
July 2017 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

Six of Swords

ARIES: Six of Swords

You may be on the verge of making important changes in your life, and in doing so will have to think about what you’re taking with you and what you need to leave behind.

This doesn’t necessarily mean material things; in fact that’s rarely what it means. It’s more about attitudes and belief systems, as well as a life you may have built and dreams you may have dreamed that are no longer capable of sustaining you.

The Six of Swords — this version from the Morgan Greer Tarot — is a card of transition and change. Moving from one “place” to another, if only in your mind. Notice how the woman in this card is huddled and shrouded from view. She’s protecting herself from more than just the elements.

She may be mourning the loss of her previous existence, or she may be reflecting on the choices she’s made to leave it all behind. She’s put her faith in the ferryman to get to her safely to her new destination.

Notice too that while the waves are choppy beneath them, they start to smooth out the closer they get to the other shore. And speaking of that other shore, the landscape’s silhouette appears to be promising. It’s lush, flourishing and full of potential.

This is the message behind the Six of Swords. You may not be where you want to be just yet, but you’re moving in the right direction. The Six of Swords reminds us that we’re not alone. We don’t get to the other side without assistance from someone, even when that “assistance” comes in the form of a setback that forces us to change direction.

It also provides clarity and perspective. We may see things we don’t want to see — or admit to ourselves — but it’s that kind of clarity that motivates us toward change. Take some time this month to reflect on where you are and where you want to be heading. This is the first step, courtesy of the Six of Swords, toward manifesting your goals.

February 2017 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

Prince of Wands

ARIES: Prince of Wands

Mars (your ruler) has now moved into your sign. And what better card to depict that energy than the Prince of Wands — the Druid Craft Tarot’s version of the Knight of Wands? This card speaks of gathering up the courage and confidence that’s needed to go after your goals.

It may be a dream you’d set aside because you lacked the time, energy or resources to follow it n the past. It could be an interest that’s been calling out to you that’s no longer possible to resist. And it might be something (or someone) you’re passionate about that you’re only now in a position to pursue.

The Prince of Wands encourages you to move past your fears and go after your dreams with the attitude that nothing can stand in your way. You don’t want to waiver or second-guess yourself; you want to grab onto opportunities that present themselves without a moment’s hesitation.

This doesn’t mean you ought to go gallivanting across the countryside without a plan. Keep in mind the Prince of Wands can be a bit rash — in an act first and figure out how to get out of whatever predicament you’ve gotten yourself into later sort of way. Because he runs on adrenaline, he has a tendency to lose interest in anything routine.

If this is someone in your life, you will know him by his confidence and bravado. He may he here to teach you the importance of embracing some of these qualities yourself. But if instead this card represents an energy and attitude you already possess, keep in mind the importance of making preparations and pacing yourself so you don’t run out of steam.

The Prince of Wands is here to remind you that it’s a good time to dream big, challenge yourself and set your goals in motion. If you temper those goals with a enough discipline and perseverance, you may just see them manifest beyond your wildest dreams.

June 2016 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

ARIES: The Source

What is it that you have been waiting for as father time ticks slowly by? With your ruler (Mars) retrograde for most of the month, you may be feeling like time is either moving backwards or standing still.

If you have a plan you’ve been wanting to put into action for a long time now is the time to break forth from your restrictions and see it through.

The images on this card — the Source (Temperance) card from the Tarot of Origins — are as if they are set in stone and this is how you may have been seeing things for a while yet there are also fertile images on this card… images that say new life is coming, a new beginning and it springs forth directly from your “Source.”

It is part of you, you are part of it and even though you may feel alone as if everything is “set in stone” you have people watching out for you.

Look at the two stone boulders on either side of the middle figure. To me they look like birds. Birds which have been sitting there for a long time until they also look as if they have been “turned to stone.”

Yet underneath them you can see the glorious nests they have fashioned into the rock face. Hues of blues and greens, patterns of mists and water showing that although time seems to have “stood still” it has not been idle.

