Two of Coins
Today’s Venus / Uranus opposition can drive home the importance of bringing your external goals and responsibilities into alignment with your personal relationships.
The Two of Coins sees this as a precarious balancing act, where you have to be careful not to let one set of priorities outweigh the other, even if you find yourself pulled in several different directions.
This card is often seen as juggling interests or responsibilities, and there’s some of that here. But in this version of the card, from the beautiful Chinese Tarot — the emphasis is more on bringing the disparate parts of your life into harmony, by maintaining your spiritual center.
The figures in this card are demonstrating their willingness to meet in the middle by bringing their coins together, doubling their value. The Full Moon illuminates this scene from behind.
The Two of Coins reminds us of the need to remain centered, despite all the changes that are taking place all around us. It encourages us to attend to one set of responsibilities or interests without neglecting another. And it reminds us to balance out our priorities by devoting as much time and attention to the important areas in our lives (friends, family, health, spiritual fulfilment, etc.) as we do to those that require our attention.
You may find yourself needing to weigh your options today and finding ways to bring all the disparate areas of your life into harmony. Whether that means responsibilities vs. pleasure and play, or relationships vs. autonomy or up time (productivity) vs. down time (rest), it will be up to you to find ways to answer the call of each. Giving into one desire without neglecting another should be foremost on your list.