Two of Wands
Make sure you are seeing eye to eye on a situation with someone today and that you are both on the same page.
You may be thinking of a journey or travel plans today and if you are going with a companion choose wisely who this is. Especially as Mercury and Jupiter are in semi-sextile today, which means that both travel and communications can run afoul.
You may think you get on with this person but the reality is there are certain things between the two of you that do not always see eye to eye. The male in this card is seeing things from a totally different viewpoint to the female.
Notice his head gear. He can see clearly but his mouth is covered as if he is keeping his own points of view to himself and not speaking on it.
On the other hand the woman in this card is possibly seeing things through blinkered vision. Sure she is smiling to herself but she may have preconceived ideas of what is really going on with her and her partner.
If this is you then you need to take the blindfold off and see with open eyes what is really happening in your relationship.