As the waters break, it is as that which is “inside” pours forth and so too does that which is inside you. Look to any of these three figures and you will see new life within each. Images within images and all on the verge of springing forth into something new and exciting yet at the same time solid and dependable. Who will you be, what will your new direction when the cocoon breaks apart and the chrysalis transforms?


December 2015 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

Polar Bear

ARIES: Polar Bear

This month is going to be all about getting in touch with your environment and getting clarity with respect to your emotions.

Where do you fit in and where do you feel most at home? These are questions you’ll be asking yourself this month, courtesy of the Polar Bear — or Seeker of Shells (Knight of Cups) — animal totem.

The Polar Bear is not only completely at home in this version of the card — from the Animal Wisdom Tarot — but he’s adapted beautifully to his environment. He’s strong and competent, yet light-footed enough to trek comfortably through terrain that could be hostile to others.

Notice the crystals that are forming on the snow, the ice and in the sky above. There are symbols of clarity throughout the imagery of this card, and even glistening on the Polar Bear’s fur.

The Aurora Borealis overhead and the glowing conch shell at the base are reminiscent of glistening jewels, as is the glittering crystal backdrop and the vibrant array of colors that wash over the scene. The Seeker of Shells is a virtual rainbow of emotional expression and experience.

Think about ways that you can translate what you’re feeling this month into experiences that can be shared with your loved ones. With several planets moving through the sector related to home and family, this is a good place to start.

Your environment — that place you’re most comfortable and where you feel most complete — comes to life as you devote yourself to fostering your relationships therein.

Nov 2015 Tarot Scopes by Chrisalis

ARIES: Six of Scrolls

This is the month when wisdom meets hopes and dreams.

The elephant in this card — the Six of Scrolls from the beautiful Chrysalis Tarot — portrays that which is ancient and wise and the knowledge a person like this can bestow on you.

Keep your ears open this month for one such as this because it seems as if they have something very wise and nurturing to give you in the form of words and knowledge.

You may find that you go within yourself to draw out that which is wise and strong… that which you always knew. With this knowledge a transformation takes place within you.

The point where the woman in this card touches the elephant’s forehead with her own is where the 6th chakra lays. This is where psychic information flows in and out and relays that the knowledge and wisdom you attain does not need to be from books but is simply “known” by you.

The crescent moon and stars in the sky speak of mystery and mysticism as well as the turning of the ages.

You may be thinking of taking a meditation class or psychic course. If these are not for you art, writing or anything creative can also give you the knowledge and wisdom you are looking for as it is already within you.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Oct 1, 2015 — Four of Coins

Tarot of Delphi -- Four of Coins

Four of Coins

Today you want to be thinking about what you’re holding onto that’s keeping you from moving forward.

“Coins” is often automatically presumed to mean money, but it can extend to other areas as well, such as personal values, principles and belief systems.

The concepts of hoarding and squandering are depicted in this version of the Four of Coins (from the gorgeous Tarot of Delphi) by the Greek god Narcissus, who became so enamored with his own reflection that he was unable to turn away, causing him to miss on opportunities to experience the love of another.

Ask yourself, what are you holding onto too tightly and what potential opportunities are you missing out on as a result? It could be money or material possessions; or it could be loved ones or ideals. Whatever it is, remember that in protecting your own assets and keeping peril at bay, you’re also preventing new experiences from getting in.

One of the more positive aspects of this card is the idea of falling in love with yourself. We all know that this is the first step toward establishing healthy relationships with others. But taken too far it can lead to the degradation of love’s purest essence.

Remember that fear — along with greed, stinginess, avarice, etc. — is a symptom of a much greater problem. It can stop you in your tracks and prevent you from acquiring the very things you want. The fear or not having enough — or of losing what you already have — can reverberate endlessly like the ripples in Narcissus’ stream.

