Weekly Astrology Forecast — Dec 21, 2020 – Dec 27, 2020


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Forecast for the week of Dec 21, 2020 – Dec 27, 2020:

We start this week with the Sun moving into Capricorn on Monday. This marks the onset of Winter (the Winter Solstice) for those in the Northern Hemisphere. From an astronomical perspective, this is the time when the Sun reaches its southernmost declination and manifests as the shortest day and longest night of the year. (It’s exactly opposite for those in the Southern Hemisphere).

Astrologically it represents the Sun (ego, will, Self, etc) entering the sign of the Sea Goat, the archetype known for its ability to rise from the bottom of the deepest sea to the top of the highest mountain. As we tie up the last few days of the year, we may be all thinking “thank God this one is almost over” and making plans to do more, better and bigger next year. That’s the Sun in Capricorn.

Weekly Astrology Forecast — Dec 14, 2020 – Dec 20, 2020


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Forecast for the week of Dec 14, 2020 – Dec 20, 2020:

This week we have four planets (and an asteroid) changing signs, one planet changing direction and a New Moon total solar eclipse. Starting on Monday, Venus sextiles Jupiter and Mercury conjuncts the Moon’s South Node.

The Venus / Jupiter aspect one of the most peaceful and pleasant aspects we could hope for. It’s a sweet, sensitive, gentle transit that can throw you into sugar overload. But it’s also conciliatory. it brings these two planets — known as the lesser and greater benefics — to a consensus. It can go a long ways toward smoothing over disappointments and hurt feelings, making everyone feel included.

Weekly Astrology Forecast — Dec 7, 2020 – Dec 13, 2020


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Forecast for the week of Dec 7, 2020 – Dec 13, 2020:

We start this week on Monday with the asteroid Pallas moving into Aquarius, while Venus inconjuncts the North Node (and simultaneously semi-sextiles the South Node). The asteroid Pallas— named after the Greek goddess Pallas Athena — is often depicted wielding a sword, and is seen as a warrior and an advocate for truth. This asteroid is associated with wisdom, strategy, self-empowerment and creative intellect.

It works very well in Aquarius, the sign most associated with progress and social change. This placement can bring issues with humanitarian causes to the forefront. and can signal a need to stand up and defend those who’ve been marginalized, or who could use some guidance in reclaiming their power.

December 2020 Tarot Scopes by Melodie


Aries: The Chariot

With Mars (your ruler) now moving forward again in its own sign, this should be a great month for you to work on harnessing your personal power and manifesting your goals.

This is the Chariot card from the New Palladini Tarot.  It’s associated with courage, determination, stamina and self-control.

The Chariot card is associated astrologically with the sign Cancer, which the Moon rules. In that respect it’s a reminder of how divergent forces in all of our lives — light vs. dark, positive vs. negative, instinct vs. action, etc. — compete with one another for control.

The figure in the card stares straight ahead, wearing a Sphinx hood and golden chainmail, and weilding a mighty sword. The Chariot’s wheels replicate the Sun shining high in the sky, just as the hawk’s gaze replicates the Charioteer’s.

You may be called upon to both maintain control and harness the opposing forces in your life. Whether this is related to relationship, career, or the dual desires within your own psyche, the challenge will be to find a way to pull your energy inward and funnel it outward into one solid direction.

You can accomplish a lot through sheer force and determination — as long as you’re aware of the need to focus your energy in one primary direction. You’ll have find a way to balance the diverging energies in your life. But if you can “pull it together” you’ll make great strides toward accomplishing your goals.

December 2020 Monthly Horoscopes by Jeanne

Welcome to the last month of 2020 and as much as I wish I could say the wild ride is over, it is not.

We do have almost all of the planets moving in their natural direct motion through the end of the year, the exception being Uranus the rebel, still retrograde in the sign of Taurus, so that helps move the energy forward though financial uncertainty is still present for most people.

There is a total solar eclipse on Dec 14th at 23 degrees of Sagittarius, the last eclipse of the year, in the part of the sky associated with crone wisdom, or the wisdom of age, experience and hardship.

Mercury is moving past its conjunction with the south node at that time so there is still concern about the “truth” and the validity of the sources of where one gets their information. Venus spends the first half of the month in Scorpio, a sign of her debility, and then moves into Sagittarius the last half of the month. Relationships and finances could have a setback during the first two weeks of December so be a bit frugal during that time.

Mars moves through the 17-26th degrees of Aries which it retrograded back over in September/October so we all have the chance to correct any misguided actions taken during that time. Mars squares Pluto on December 23rd which could mean some warlike aggression happening in the world. In personal lives, it may just mean anger and frustration taking their toll on harmonious relations.

Weekly Astrology Forecast — Nov 30, 2020 – Dec 6, 2020


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Forecast for the week of Nov 30, 2020 – Dec 6, 2020:

This week starts on Monday with Mercury sexiling Saturn and a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 8° Gemini 38.  The Mercury / Saturn aspect — especially in heavy-handed Scorpio and Capricorn — is practical and realistic, but it can also be a bit pessimistic.

