
Free Daily Tarotscope — Jun 15, 2014 — Four of Pentacles

Four of Pentacles

Four of Pentacles

This may be a day of hard work for you but does it really need to be that way? If you look at the scene bathed in sunlight through the stone slab what do you see and what does it represent for you?

The stone pillars show that there is hard work that is needed, laying the foundations down to get what you want and also perhaps putting in a little of your imagination into things to get what you want in the process.

In the pillars of stone surrounding the image you will see a crescent moon on top of the stone pillars which looks to sit on top of two stone hands clasped together.

Such is the effort you are willing to put into your current project to reach your dreams… it is as if you rule yourself with an iron fist and will not take any setbacks sitting down.

So what is it you have been forging to build and how much effort have you been putting into it possibly at the expense of other areas of your life and people being neglected?

The dream you are searching for is already in front of you and what a glorious sight it already is. A beautiful clear summer’s day, a calm sea and the sun shining without interruption.

An Intuitive 5-Card Tarot Reading with Two Axes

           (nothing to do with choppers or tomahawks)

by Charles Johnson, guest blogger 

Feeling a bit cheesed-off the other day after a Djembe drumming practice at which my drum teacher had failed to define for me just how my sense of timing/ tempo / accent did not come up to hers, after a few hours not exactly fuming but quite deeply bothered (because drumming has become pretty central to my life and my sense of well-being), I got out my favourite Tarot of the Origins deck in order to make sense of / get to the heart of the “problem.”

I hit upon a five-card spread: three cards laid out in a vertical line, representing (from bottom to top) what’s going on from the teacher’s point of view — its origin (card 1: the Four of Jewels); the heart of the situation (card 2 and the central card in the layout: The Mother); and its implication / outcome (card 3: the Five of Jewels).

Free Daily Tarotscope — Jan 13, 2014 — Four of Pentacles

Four of Pentacles

Four of Pentacles

Today you may need to look at ways in which you can both expand and relax your personal boundaries. The Four of Pentacles generally refers to holding onto something (or someone) too tightly– usually due to fear.

We worry that we don’t have enough money or that a loved one may leave us, and we respond to those fears by holding on for dear life — in the hopes that we can prevent it (or them) from slipping away.

In traditional tarot decks, the Four of Pentacles card depicts a man in royal garb with four golden coins. He wears one above his crown — representing his own wealth and status; stands on two of them — representing his position in society; and holds the last one tightly to his chest — representing his reluctance to give any of it away.

In this deck however, the imagery is quite different. We see a yogi in the  “pyramid” or parsvottanasana pose before a colorful Yantra symbol.

This posture — which requires the clarity and purpose to both extend one’s body and relax one’s mind — is a powerful remedy for the rigidity that is normally so inherent in this card. 

Ask yourself today in what ways you need to “stretch” — as in reaching further than you ever have before; and in what ways you need to relax — be it your purse-strings, your attitudes or your personal boundaries — so that you can achieve the sense of balance, harmony and grace that is depicted in this card.

December 2013 Tarot Scopes featuring Steampunk Tarot

Wheel of Fortune

ARIES: Wheel of Fortune

You seem to be standing on quicksand within a situation that keeps changing.

Try to gain a sense of balance for yourself within this and don’t lose any of your power by trying to follow what others are doing or not doing.

If you find yourself trying to extricate yourself from the situation which is swinging from good to bad and around in circles take a look at the 4 figures trying to balance at the bottom of the card.

What looks like strength is actually a bit precarious when you look closely and see they are all looking and/or facing in different directions.

Each of these directions gives a different view of what you are facing.

Each of these directions gives you a different answer to what you should do next.

And each of these directions only shows you a glimpse of the whole situation.

Stay still and wait for things to settle down so you are not being thrown off your balance.


August 2013 Tarot Scopes featuring the Revelations Tarot


Is there something you have been wishing, praying and hoping for?

The card of the Star shows that you can have what you want and possibly without putting too much effort into it as long as you don’t start worrying, striving and generally putting your thoughts and emotions into a state of unbalance.

The Star is a card of happiness… of wishes coming true. Think of the saying “wish upon a star” and keep it in your mind as you go after your dreams.

The halo of doves and stars surrounding the woman in the card as she simultaneously fills one water urn and lets the other urn flow out depicts a balance in not holding on too tightly to something and trusting that what you want shall be fulfilled.

The reflection within the water shows what happens if you go against this balance with the red, amber tones standing for anger, frustration and a general blockage to getting what you want.


January 2013 Tarot Scopes featuring the Thoth Tarot


You’ll have the opportunity to re-invent yourself this month and to achieve equilibrium in your relationships.

You can turn something negative into something positive by striving for balance, harmony and composure.

This is a powerful card. It relates to the alchemical process of turning lead into gold. You can activate this concept personally by embracing that which has been resisted or denied and working to transform it.

This card is called “Art” (Temperance, in some decks). It speaks of seeking out symmetry.

It speaks of finding a middle-ground. In what areas of your life are you too inflexible, too rigid and too unwilling to hear another’s point of view?

Your challenge will be to overcome those impediments and to integrate the opposing forces in your life.