Well, August certainly sped by in a blur, at least it seemed like that to me! I suspect that September will feel similar because with Mars in Gemini we get a double dose of speed and information.
Mars begins the month at 7 degrees of Gemini, almost at the 8th degree position it will retrograde back to by January 12, 2023.
So the ground you cover between September 4th and October 30th will have to be reviewed, revised or re-done over the course of the next 7 months through mid-March of 2023.
Add in the coming Mercury retrograde beginning on Sept 10th at almost 9 degrees of Libra and you get additional delays and/or information gaps. Both are in air signs so more information is coming in with this planetary pairing.
You can see Mars in the pre-dawn sky positioned between the fixed star Aldebaran and the lovely Pleiades constellation. Jupiter in Aries is also blazing overhead at that time as well.
Venus finishes her reign through Leo and enters Virgo on September 5th and spends the month in that sign before going into Libra on September 30th. Venus can be nitpicky and somewhat unsatisfied in Virgo but the energy can be used to improve your health and hygiene habits. It’s also a great time to go through closets and give away things you no longer want or need. Venus in Virgo doesn’t like to feel shabby or ungroomed.
Jupiter is retrograde in Aries so it is rather understated or subdued but in a good aspect to Mars so there is wise guidance within all the action and information. It is also opposite Mercury so there is positive informed direction there as well.
Saturn is retrograde and moves from 20 degrees of Aquarius back to 19 degrees and is squaring Uranus retrograde at 18 degrees of Taurus. More upsets to the status quo on the horizon during this cycle for the next four months. Patience and resilience are required to get through this period of flux. Carry on.
Neptune is retrograde at 24 degrees of Pisces and will be opposite the Mercury retrograde ending station degree of 24 Virgo so the end of the month may be very confusing and full of misinformation but we all have been living with that for a very long time. Double checking all your sources is a wise thing to do.
The Pluto retrograde at 26 degrees of Capricorn grinds on. Capricorn is the sign of big business and government so you can feel the repercussions of the transformation starting to take hold.
Love is greater than fear, folks. Visualize the best possible outcome for all involved!
Read your Sun sign and Rising sign for best information.
Aries — March 21-April 19: With Jupiter in your sign, being a bit of a protector for you and Mars, your ruling planet, in Gemini you get to be very productive and busy for a long time as Mars will be in Gemini through most of March 2023. Yes, there is a Mars retrograde cycle in the middle but this one in Gemini feels kind of fun to me, with many twists and turns and you won’t be bored. Be careful while driving is always a good dictum with Mars in Gemini, as speed is its thing. The 11th and 12th are your power days.
Taurus — April 20-May 20: With Venus about to enter fellow earth sign Virgo, you feel some stability about your life right now and desire to improve it in all ways. It’s a good month to declutter or organize things in the home as well as improve your diet and exercise program for personal gain. Mars in Gemini will spend the next seven months in your solar 2nd house of money and assets so be careful about spending and streamline your lifestyle and budget process. The 13th, 14th and AM hours of the 15th are your stellar days.
Gemini — May 21-June 21: Mars is stimulating your sign for the next 7 months so you have the opportunity to get many things done, just don’t be hasty and skip pertinent details. There is a natural order to any project you undertake so honor that and you will be successful. There are no shortcuts when it comes to the big stuff. The end of the month may feel confusing so delay major decision making until the middle of October on the big stuff. The PM hours of the 15th, the 16th and 17th are your days of good fortune.
Cancer — June 22-July 23: With Jupiter transiting the solar 10th house at the top of your chart, you have some protection surrounding your career and public image. It’s a great time to promote yourself and gain favor with others now. Be responsible and original in your presentation. With Mars transiting your solar 12th house, pay attention to ways you might self-sabotage and strive to correct your course if that comes up for you. Your best days are the 18th, 19th and AM hours of the 20th.
