
Free Daily Tarotscope — Feb 15, 2015 — Four of Swords

four of swords

Four of Swords

What is it that’s been weighing so heavily on your mind that you find yourself stepping back today and taking a moment to clear your head?

The Four of Swords is all about “taking a breather” — either from all the noise and distractions around you or the intrusive thoughts that have prevented you from calming your mind.

Swords represent thoughts and ideas and Fours are all related to some kind of structure. Sometimes that structure is positive — as in forming a concrete plan — and sometimes it can be limiting, as in feeling boxed in or restrained.

In this case the woman looks pensive. She’s half-heartedly chosen one of the four swords but it’s clear this isn’t her final selection; she’s not sure what she wants so she holds back on deciding until she’s a little more certain.

This is the essence of the Four of Swords: it encourages you to ponder, reflect and meditate rather than “act.” It speaks of detaching from the whirlwind of activity around you and observe rather than participate.

You might also be thinking of getting away from it all. You could be feeling the strains of mundane chores and responsibilities; or maybe you just long to escape from the hustle and bustle of day-to-day life.

The Four of Swords encourages you to disengage from all the noise and distractions around you and to find your strength through recovery. It could be as simple as getting out of town for the weekend to relax and recharge your batteries. And it could be as profound as going on a life-altering pilgrimage or spiritual retreat.

If you can get away then by all means do it! But if you can’t there are other ways to restore your sanity. Meditation, breathwork, self-imposed silence, etc. — any one of these can help you to de-stress and restore your equilibrium. While you may feel pulled in several different directions today, you’d be best served to stay calm and carry on, rather than let yourself fall out of balance.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Dec 18, 2014 — Four of Swords

Four of Swords

Four of Swords

Sometimes it doesn’t pay to do too much thinking about your problems and today is one of those days.

It seems that you may have cut yourself off from any actions you may have taken to fix a situation in your life and instead let it roam around and around in your mind to the point that you can no longer see the problem clearly enough to know how to tackle it.

What may have started as an average sized problem though has grown into a problem of such proportions that it leaves you frozen to any action you would like to take and hence your dilemma in what to do to fix it.

In the case of this image the problem looks as if it is linked to your love life. The roses scattered around both whole and in pieces that look to have been cut by the swords.

The woman’s arms are crossed given an indication that she is cold (or out in the cold due to her present situation) and she has not the forethought or inclination to dress appropriately.

If she were to look around her she would take the steps needed to protect herself from the elements. Such it is with the situation that you may find yourself in today.

You may not be forewarned or forearmed to defend yourself within it but you can take action to make sure you are well protected while you come up with a plan of dealing with it. And that plan needs to include putting more energy into your own life than wasting it worrying about other things.

While there is still one sword in your hand there is still a chance you can fix the wrongs that are around you with one masterful stroke of the right words.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Nov 17, 2014 — Four of Swords

Four of Swords

Four of Swords

All things being balanced and even then I guess you have a decision to make.

The way forward for you today may not be as easy as you would like it to be. Both paths look equally appealing and both paths come with different dilemmas.

What will you do next? How will you do it? What will the repercussions of one decision be over another?

All these questions and more will need to be answered today for you to be able to get out of being stuck and confused and left starting at yourself (or selves) in the mirror.

Perhaps you are looking at your dilemma in the wrong way as it seems that whatever you do you come back to face your “self”.

Try stepping out of thinking of the impact of any decisions and choices you make today only affecting you and try weighting up what it may mean for other people.

You may find your way out of the never ending loop of thoughts which seem to be filling not only your consciousness but also your unconscious thoughts including your hopes, dreams and fears.

You certainly have the energy to get what you want but you are holding back for some reason and playing things around in your mind a little more than you need to.

There is a sense of right and wrong, angels and devils in this image…. which one are you and does it make you right or wrong?

Free Daily Tarotscope — Sept 6, 2014 — Four of Swords

Four of Swords

Four of Swords

WIth Mercury and Neptune in quincunx today, you may be looking for ways to quiet the thoughts and ideas that are racing through your mind.

The Four of Swords refers to the period of silence, stillness and recuperation that is so necessary when chaos and turbulence surround you.

The imagery in this card is so poignant. We see a tree that has almost been broken by the weight of its despair, yes has somehow managed to right itself. The four swords propping it up are all sturdy and unyielding.

The sky in the background may look ominous, and the leaves may have all fallen and died. Yet the tree itself remains strong and secure — there’s no longer any danger of defeat.

This is the essence of the 4 of swords: having come through something so traumatic, you can pause and reflect on all that has transpired before deciding on your next move.

You may have to put some things to rest — such as dreams that have died or relationships that have run their course.

August 2014 Tarot Scopes featuring the Star Tarot

Aries:  Strength

If you find yourself needing to draw on inner strength this month or gain help from those around you then don’t be afraid to ask.

