
December 2020 Tarot Scopes by Melodie


Aries: The Chariot

With Mars (your ruler) now moving forward again in its own sign, this should be a great month for you to work on harnessing your personal power and manifesting your goals.

This is the Chariot card from the New Palladini Tarot.  It’s associated with courage, determination, stamina and self-control.

The Chariot card is associated astrologically with the sign Cancer, which the Moon rules. In that respect it’s a reminder of how divergent forces in all of our lives — light vs. dark, positive vs. negative, instinct vs. action, etc. — compete with one another for control.

The figure in the card stares straight ahead, wearing a Sphinx hood and golden chainmail, and weilding a mighty sword. The Chariot’s wheels replicate the Sun shining high in the sky, just as the hawk’s gaze replicates the Charioteer’s.

You may be called upon to both maintain control and harness the opposing forces in your life. Whether this is related to relationship, career, or the dual desires within your own psyche, the challenge will be to find a way to pull your energy inward and funnel it outward into one solid direction.

You can accomplish a lot through sheer force and determination — as long as you’re aware of the need to focus your energy in one primary direction. You’ll have find a way to balance the diverging energies in your life. But if you can “pull it together” you’ll make great strides toward accomplishing your goals.

April 2020 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

Crow Tarot King of Swords

Aries: King of Swords

This month, with your ruler (Mars) joining Saturn in Aquarius, it’s going to be time to put on your thinking cap and bring forth your problem solving skills. Like the King of Swords in this card — from the wonderful Crow Tarot — you need to be alert and observant.

The King of Swords is intelligent, strategic and analytical. He’s inherently impartial. He doesn’t mince words, and he doesn’t listen to excuses. He makes his decisions based on logic and reason rather than compassion and empathy.

He’s a no-nonsense individual who is expected to mete out justice with a fair and authoritative hand. He may be a parent, a supervisor, a judge, or even a friend that steps in to give you a reality check when you need one most.

As with all court cards this can also refer to you — or to a state of mind that you need to develop in order to preserve a sense of order in your life. You may have felt taken advantage of by someone who’s overstepped their bounds and this card encourages you to resolve that problem by taking a more authoritative stance.

The King of Swords encourages you to be decisive and to start thinking ahead. It asks you to clear away the debris and work on attaining better focus.

And it challenges you to step away from emotional attachments and make your decisions based on what is right, fair, and most importantly best for you in the long run. it says it’s time to get clear about the direction you want to take in your life. And to plan ahead accordingly.

January 2020 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

January 2020 Tarot Scopes -- Ostara Emperor

Aries: The Emperor

This month, with 6 planets in your public / professional sector, it’s going to be time to step up and approach your responsibilities with confidence and authority.

The Emperor card — this version from the Ostara Tarot — is all about power, success, reputation and public standing. But these are all relative terms and are not necessarily related to profession. They’re just as likely tied to responsibilities around the home or within a group of peers.

The message behind this card is one of taking care of business. It’s not the time to be passive or wishy-washy. It’s all about stepping up and taking control of a situation that requires a firm hand and authoritative presence.

You may be asking yourself whether you want to be a small fish in a big pond or a big fish in a small pond. It’s all about gaining perspective and establishing priorities.

As the Emperor also relates to the “Laws of the Land,” some of the less pleasant manifestations of this card include things like being on the receiving end of legal or professional disciplinary actions, dealings with the IRS or government, or having to deal with an oppressive boss or coworker.

Although there are masculine elements to the Emperor card, the references don’t only apply to men. It can refer to a single mother, a career-woman, or a woman with important responsibilities as well. It can also refer to a man in your life (or someone new coming in) who embodies these qualities.

Whether you are a parent doling out “tough love” or a supervisor having to strong arm an employee or just taking back your power in a personal relationship, remember it’s important to temper that with kindness and compassion. Just like the bear in our card, a protective gentle approach is just as important as a firm steady hand.


June 2019 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

Knight of Swords

Aries: Knight of Swords

This month you’re going to want to be “on your toes” and prepared for whatever opportunities — or peril — that comes your way.

The Knight of Swords — this version from the Love and Mystery Tarot — is sharp, focused and purposeful, aware of his (or her) environment and quick to act if need be.

In some decks the Knight of Swords is literally a knight in shining armor, charging ahead into battle or to rescue his fair maiden. And sometimes he’s racing toward the finish line, bound and determined to win at any cost.

But here we have a young hipster-soldier girl standing watch under a bird-filled sky. She herself resembles a bright and colorful bird, from her hair to her coloring to her clothing to her complete immersion in the scene before her.

But these birds aren’t flying south for the winter: they’re circling above her in what could be a menacing formation. She keeps her sword ready but holds it behind her until she knows for sure.

The Knight of Swords often delivers news. Sometimes it’s good news and sometimes it’s not. But like the young warrior in our card, your main objective should be to stay alert and be prepared to act quickly and decisively either way.

The Knight of Swords is quite good at getting to the point, but comes up short when it comes to tact and diplomacy. Therefore if it turns out that it’s you delivering the news this month, you want to be mindful of your tone, manner and especially your choice of words.

