
May 2020 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

Aries: The Sun

This month you want to focus on what’s right in your world rather than what might be wrong. The Sun card is all about happiness, optimism and vitality: it’s about being present in the moment and celebrating being alive.

Look around you and take notice of the blessings that surround you. Step away — at least mentally — and turn your attention away from work and mundane affairs long enough to soak in the energizing rays of the Sun.

The Sun card — this version from the Lightseer’s Tarot  — represents energy and vitality. Feeling happy to be alive. Getting in touch with your inner child, your true authentic spirit, the part of you that longs to embrace life with ever fiber of your being.

When we think of the Sun, we think of warmth, light and life. It warms our spirits as well as our bodies; it brightens our moods as well as the outside world, and it brings life to our dreams and goals as well as to every living thing on the planet.

The Sun card in the Tarot is much the same way. It refers to the wonder and glory of being alive. Of feeling warm, confident, radiant and spirited. Its attitude is that “everything is as it should be,” for you and all around you.

The Sun reflects your own inner light and inspires you to let it shine. It encourages you to say yes to life rather than letting your troubles hold you back. It tells you to turn your face to the Sun rather rather than looking back over your shoulder toward whatever caused you to dim your light in the first place.

The Sun card is all about optimism, enthusiasm and personal radiance. It’s about being yourself and allowing yourself to “shine,” without any pretense or constraint. Even when the sky is cloudy, the Sun is still shines. We may not always see it but it’s always there — and serves as a reminder of the warmth and vitality that each of us possess

June 2019 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

Knight of Swords

Aries: Knight of Swords

This month you’re going to want to be “on your toes” and prepared for whatever opportunities — or peril — that comes your way.

The Knight of Swords — this version from the Love and Mystery Tarot — is sharp, focused and purposeful, aware of his (or her) environment and quick to act if need be.

In some decks the Knight of Swords is literally a knight in shining armor, charging ahead into battle or to rescue his fair maiden. And sometimes he’s racing toward the finish line, bound and determined to win at any cost.

But here we have a young hipster-soldier girl standing watch under a bird-filled sky. She herself resembles a bright and colorful bird, from her hair to her coloring to her clothing to her complete immersion in the scene before her.

But these birds aren’t flying south for the winter: they’re circling above her in what could be a menacing formation. She keeps her sword ready but holds it behind her until she knows for sure.

The Knight of Swords often delivers news. Sometimes it’s good news and sometimes it’s not. But like the young warrior in our card, your main objective should be to stay alert and be prepared to act quickly and decisively either way.

The Knight of Swords is quite good at getting to the point, but comes up short when it comes to tact and diplomacy. Therefore if it turns out that it’s you delivering the news this month, you want to be mindful of your tone, manner and especially your choice of words.

April 2019 Tarot Scopes by Melodie


Aries: Temperance

This month you are likely to be called upon to integrate opposing areas of your life into one big calm, peaceful and harmonious medium.

This may take the form of aligning yourself with higher spiritual realms, or it may be more about learning to surrender.

The Temperance card — this version from the Crystal Tarot — speaks of searching within yourself for that wellspring of inner grace and finding a way to bring the good and bad, light and dark, happy and sad back into balance.

The Temperance card is called “Art” in some decks. It speaks of the unique creative forces that each of us possess. It speaks of seeking out symmetry and harmony.

In what areas of your life are you too inflexible, too rigid and too unwilling to hear another’s point of view? Your challenge will be to overcome those impediments and to integrate the opposing forces in your life.

In this version of the card we see an angel standing in a field and pouring fluid from one vessel into another. The grass is green and abundant at her feet, the sky is clear and the Sun shines behind her. The rainbow that is usually seen in this card is actually a part of her in this version. In her gown, in her wings and in the landscape behind her.

Her demeanor is calm and peaceful — almost trance-like, as if she’s mesmerized by the process. This is the essence of this card: there’s a calm and graceful symmetry in taking one’s time, going with the flow, and becoming one with all that surrounds you.

