Aries: Temperance
This month you are likely to be called upon to integrate opposing areas of your life into one big calm, peaceful and harmonious medium.
This may take the form of aligning yourself with higher spiritual realms, or it may be more about learning to surrender.
The Temperance card — this version from the Crystal Tarot — speaks of searching within yourself for that wellspring of inner grace and finding a way to bring the good and bad, light and dark, happy and sad back into balance.
The Temperance card is called “Art” in some decks. It speaks of the unique creative forces that each of us possess. It speaks of seeking out symmetry and harmony.
In what areas of your life are you too inflexible, too rigid and too unwilling to hear another’s point of view? Your challenge will be to overcome those impediments and to integrate the opposing forces in your life.
In this version of the card we see an angel standing in a field and pouring fluid from one vessel into another. The grass is green and abundant at her feet, the sky is clear and the Sun shines behind her. The rainbow that is usually seen in this card is actually a part of her in this version. In her gown, in her wings and in the landscape behind her.
Her demeanor is calm and peaceful — almost trance-like, as if she’s mesmerized by the process. This is the essence of this card: there’s a calm and graceful symmetry in taking one’s time, going with the flow, and becoming one with all that surrounds you.
This is going to be especially important for you this month, with the New Moon in your sign, as well as Mercury, Venus and Chiron at different times. And while you may be tempted to strike out on your own, you want to be mindful during this time of how your words, actions and decisions can