December 2018 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

Four of Cups

ARIES: Four of Cups

With your ruler (Mars) moving through Pisces and your 12th house this month you may be asking yourself: “Is that all there is?” especially if you’ve attained something you so desperately longed for in the past, only to see it differently now that you’ve attained it.

It may represent a relationship that’s lost its luster, a job that turns out to be tedious rather than rewarding, or a set of ideals that under the harsh light of day no longer seems so inspiring.

The young mermaid in this card — from the gorgeous Shadowscapes Tarot — looks bored and uninspired. She gazes down at her reflection, idly tracing ripples on the surface of a stream.

The Four of Cups can relate to a lack of motivation or a lethargy so profound that it threatens to numb you or trap you in your sense of boredom. It can have you wondering whether there might be something else out there that would excite or inspire you.

It can also relate to a lack of energy, which may mean it could turn into period of inertia where you don’t feel like doing much of anything. It speaks of wondering whether there might be something else out there that would excite or inspire you.

The Four of Cups is a card of apathy and ambivalence. The focus may be on what is lacking in your life, rather than what’s right there before you. One of the positive aspects though is that it reveals to you exactly what’s “wrong with this picture” and allows you the opportunity to make it right.

It can get you thinking about how things could be — in an ideal world or at least with respect to following your dreams — and then what you can do to make those dreams a reality. While you may start out thinking “what’s the point?” you’ll have a clearer idea of what’s worth salvaging and what could use a little more work in the end.


October 2017 Tarot Scopes by Melodie


ARIES: Justice

You may be struggling with doing the right thing this month, or you may be trying to make a choice between right and wrong. Sometimes those choices aren’t clear — depending on whatever prerequisites you have in place for making those kinds of determinations.

The Justice card — this version from Jaen Tarot — is about having to live with the choices you make and being able to sleep at night once you’ve made them. This requires an ability to balance the pros and cons of a situation, which requires balancing your head and heart.

Notice that all of the figures in this card have their eyes closed. A small child rests over a giant sleeping fish, as a Madonna figure rises up from the mists of his dreams and watches over them.

The scale she holds in her hand is precariously balanced. Between head and heart. Need and desire. Right and wrong. If any of those were given more weight than the other, that balance would be lost and the quiet contentment disrupted.

The Justice card speaks of a universal justice, divorced from what you want or wish for, and held under the microscope of truth, wisdom and universal law. This means that no matter how desperately you want a specific outcome, the one handed down will be fair and just.

There are karmic repercussions inherent in this card. Whether it’s karma you’re sewing (doing the wrong thing even when you know it’s wrong) or karma that you’re reaping (having to face challenges that are a result of past misdeeds) know that in the end Justice does prevail. Keep that in mind so that you too can sleep at night, knowing that you’ve done the right thing.


November 2016 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

ARIES: Nine of Coins

Your card this month — the Nine of Coins — represents that intricate and fulfilling balance between expressing gratitude and achieving prosperity.

In this version — from the Chinese Tarot — we meet Liu-Hai, the coin-juggling god of abundance and prosperity. Liu-Hai and his loyal servant (a three-legged toad, sitting on his shoulder) are said to bring wealth and prosperity to those who are most deserving.

Liu-Hai is also the protector of needle-makers, not only because they’re needed to thread the red (lucky) ribbons that sting the Chinese coins together, but perhaps also because they represent concepts like dedication and service.

As a symbol of purity and enlightenment, it’s important to note the lotus blossom that Liu-Hai springs from. It’s a reminder to all of us that true wealth comes from rising above the muck, conducting ourselves with grace and integrity, and aspiring to practice right livelihood.

The Nine of Coins represents getting to a point where you’re more than satisfied with what you’ve attained. This relates to money and material possessions, but also to your own sense of self-worth.

October 2016 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

Tarot of the Zirkus Mägi -- Two of Buckets

ARIES: Two of Buckets

Your focus this month is going to be on love, romance and relationships. The Two of Buckets is the Tarot of the Zirkus Mägi’s version of the Two of Cups. It’s called “Love” in some versions and “Harmony” in this one.

It speaks of finding your soul mate, your better half, your “one true love.” It’s the card associated with male / female, yin / yang energy and the concept of opposites attracting.

It’s about a love so perfect that the two become one, making it nearly impossible to tell where one ends and the other begins. But true love takes on many forms. And it’s often marred by things like fear, jealousy, tension, uncertainty and sex.

And here we see none of these. We see a bond that’s so intimate and affectionate between a young child and her elephant friend. She leans in with a loving embrace and he responds as only an elephant friend would. He sits there patiently and contentedly, with his own offering of love in his trunk.

Jupiter is now in your relationship house, asserting a renewed sense of romantic idealism, as well as an openness to finding the sort of love that belies status quo expectations.

The New Moon also having taken place in this sector promotes the ideal of “self-love.” And what better way to manifest that energy than to see it mirrored back to you in its purest form?

If you’re thinking about diving back into the relationship arena this month, you’d do well to take a leaf from this unlikely pair’s book. Whether you’re in an established relationship now or just looking, holding yourself up to this kind of ideal can only benefit you in the end.