This is going to be especially important for you this month, with the New Moon in your sign, as well as Mercury, Venus and Chiron at different times. And while you may be tempted to strike out on your own, you want to be mindful during this time of how your words, actions and decisions can

July 2018 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

page of swords

ARIES: Page of Swords

This month should be loaded with opportunities for you to go back and clear up some unfinished business. With your ruling planet (Mars) still retrograde, you may be dealing with a sense of urgency to tie up loose ends and put the past behind you.

An important part of this is going to be acknowledging and then learning from your mistakes.The Page of Swords — this version from the Tarot of Trees —  is all about clearing the air and cutting to the chase. It’s about seeking out the truth and being honest with yourself,  even when it hurts.

It’s also about communications, ideas, information and news. The Page of Swords is generally very curious, a good judge of character, quick to size up others and able to see through ulterior motives and agendas.

Like all the Pages, it’s a messenger card so you want to pay attention to any messages you receive. You want to remember that things are not always as they seem. And while it’s not the time to take things at face value, although you don’t want to be so focused on ferreting out hidden information that you become paranoid.

The Full Moon lunar eclipse this month is going to be exactly conjunct that retrograde Mars. This should make for some high energy days; just be sure you choose your battles wisely as it can also manifest as impulsive or irrational behavior. You may uncover a deception or meet with someone whose motives prove to be disingenuous. Or you may have to be the bearer of uncomfortable news yourself, in which case you find yourself needing to deliver it carefully and diplomatically.

October 2017 Tarot Scopes by Melodie


ARIES: Justice

You may be struggling with doing the right thing this month, or you may be trying to make a choice between right and wrong. Sometimes those choices aren’t clear — depending on whatever prerequisites you have in place for making those kinds of determinations.

The Justice card — this version from Jaen Tarot — is about having to live with the choices you make and being able to sleep at night once you’ve made them. This requires an ability to balance the pros and cons of a situation, which requires balancing your head and heart.

Notice that all of the figures in this card have their eyes closed. A small child rests over a giant sleeping fish, as a Madonna figure rises up from the mists of his dreams and watches over them.

The scale she holds in her hand is precariously balanced. Between head and heart. Need and desire. Right and wrong. If any of those were given more weight than the other, that balance would be lost and the quiet contentment disrupted.

The Justice card speaks of a universal justice, divorced from what you want or wish for, and held under the microscope of truth, wisdom and universal law. This means that no matter how desperately you want a specific outcome, the one handed down will be fair and just.

There are karmic repercussions inherent in this card. Whether it’s karma you’re sewing (doing the wrong thing even when you know it’s wrong) or karma that you’re reaping (having to face challenges that are a result of past misdeeds) know that in the end Justice does prevail. Keep that in mind so that you too can sleep at night, knowing that you’ve done the right thing.


March 2017 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

the Lovers -- Mary El Tarot

ARIES: The Lovers

Mars and Venus are moving through your sign this month, bringing the traditional “love” planets together, forcing you to deal with relationship conflicts and considerations. The Lovers card is all about relationships and choices that need to be made regarding relationships. These are often complicated by temptations that emerge, forcing you to have to choose between dual principles or desires.

Are you seeing in your own life where an attraction has turned into a fixation or obsession? Or where perhaps you’re relaxing your own set of standards to allow for indiscretions you’ve already made?

The Lovers card says that the stakes are high and that there may be a price to pay for giving into your passions without considering the long term repercussions.

A third party (leading to infidelity on someone’s part) is one strong possibility. But so is a relationship that’s likely to create tensions with family members or society. A same-sex union. A May-December romance. An inter-racial affair. A relationship that is sure to be frowned upon by your religion. A love affair with your co-worker or boss. The possibilities are endless. It can also refer to the union of polarities, as seen in the Mary-el version of the card.

The figures here are about as opposite as they can get: male and female, young and old, black and white.This is said to represent the alchemical marriage. The female figure is strong and aloof, the male passive and vulnerable, She is naked, save for a nautilus shell headdress, while he is draped in purity and light. Yet they flow together in an intimate embrace. Even so, there’s an apparent emotional disconnect in this rendition. The female figure stares off into the distance while the males gazes downward.