This transit can make it a little easier to “get a grip” and see things from a rational perspective. It puts whatever doubts and delusions you have under a microscope and permits you to see things as they are rather than jumping to conclusions. It forces you to rely on facts rather than conjecture and can get you thinking logically rather than irrationally.

Weekly Astrology Forecast — Nov 23, 2020 – Nov 29, 2020


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Forecast for the week of Nov 23, 2020 – Nov 29, 2020:

This week starts on Monday with a first quarter Moon in Pisces, where it sextiles Uranus, trines Mercury and conjuncts Neptune before the day is through. The Moon in Pisces is loving, compassionate, creative and highly impressionable. It can increase psychic awareness and make you more susceptible to outside influences. It’s mystical and ethereal, but can also be incredibly naive.

It’s not good at filtering out negative or harmful information, and can therefore be easily deceived. So try to temper some of that excess sensitivity with some good old fashioned common sense, especially if you’re inclined to attract people into your life who drain you emotionally.

Weekly Astrology Forecast — Nov 16, 2020 – Nov 22, 2020


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Forecast for the week of Nov 16, 2020 – Nov 22, 2020:

This week starts on Monday with Venus squaring Jupiter. As squares go, this one is much more about overindulgence than it is about conflict. It can see you over-doing it, as in going above and beyond the call of duty where friends and loved ones are concerned.

It’s an expansive, indulgent energy that can also translate to biting off more than you can chew or promising more than you can deliver. You may also overestimate your ability to lend a helping hand. So take a moment to look at promises you’ve already made before you start offering more services to others.

Weekly Astrology Forecast — Nov 9, 2020 – Nov 15, 2020


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Forecast for the week of Nov 9, 2020 – Nov 15, 2020:

We’ve got quite a busy week ahead of us with a planet (Mercury) changing signs, another planet (Mars) changing direction and a New Moon in Scorpio.

Starting on Monday, there’s a Mars / Venus opposition across the Aries / Libra axis. This transit can indicate conflicts in your relationships, with the love planet (Venus) and the planet associated with action, energy and aggression (Mars) on opposite sides of the fence.

Weekly Astrology Forecast — Nov 2, 2020 – Nov 8, 2020


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Forecast for the week of Nov 2, 2020 – Nov 8, 2020:

This week starts on Monday with the Moon — still Full — in calm, gentle, sensuous and earthy Taurus. It trines Saturn shortly after midnight and then goes void of course around 2:30 am.

The trine to Saturn is nice because both planets are dignified by sign: the Moon in the sign of it exaltation and Saturn in the sign it rules. Although this is a relatively fleeting transit (as is the void of course Moon, which lasts around seven hours this go around), but is still a nice way to start what could turn out to be a rather tumultuous week.

November 2020 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

Aries: Six of Swords

WIth your ruling planet (Mars) retrograde for the first part of the month and then moving forward again for the last half, you’re likely going to be similarly changing direction this month. If you’re making big changes, you’ll need to think about what you’re taking with you and what you’re leaving behind.

This isn’t necessarily material things; in fact that’s rarely what it means. It’s more about attitudes and belief systems, as well as a life you may have built and dreams you may have dreamed that are no longer capable of sustaining you.

The Six of Swords is a card of transition and change. It represents moving to a better place, even if only in your mind.

In this version — from the Mary-el Tarot — we see the Archangel Raphael guiding a pair of young children and their dog across a bridge. Where he’s leading them is not seen, but there are elements of safety, protection and comfort in this card, which is a necessary part of trusting in the unknown.

This is the message behind the Six of Swords. You may not be where you want to be just yet, but you’re moving in the right direction.

The Six of Swords reminds us that we’re not alone. We don’t get to the other side without assistance from someone, even when that “assistance” comes in the form of a setback that forces us to change direction.

It also provides clarity and perspective. We may see things we don’t want to see — or admit to ourselves — but it’s that kind of clarity that motivates us toward change. This is the first step, courtesy of the Six of Swords, toward manifesting your goals.


November 2020 Monthly Horoscopes by Jeanne

This month has some very interesting planetary changes as well as a lunar eclipse on November 30th.

Mercury goes into direct motion on November 3rd, the date of the US elections, which will delay the final outcome of the election as the votes are counted. Kind of a bummer in all ways.

Mercury enters the sign of Scorpio on the 10th so there is plenty of intensity and secrets to be revealed as it goes back over the degrees it retrograded through and finishes those degrees on the 19th.

Venus enters the sign of Scorpio on the 22nd, adding to the intensity as it moves towards an opposition with Uranus in Taurus. People are likely to be anxious and relationships are likely to be volatile the last week of November. Be kind.

Mars goes into direct motion on the 14th at 15° Aries, which will give a boost to all stalled projects and plans, once it gets moving forward by the end of the month.

Jupiter will make a conjunction with Pluto on the 22nd at 22° Capricorn, which can create some big event that affects the world. Saturn is 5 degrees ahead of these two planets at 27 º Capricorn and that may actually calm things down as Saturn is powerful in Capricorn and likes to restore order. Follow the rules, folks, is a Saturnian dictum.