March 2016 Tarot Scopes by Chrisalis

Four of Wands

ARIES: Four of Wands

March is the month for honoring the relationships you have developed with loved ones and family members.

It’s a month for rejoicing and celebrating — whether this means planning for a party or special event, or getting yourself out of the doldrums and washing away the blues.

The Four of Wands — this version from the beautiful Tsigane Zigeuner / Gipsy Tarot by Walter Wegmüller — takes the “dream big” energy that came with the Three of Wands and turns it into something tangible, solid and lasting. It represents a joyous celebration, such as a marriage, a promotion, the birth of a child.

It tells you that “this is only the beginning” of something you’ve already established and that it’s bound to just keep getting better.

You may be planning a special event — one which will be way more fun than you are anticipating. You are likely to meet people, have fun, put your worries aside and focus instead on the promise of friendship, companionship and socializing.

This month is about expressing love and affection for those who are there for you even when the going gets tough. It’s about basking in the power of love — like the two bunnies in this card.

No matter what else you’re up against remember to be grateful for what you have. It’s not the time to isolate or withdraw from social opportunities. Look around you and take note of all you’ve accomplished thus far. Chances are good there’s a lot to be grateful for and a cause for celebration right there in front of you.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Dec 4, 2015 — Ten of Wands

Ten of Wands

Ten of Wands

You may have to muster up the strength, determination and fortitude today to do what must be done, even if the task before you seems daunting and overwhelming.

The Ten of Wands — this version from the stunning Mary-el Tarot — is all about rising to the occasion and taking care of business, no matter how difficult or arduous that may be. It’s about stepping up to the plate and shouldering responsibilities — or like the figure in this card, moving through hell or high water to get the job done.

What would happen if the man and his horse were to slow down or stop in their tracks? They’d be consumed by the flames that are already engulfing them. They’d perish on the spot.

The idea here seems to be that once the task is started there’s no turning back. The rider pledges his commitment (notice his hand held over his heart) and the horse gathers speed.

He may have taken on more than one man can reasonably expect to accomplish, but he’s not going to throw in the towel. And this is the essence of the Ten of Wands. Upholding your responsibilities may be more than you bargained for, but that doesn’t excuse you from doing them.

You may be overwhelmed with all that’s laid out before you today. And you may be wondering whether you even have it in you to keep on going. But as you can see from this card there’s no turning back. There are obligations and responsibilities to uphold as well as people who depend on you who’d likely be hurt by your neglect. The question you might want to ask yourself today is this: “Is life (or love) supposed to be this hard?” The value of whatever it is that’s taxed you to your limits probably needs to be reassessed.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Sept 8, 2015 — Ten of Wands

Ten of Wands

Ten of Wands

Has it seemed like it’s been all work and no play for you in recent days? The Ten of Wands — this version from the gorgeous Whispering Tarot — can feel like you’re carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders, or are so consumed with work that you have no time left for anything else.

You might experience this first hand on the job or in a stressful relationship or even in your own head. If you’ve been giving — of your time, energy, money, affection — until you find you have nothing left to give, that is the essence of the Ten of Wands.

You may be questioning whether something is worth putting more effort and energy into — such as a job, a relationship, or a business venture that’s not paying off — or whether it’s time to throw in the towel.

You may also feel like you’re carrying “extra baggage,” whether this refers to your own struggles or those of someone else. You may have taken on someone else’s problems, rather than letting them iron them out themselves. As a result it may feel like you’re carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders with no time or energy left to attend to your own needs.

Mars and  Chiron are in a hard aspect (inconjunct) today. This is a tricky configuration because it creates tension between the planet related to action and self-direction (Mars) and the planet related to self sacrifice. It can translate as illogical doubts and fears, which you don’t want to let hold you back.

The weight of responsibilities you’ve taken on may seem like a heavy load — too heavy in fact for just one person to carry. The Ten of Wands says it’s time to lighten your load. Get rid of what is no longer worth holding onto, and work on salvaging what’s left.

Sept 2015 Tarot Scopes by Chrisalis

Ace of Swords

ARIES: Ace of Swords

This is a month of new thoughts and new ways of doing things. It is also a month for changing your thoughts and ideas on something.

Notice the butterfly wings around the Sword — from the Miracle Tarot. Venus turns direct this month, bringing grace, harmony, beauty and love to the forefront.

Even the sharp edges of the sword are not enough to deter the butterfly from being this near the blade. It is almost as if you can throw caution to the wind and say/do whatever you want. Well… perhaps not too much as Mercury is about to turn retrograde again.

Your thoughts are pure and aimed single-mindedly at the outcome you desire. If you have any mental tasks to accomplish do so whilst your mind is highly alert and focused on what you want.

The play of muted colours through this image give your clarity in anything creative you wish to succeed in alongside a transformative quality to the way they spring forth from your mind.

The blade looks sharp but don’t be fooled as it will not harm you as long as you stick to your principles and deliver your words with care and grace nothing will stand in your way.