Embracing this philosophy can act as a springboard for you to make some important changes. The Four of Coins encourages you to let go of your fears and open your heart.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Aug 5, 2015 — Four of Coins

Four of Coins

Four of Coins

Today you want to be thinking about aligning yourself with a prosperity consciousness and making your money work for you.

The Four of Coins is sometimes just the opposite — holding too tightly to what you have or being too resistant to change.

But as you can see from the joyful figure in this card, it doesn’t have to be. It’s the difference between allowing yourself to be trapped by the reality you’ve created for yourself, and seeing it as a living, breathing and growing extension of you.

The Four of Coins — this version from the gorgeous Chinese Tarot by Jui Guoliang — can refer to a poverty consciousness or a hoarding mentality that creates blockages in your life and prevents new things from coming in.

In this regard it’s also about trust — or a lack of trust more specifically. The implication is that someone could take something from you (something you’ve ascribed a false sense of value to), which prompts you to hold on even more tightly (or hide it away).

This is also the message behind today’s Venus / Saturn square. The fear that something could be taken away from you can prevent you from allowing something new to come in. But loosening up the strings a bit — like the figure in this card — can shatter that concept and turn it on its head.

Remember that the Universe doesn’t appreciate a vacuum. Letting go of your fears and aligning yourself with this consciousness can let the darkness (avarice, hoarding) out and the light (enlightenment, prosperity) in. Think about sharing what you have with others today, and giving something back.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Apr 25, 2015 — Four of Disks

Four of Disks

Four of Disks

Today’s card — Four of Disks from the Tarot of the Holy Light — is all about holding onto what you have in order to preserve and protect it.

This may be tied to money and possessions (as Pentacles are linked with the Earth archetype and therefore material and mundane concerns), but it also extends to attitudes and belief systems.

In the traditional Rider-Waite style cards a figure is usually seen holding on tightly to four gold coins, symbolizing both the desire to protect what he has and the inability to attain more. In this respect there are elements of hoarding and controlling as well as a bit of a miserly approach.

But here we see an Eagle (the animal totem for Venus) nesting in a bed of flames (Mars). Below her are four orbs (the four elements) insulated in a protective shell.  She has to be able to adapt to her environment in order to protect her fragile eggs.

This scene takes place in its own protective shell, watched over carefully by a crescent moon. The Sun shines in the background and four different birds (representing four states of consciousness) grace the four corners.

This card is ruled the second decanate of Taurus — the Virgo decanate, which is ruled by Mercury and where Mercury currently resides.

This version of the Four of Pentacles is about way more than money and material possessions. It’s about preservation, protection and control. It indicates a need to watch over the things (and people and attitudes) you’re in charge of without stifling or suffocating them.

Take some time today to loosen up the reins and allow the light to come in. You’ll be better served in the long run by trusting that the Universe will support you if you allow yourself to give up some of that control.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Nov 25, 2014 — Four of Pentacles

Four of Pentacles

Four of Pentacles

Today you want to think about what it is you might be holding onto too tightly, and more importantly why.

The Four of Pentacles can refer to a hoarding mentality, a poverty consciousness and a resistance to change. All of these end up creating blockages in your life, where your fear of letting things go can prevent new things from coming in.

The cat in this card is not only protecting his territory (by sitting squarely on top of it), his ears are perked up and pulled back, a clear sign that he’s alert and guarded against any sign of danger.

The pictures on the front of the box tell you his treasures are well worth protecting — as any cat could tell you. There’s a pitcher of milk, a fish, a bird and a butterfly. But notice how the box is closed up so tightly that nothing else (a little field mouse perhaps?) could possibly get in.

Notice the landscape behind him. There’s a great big old world out there and what cat doesn’t like to explore? But this one can’t — he’s stuck where he is because he can’t run the risk of leaving his hoard unattended.

