahead. No shortcuts or dodgy deals.

October 2021 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

Aries: The Chariot 

With several planets retrograde at the beginning of this month, you could be dealing with feelings of restlessness and frustration, and longing to break free.

This is especially true with your ruler (Mars) debiliated by sign, in addition to both of your relationship rulers (Venus and the Sun).

But fortunately, things will start picking up for you in the 2nd week, starting with Venus changing signs, Saturn going direct and the New Moon falling in your sign.

During this time, you could be feeling a renewed sense of freedom and liberation — as if a weight has been lifted off your shoulders and been replaced with wings to fly.

The Horse — Spirit of Freedom in the Animal Wisdom Tarot — is this deck’s version of the Chariot. Here the Horse has taken flight and is balanced between Sun and Moon, which is associated with day and night, or will and intuition.

The Chariot is all about harnessing your inner reserves of strength and power. In this deck the emphasis is on liberation, emancipation and being freed from the chains that bind you.

Starting on the 19th, when Jupiter goes direct and the full Moon occurs in the sign, you should start to feel that your spirits are lifting as you ascend to higher realms. You’ll still have to work on harnessing your baser instincts, but know that in doing so your goals are much closer to your reach.

October 2021 Monthly Horoscopes by Jeanne

The month begins with six planets in retrograde motion. That’s a lot folks, but the good news is that four of them will be going direct this month.

First, we have Pluto on October 6th going direct at 24° Capricorn 19′. That same day there will be a new Moon along with Sun and Mars, close to the Mercury retrograde for major Libra action. This is a very dynamic day so watch out for things that can trigger you into an anger situation as Mars in Libra is testy. Shift your response energy so you diffuse the situation.

Next, we have Saturn going direct on October 12th at 6° Aquarius 52′ and then Jupiter at 22° Aquarius and Mercury at 10° Libra will go direct on October 18th. Air signs get a boost from these planets with their transition from retrograde motion to direct.

Whew, what a relief that will be for any situation in your life that feels stagnant as progress is possible after this happens.

Venus enters Sagittarius on October 8th but will be close to the transiting south node for a few days so some things may not work out as you want them too. Wait a few days to make major aesthetic decisions or buy big ticket items.

September 2021 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

Aries: Four of Cups

This month, with your ruler (Mars) opposing Neptune, you may be dealing with feelings of apathy, uncertainty, disillusionment or discontent — especially regarding your personal relationships.

The Mars / Neptune opposition can see you focusing on what’s missing in your life, rather than what’s right there before you. It can see you wondering whether there’s something (or someone) else out there that would excite or inspire you.

This is the Four of Cups from Mary Griffin’s beautiful (and sadly, out-of-print) Hezicos Tarot. The figure in the card looks absolutely bored to tears, oblivious to the beauty surrounding her, and the mischief taking place beneath her feet.

The is the essence of the Four of Cups. There’s also generally a lack of energy, which may mean that for the first couple weeks of September, you won’t feel like doing much of anything.

One of the positive aspects of this card though is that it reveals to you exactly what’s “wrong with this picture” and allows you the opportunity to make it right.

It can get you thinking about how things could be — in an ideal world or at least with respect to following your dreams — and then what you can do to make those dreams a reality. While you may start out thinking “what’s the point?” you’ll have a clearer idea of what’s worth salvaging and what could use a little more work in the end. .


September 2021 Monthly Horoscopes by Jeanne

September 2024 monthly horoscopes

Ah, the summer is ending once September is here and the days are getting shorter. The planetary action is interesting this month as all the planets from Jupiter on out to Pluto are in retrograde motion, which can give on a feeling that is like waiting for the red light to change. Is anything really moving forward? It is but there is a bit of a lag for progress at present.

Three of these planets — Pluto, Saturn and Jupiter — are all very powerful, as they will each go direct in October, bringing more action and visible changes in everyone’s life at that time.

Mars in Virgo is involved in an opposition with Neptune in Pisces, bringing a fogginess to our reality, as well as the potential for heavy rains and flooding. This aspect is exact on September 2nd.

Mars also makes an inconjunct aspect with Jupiter in Aquarius. I don’t often reference that aspect but it has a health overtone to it and today’s headline about the EU restricting American’s travel there made me think that this connection has something to do with those proposed restrictions. So, there is some downshifting coming regarding travel abroad due to health concerns.