You are not alone and you have plenty of resources to help you along your path. Even though you cannot see the final outcome you have an inner “knowingness” to help you on your way.

As the month progresses you should be feeling the changes around you as you seem to shed your skin and grow a new one… meaning… the changes you implement around you in your environment are coming from within and yourself as opposed to outside forces.

If there is a relationship you feel has outgrown its purpose and has been holding you back then you are well and truly on the road to releasing yourself from its clutches and what’s more you have the strength and resources to back you up.

Reach out to anyone you think may be of help to you now as you start your new cycle.

The moon in the background of this card may seem to be either in its first or last quarter or if you look at it again it could even be seen as an eclipse… and eclipses mean change!


June 2014 Tarot Scopes featuring the Hezicos Tarot

Hezicos Tarot -- Judgment

Aries:  Judgement

What decisions have you been needing to make and perhaps been putting off for a while.

You seem to be very clear in what you are thinking but perhaps the outcome you are hoping to achieve seems out of your reach as different aspects of it come to mind and your clear thinking is not correlating with the clear actions you need to take to reach your goal.

This is such a beautiful card… it is a card to get “lost” in whilst you take a step back in order to clarify what you really want to do.

Your mind looks so busy covered in a red hood, the creatures of the sea, both mythical and not, dance around you almost daring you to take your eye of your goal and come and play with them for a while.

Perhaps this is what you really need… to take yourself out of such serious contemplation of decision making and throw yourself into a little bit of fun and playfulness for a while. By doing so you may distract yourself to the point that the answers come more clearly to you.


Free Daily Tarotscope — Apr 23, 2014 — Four of Swords

Four of Swords

Four of Swords

This is a good day to work on being centered and maintaining your composure in the midst of whatever life throws your way.

With an intense astrological aspect — a Cardinal Grand Cross — involving four powerful planets (Pluto, Uranus, Jupiter and Mars) becoming as exact today as it’s ever going to get, you may feel like you’re in the eye of a hurricane and when you think about it, that may be the best place to be.

A Grand Cross involves four or more planets that are all forming squares (90°) and oppositions (180°) to one another. As squares represent conflict and oppositions represent tension, these aspects can be incredibly frustrating and difficult to contain.

The Four of Swords — called “Truce” in the Thoth deck, and represents a need to bring those opposing forces into the center where they can be focused into one powerful dynamic.

While you may feel pulled in several different directions today,  you’d be best served to stay calm and carry on, rather than let yourself fall out of balance. The Four of Swords encourages you to ponder, reflect and meditate rather than “act.” It speaks of detaching from the whirlwind of activity around you and to observe rather than participate.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Feb 7, 2014 — Four of Swords

Four of Swords

Four of Swords

Today you may be ready to get away from it all. You could be feeling the strains of mundane chores and responsibilities; or maybe you just long to escape from the hustle and bustle of day-to-day life.

The Four of Swords encourages you to disengage from all the noise and distractions around you and  to find your strength through recovery.

It could be as simple as getting out of town for the weekend to relax and recharge your batteries. And it could be as profound as going on a life-altering pilgrimage or spiritual retreat.

The figure in this card rests peacefully under a starry sky, He’s tucked in to his own personal sanctuary — a sumptuous tent, luscious blankets and pillow, his sword and helmet resting outside. The four swords also seem to cast a protective shield above him.

If you’re able to get away this weekend then by all means do it! But if you can’t there are other ways to restore your sanity. Meditation, breathwork, self-imposed silence, etc. — any one of these can help you to de-stress and to restore your equilibrium.


Ask the Tarot: Is it Time to Move on?

Ask the Tarot: is it time to move on?

My client came to me with a question that I hear all too often. A relationship that’s hit a road block and seems impossible to repair, despite both people still professing love for one another.

In this case though, it’s far more complicated.  Not only are they married, but they have a small child — less than 2 years old.

I want to preface this article with my views on this type of question, as as I explained to her: while I can tell her exactly what I see, in the end I wouldn’t trust such an important decision on the tarot alone and neither should she. I advised her to seek counseling and think long and hard about this before coming to any concrete decision.

July 2013 Tarot Scopes — featuring the Tarot of Trees

ARIES: The Moon

This month you may feel like you’re navigating through murky waters.

The Moon card has a lot to do with that which is hidden, beneath the surface, unconscious or undiscovered.

There is a strong emotional element inherent in this card. And while emotions are not something easily digested by Aries — particularly the “darker” emotions, such as fear, anxiety and insecurity — it’s necessary to explore them if you’re going to resolve the issues that have been hounding you.

But don’t let your imagination run away with you: there’s also some danger of reading too much into things, making mountains out of mole hills or even becoming suspicious or paranoid.

Use this time to get in touch with your emotions and to resolve whatever fears and uncertainties you have that have been holding you back.