In this regard the Four of Pentacles is also about trust — or the lack of trust more specifically. The implication is that someone could take something from you (something you’ve ascribed a false sense of value to), which prompts you to hold on even more tightly (or hide it away).

With this in mind your challenge today will be to loosen up the reins a bit. Let the darkness (avarice, hoarding) out so you can let you some light (enlightenment, prosperity) in. Think about sharing what you have with others, or giving something back.

Remember that the Universe does not appreciate a vacuum. All that you’re willing to let go of now will be replenished with something new in the end. And news flash: that’s not just money and material possessions. It also applies to negative thought processes, dysfunctional relationships and outdated ideals.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Oct 22, 2014 — Four of Pentacles

Four of Pentacles

Four of Pentacles

Today’s Venus / Chiron aspect may have you looking at whatever you’re holding onto for dear life and thinking about whether you’d be better served to step back and scrutinize what it is you think you may lose if you don’t let go of those reigns.

Have you been trying to hang onto what you have and not let any of it go?  This may be in relation to your assets, finances, possessions or even your feelings and heart.

Sometimes money and feelings go hand in hand. You may not be willing to see it that way but money can be a powerful ally when it comes to relationships and emotions and who “owns” what within a relationship.

Sometimes it’s not so clear cut as that: you may not be seeing that what really matters is love and money cannot buy you this… or can it?

Perhaps you should ask yourself if your financial matters have become entwined with your emotional matters and if so where does one end and the other begin. What you would be willing to lose and what would you gain if you lost it.

Some people are happy with very little money as long as they have love, while others have very little love and a lot of money. From an astrological standpoint, Venus rules both. 

Sept 2014 Tarot Scopes featuring the Tarot of Delphi

Tarot of Delphi -- the Sun

ARIES: The Sun

This month should see you feeling a sense of satisfaction and contentment over recent accomplishments.

The Sun card is traditionally associated with vitality, warmth and a sense of feeling particularly “alive.” But in this version the focus is just as much on taking care of yourself and manifesting that vitality through soaking in the Sun’s rays and recharging your batteries.

The Sun, Mercury and Venus all move through your 6th house this month — the area associated with work and with self-improvement, which includes your physical and mental well-being. Rest and relaxation is just as essential to that process as are work and productivity.

The “Sun” in this card appears to be setting. It casts its rays onto the ocean in the background, shining across the surface like molten gold.

The image of the woman sleeping comfortably without a worry in the world perfectly captures the essence of the Sun. There’s a sense of effortlessness that’s associated with this card, even as the world keeps on turning around you.

Your ruler (Mars) moves into Sag this month (on the 13th) and into your 9th house — the area associated with personal growth and expansion. After that point there will be plenty of time to spread your wings and fly.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Jun 30, 2014 — Four of Pentacles

Four of Pentacles

Four of Pentacles

What exactly are you holding onto and what do you need to let go of?

The 4 of Pentacles is a card of keeping what you have and not letting go of it. Whether this be, as is implied by the pentacles… money or possibly something else in your life ie an outdated idea, emotions that do not serve you well or even points of view on a situation that if you don’t shift will keep the situation in status quo.

Look at the figure in this card s/he is hanging onto the tree for dear life. Each limb is attached to a pentacle and even though s/he is quite clear thinking as can be seen from the light above the head there is also a capacity here to be so caught up in one’s thinking that it doesn’t take you forward but keeps you stuck in outdated modes of action.

There is treasure in this card. Gemstones light the way to a pile of riches laid out spectacularly under the tree… almost growing within the tree and giving it sustenance. You may need to let go a little of your preconceived ideas in order to build your wealth or take advantage of opportunities that come your way without holding on too tightly to what you think you may or may not lose.

You have the capacity to go far. You will not lose anything if you take the risk… no apples are falling from the tree, nothing is rotting on the ground, nothing about this card speaks of loss. The path you need to take is softly lit and it will not be difficult to take the first step which is also illuminated from the 9 crystals placed around the treasure within the tree.