While this shows up as global in my example, we should all take precautions for our health and wellbeing during this month. On a positive note, Venus, beautifully visible in the western sky at dusk, is in her home sign of Libra, along with Mercury. This is a nice easy aspect and can bring in many social opportunities and pleasantries with it. Enjoy it all.

August 2021 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

Three of Cups

Aries: Three of Cups

This month, with the Sun, Mercury and New Moon all coming together in your 5th (romance, love affairs and creative self-expression) house, it’s going to be a good time for you to let your hair down, kick your heels up and have some fun!

This is the Three of Cups from the Deviant Moon Tarot. This card is all about people gathering together to connect, interact and celebrate. It’s a happy, joyful energy that can manifest as a party or celebration, or it could be as simple as a girls night out.

Look at the figures in this card. They’re all so different, yet they’ve found a common ground and embrace one another with a the kind of joyful camaraderie that says they know how to have fun.

They rise up from the belly of a monster fish. Are they celebrating their impending release? Or are they resigned to a more sinister fate and engaging in one last last hurrah?

Either way this card is all about socializing and participating in group activities. Hanging out with like-minded people and expressing feelings of affection and good-will.

This month you want to leave your troubles at the door and go out and have yourself some fun, There’s no room for fretting about work or other mundane concerns.

No matter where the people in your life have come from — no matter what your connection or history or relationship with them is — the Three of Cups is a card of companionship and camaraderie. It serves as a reminder that there’s always something to be grateful for, and always someone to share your gratitude with.


August 2021 Monthly Horoscopes by Jeanne

The month begins with the Sun at 9 degrees 38’ of Leo and Mercury at 9 degrees 45’ of Leo which makes Mercury within 15’ of the Sun. This combination was known in traditional astrology as cazimi, “having the ear of the king”.

This conjunction is opposed by Saturn so what is false and not of the highest intention will be revealed. Watch to see what interesting information comes out at the beginning of the month. How you personally relay information matters now, as well as to whom.

Mercury moves into the sign of Virgo on 8/12, a sign it rules so pay attention to the details in everything you do. Venus and Mars are also currently in Virgo, though Venus enters her sign of Libra on 8/17 and Mars remains in Virgo all month.

July 2021 Monthly Horoscopes by Jeanne

This month starts out with quite a bit of volatility as Mars at 12 degrees Leo is opposite Saturn at 12 degrees Aquarius and they both square Uranus at just under 14 degrees Taurus.

This creates a dreaded fixed T-square in astro-speak. Mars, in any hard aspect to Uranus, is what I call an accident-prone time, as moving too quickly can create an undesirable effect.

That Saturn is also involved in this combination can slow things down if one can remember to back off and take some time to understand and focus rather that rush into a situation unprepared.

The fixed energy of this T-square makes it hard for people to back down from their positions, creating stalemate situations and frustrating stubbornness. Resist the urge to smack them upside the head!

This T-square aspect has many ongoing triggers of this month beginning with the Moon in Taurus on July 3 and 4. On July 6 and 7th, Venus enters the zone of conflict at 10 degrees of Leo and activates the same energy.

Weekly Astrology Forecast — Jun 21, 2021 – Jun 27, 2021


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Forecast for the week of Jun 21, 2021 – Jun 27, 2021:

There’s a lot happening this week, starting with two planets (the Sun and Venus) changing signs, two planets (Mercury and Neptune) changing direction, and the final Super Moon of the year.

Starting on Monday, the Sun moves into Cancer and marks the onset of the Summer Solstice as well as the longest day of the year. This is measured by the amount of time between Sunrise and Sunset for those in the Northern Hemisphere; it’s exactly the opposite (the Winter Solstice and shortest day of the year) for those in the Southern Hemisphere.

Weekly Astrology Forecast — Jun 14, 2021 – Jun 20, 2021


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Forecast for the week of Jun 14, 2021 – Jun 20, 2021:

We start this week on Monday with Saturn squaring Uranus. This is an incredibly tense aspects that’s been in effect (within orb) for the last several months. It’s the planet that rules regulations, structure and tradition (Saturn) butting heads with the planet that rules change, progress and rebellion (Uranus).

We’re seeing the more stressful aspects of this transit playing out in real time all over the world: in government, politics and religion. It you’re familiar with the Tower card in the tarot, that’s what a Uranus / Saturn square is like, with Saturn representing the the Tower’s structure and Uranus representing the lightning bolt that knocks the whole thing down.