The angel watching over them in the background is barely noticeable. She doesn’t assist and she doesn’t interfere. This is something to keep in mind this month as you find yourself struggling with temptation. You do have free will, the choice is ultimately yours, and whatever decision you make will have consequences that you’ll be expected to answer for.

September 2016 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

Four of Cups

ARIES: Four of Cups

This month you may feel like you are in a world of your own making and not willing to come out of it for anyone or anything.

No matter how good an offer is that is made to you you prefer to stay within your own little world and not make any plans or moves just yet. The Four of Cups — this version from the fabulous Ceccoli Tarot — is about boredom, melancholy and complacency, all of which are aptly depicted here.

This is not a bad place to be as it gives you time to sit back and survey and contemplate what is around for you and also as you are making yourself scarce from others, it inadvertently puts you in a position where you can perhaps command more than you have received in the past.

You actually know what you want. Notice you have your eyes on the nautilus shell (or is it a snail’s shell?) which is at the moment beyond your reach.

You may have desired this for a long time and not known how to attain it. If there is something in your life that you have been wanting for a long time and it has not shown up use this month to come up with ways to bring it into your life.

The bubble that you sit in shows that you are quite happy where you are but you may need to upset that balance, for a while anyway, to actually make your dreams come true.


February 2016 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

Black Tortoise Seven

ARIES: Black Tortoise Seven

There may be times this month where you find yourself up against what seems like an insurmountable obstacle that you’re going to have to use discipline, strategy and cunning to see yourself through.

This is the Feng Shui Tarot’s version of the Seven of Wands. It focuses more on the barriers that stand in your way than on the conflict and combativeness that’s usually associated with this card.

The Black Tortoise in this card gazes through the rungs of a locked gate at a mountain range in the distance. He may be longing to escape, or he may be pausing to consider more creative solutions to crossing over to the other side.

But it’s all a matter of perspective. Is he really locked out? Or is he safe in the confines of his own kingdom, protected from the turbulent storm clouds that are brewing in the distance.

The Seven of Wands requires you to look at your situation from all sides and figuring out the best course of action.

There is a “hold your ground” element to this card which is in keeping with the traditional Seven of Wands. But rather than fighting off someone trying to unseat you, you may be fighting off your own urges to see the grass as greener on the other side.

Think about what’s been obstructing you in your own quest to reach your goals. As there’s an expanse of water (emotions) between the gated ledge and the mountains across the way, there’s more than likely an emotional component at work here.

You may have to explore uncomfortable feelings or conquer hidden fears. Whatever it is, know that you do have the tools at your disposal. The Black Tortoise Seven requires you to consider solutions that might not be readily available as you plan your next move.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Sept 19, 2015 — Donkey



Today’s card — the Donkey or Five of Fossils — is the Five of Pentacles in traditional tarot. It can indicate a need to rethink what you value, especially when it comes to your own sense of worth or self-esteem.

It can mark a period of financial adversity, such as seeing your earnings held up or seeing your resources dwindling as a result of unexpected expenses.

As Pentacles are linked to “values,” we most often think of money. But they also relate to self-worth: it’s hard to feel good about yourself when you’re struggling — financially or otherwise.

In this version of the card from the beautiful Animal Wisdom Tarot — the Donkey is seen carrying quite a heavy load. He trudges through the snow — alone — with all of his worldly possessions on his back. But look at the stars in the night sky and especially the one bright star that shines directly above him.

Notice how it shines through the fossils on his back and creates a prism of colors that glow all around him. He may be so caught up in the burden that he carries that he doesn’t even see it — which is one of the most important lessons associated with the Five of Pentacles.

You too may feel vulnerable and exposed under your current circumstances. You may be afraid to ask for help, especially if you’re sensitive to being watched or judged. But the message here is to work on overcoming those fears and on recapturing that inner beauty that glows all around you, even if you’re the last one to see it.

Free Daily Tarotscope — May 23, 2015 — Five of Daisies

Five of Daisies

Five of Daisies

Today’s Sun / Saturn opposition may have you thinking about what’s missing in your life and what feels unattainable to you or seems just out of reach.