Leo — July 24-August 23: Venus shines in your sign for the next 5 days and then enters Virgo where it will polish and perfect the personal image you entertained last month. While Virgo energy can be a bit critical and perfectionistic, it holds value in that it points out weaknesses that can be corrected. Take care not to overspend while making these improvements to your appearance. Your schedule could be packed so be careful when you travel to get to and fro your destinations. The lunar vibes of the PM hours of the 20th, the 21st and 22nd are your best days.
Virgo — August 24-September 22: You get some relief this month as Venus enters your sign, adding some beauty, grace and loving vibes. With Mercury, your ruling planet, in the sign of Libra, these two planets share the mutual reception of each being in the other’s home sign. This generally gives a special ease in the areas of life Venus and Mercury rule. Take some time off to enjoy this ease with a loved one. Seize the day as the phrase goes. Your special days are the 23rd and 24th.
Libra — September 23-October 22: Mercury goes retrograde on the 10th in your sign so you may find a review is necessary regarding details of any recent beautification projects or any project in fact. Details and perfection fall into the sign of Virgo so as Venus passes through that sign this month you might also consider upgrading something in your own appearance. It’s a great time to de-clutter and give away items you no longer wear, need or like. There’s always someone out there who will use and treasure them. The good vibes of the New Moon on the 25th, the 26th and 27th are your stellar days.
Scorpio — October 23-November 22: With Mars in Gemini, things are a little hectic and fast paced for your fixed nature but you will have to deal with this energy for the next seven months so lean in and go with the flow. With Pluto close to your 4th house cusp and Saturn in your 4th house, there is a seriousness to your family and home life. This energy can make one reclusive so if you get any invitations, please make an appearance and be gracious about it. The curmudgeon vibe really isn’t your style. The 1st, AM hours of the 2nd, the 28th and 29th are your power days.
Sagittarius — November 23-December 20: With Jupiter retrograde in Aries in your solar 5th house of fun, love and creativity, you should be putting yourself out there for social times and connecting with people. The Sun and soon to be Venus will be in your 10th house of career and profession so it’s a good time to promote yourself, make appearances or just enjoy your occupation. There is change on the horizon but in the meantime, have some fun. The PM hours of the 2nd, the 3rd, the 4th and the 30th offer some good vibes and good times.
Capricorn — December 21-January 20: With Saturn retrograde in your solar 2nd house of money, assets and values, it is a time of course correction for you. Pluto in your sign has made you intensely serious the past few years and there is no let up in that energy yet. Saturn says stick to a budget but Pluto wants to go big or go home. Speaking of home, with Jupiter transiting your solar 4th house you might be a real homebody right now. It is a good time to make some improvements to your dwelling space in fact. The cosmic vibes of the 5th and 6th are your stellar days.
Aquarius — January 21-February 19: Saturn retrograde in your first house squaring Uranus in your solar 4th house means a revision regarding your roots, home base and family connections is due. Maybe even a move. It can also mean that sudden changes regarding real estate, the family home and its occupants are likely during the next 4 months. Mars in your solar 5th house wants to experience some adventure and fun so do allow for that in your life at this juncture. The 7th and 8th are good days to take some time off for yourself.
Pisces — February 20-March 20: With Jupiter retrograde in Aries transiting your solar 2nd house of money, assets and values, you have the opportunity to make gains in that area, if you don’t get indulgent with yourself. Venus in Virgo on the 5th triggers your solar 7th house and makes you see value in your mate’s contribution to your partnership. Back off if you find yourself getting critical, show appreciation instead. The vibes of the 9th and full Moon on the 10th favor you.
Personal Consultations:
I offer a number of personalized services, including natal and progressed charts as well as a personal lucky days report, an awesome way to make astrology work for you by allowing you to focus on your optimum timing, when the universe seems lined up to support your wishes and dreams.
The date, time, and location of your birth is all I need to provide you with insight into your important place in the grand scheme of life! For more information, or to schedule a session with me, feel free to email me or visit my website.

September 2022 Monthly Horoscopes
Be sure to check out this month’s tarotscopes too!