The Five of Daisies is the Rabbit Tarot’s version of the Five of Pentacles. And here we see a little rabbit poking his head out from behind a massive tree. He reaches one tentative paw into the water where five daisies are floating on the surface.

The Five of Pentacles is associated with a sense of helplessness against insurmountable odds. As Pentacles related to money (and values in general) and Fives related to crises, this card speaks of obstacles that spring from our own feelings of doubt and dread.

It wouldn’t be hard for the rabbit to reach out and latch onto one or two of those daisies. He’s already made a reluctant move. But his hesitation may end up costing him the lot.

There’s a lot of fear associated with this card. Fear of making a mistake or not being good enough. Fear of falling in. Fear of taking a leap of faith only to have the thing you want so desperately swept away before you get a chance to attain it.

Your challenge today is to move past those fears and recapture your your own self worth. Move past the feelings of shame, embarrassment and uncertainty and allow yourself to reach out for help. Take some time to remind yourself that you’re worthy of being loved and accepted. The challenge with the Five of Pentacles — as with the Sun / Saturn opposition — is not to give in to those fears, but to overcome them.


May 2015 Tarot Scopes by Chrisalis

Nine of Wands

ARIES: Nine of Wands

This is the month you may feel like you’re starting to get your mojo back, after a period of frustration, boredom, dormancy or inertia.

The Nine of Wands refers to a period of uncertainty and hesitation that comes after you’ve given what feels like your ALL and still haven’t seen the results for your efforts.

You may have been frustrated with the lack of progress or worse, come “this close” to completing your journey only to find another roadblock ahead of you. This is very similar to the frustrations and impediments that abound when you perhaps haven’t made clear plans for what you wish to do. You’re saying “go go go” while the Universe is saying “no no no.”

The reds, oranges and golds in this version of the card — from the Mary-el Tarot — combined with the ferocious tiger and the flame in the woman’s hand, speak of the need for fearless restraint. The woman takes the tiger by the tail and raises the flame high in the air in a symbol of victory.

If you look at it from an evolutionary perspective, you may be better able to understand why you’ve been forced to step back and re-evaluate your needs.

Perhaps the setbacks you’ve encountered along the way have been more than just setbacks. Perhaps they’ve been lessons in disguise. With Mercury turning retrograde in your area of communication this month what better time do you have than to “plan, plan, plan.”

Free Daily Tarotscope — Mar 5, 2015 — Five of Pentacles

Five of Pentacles

Five of Pentacles

Coming on the heels of yesterday’s upbeat and sociable Venus trine Jupiter, we have Venus squaring Pluto today — a completely different (and unfortunately far less joyful) energy.

Venus / Pluto aspects tend to intensify emotional responses, especially regarding personal relationships. This aspect represents a sort of collision (square) between the “love’ planet — Venus — and the planet associated with pain, loss, fear, shame and rejection — Pluto.

This energy is illustrated here — in the beautiful Ceccoli Tarot version — in the form of a tender young woman sitting alone in the dark, looking sad and forlorn. A flock of songbirds has taken up residence in hair, with one of them plucking at her heart. A single tear falls from her downcast eyes.

The Five of Pentacles refers to feeling lost and alone, isolated or excluded, shut out, rejected or unworthy. It doesn’t have to manifest in a big way. It can be as “simple” as being dismissed or overlooked — an insignificant occurrence that in light of the Venus / Pluto square takes on a life of its own.

It’s a harsh word, a careless remark, a lack of consideration or a call that doesn’t come. Something that makes you feel small, dejected or demoralized.

Keep in mind that Pentacles relates to more than just money. It has to do with values in general and self-worth. Allowing the inconsiderate acts of others to make you feel small says a lot about how much value you place on yourself.

This is what you want to think about today as you look at how these incidents affect you and what you can do to offset their impact on your own sense of self-worth. There can be feelings of shame and embarrassment — or fear of being rejected — associated with reaching out for help.

Take some time today to nourish that tender heart of yours and remind yourself that you’re worthy of being loved and accepted. The challenge with the Five of Pentacles — as with the Venus / Pluto square — is not to give in to those fears, but to overcome them.