
August 2017 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

Three of Wands

ARIES: Three of Wands

This month you may be bursting at the seams with all the passion and confidence that are needed to put your goals into place.

The Three of Wands — this version from Timothy Lantz’ Archeon Tarot — speaks of a renewed sense of purpose, clarity and motivation – the desire and willingness to “make something happen!”

You may already have a new project in the works, in which case you’re probably beginning to see the fruits of your labors pay off. Or you may be on the verge of launching a new project, and if that’s the case, there’s no better time than the present.

The Three of Wands embodies such a powerful life-force energy that it never permits itself to be “still.” It’s always improving.

Notice how the Pegasus in this deck is both watching over his shoulder (toward what has already been accomplished) and preparing to take flight. There’s a nobility also associated with this card, which is befitting the majestic stance of our winged friend.

You may have recently discovered your life’s purpose. Or you may just now be acting on aspirations that you were too afraid to reach for in the past. This card speaks of a new burst of inspiration, a second wind, and the confidence with which to see it through.

If you’re starting something new try to inject yourself fully into it, as from this point forward you’re going to have opportunities to expand your horizons. Whether that means through travel, enterprise, education or career, the Three of Wands tells you that now is the time to spread your wings and fly!

May 2017 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

Eight of Wands

ARIES: Eight of Wands

It may feel like things are moving very quickly for you this month, with your ruler (Mars) in Gemini and in mutual reception with Mercury.

The Eight of Wands — this version from the fabulous Gypsy Palace Tarot — refers to progress, mobility and rapid change, usually for the better. You could be bursting at the seams with new and fresh ideas, juggling interests or overseeing different projects that all seem to be nearing completion at the same time.

This card refers to being decisive, making the most of your time and cutting through whatever distractions stand in your way. There may be a lot going on around you — like the woman in the center of this card — but the Eight of Wands encourages you to remain focused and engaged in the task at hand.

Look at all of the swirling colors in this card. There’s a lot happening there — and certainly some distractions. But there’s also movement, creativity and energy which are hallmarks of this card.

This is also a networking card. It relates to exchanging ideas and interacting with like-minded people. Blogging, disseminating information, and expanding social horizons are all indicated.

February 2016 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

Black Tortoise Seven

ARIES: Black Tortoise Seven

There may be times this month where you find yourself up against what seems like an insurmountable obstacle that you’re going to have to use discipline, strategy and cunning to see yourself through.

This is the Feng Shui Tarot’s version of the Seven of Wands. It focuses more on the barriers that stand in your way than on the conflict and combativeness that’s usually associated with this card.

The Black Tortoise in this card gazes through the rungs of a locked gate at a mountain range in the distance. He may be longing to escape, or he may be pausing to consider more creative solutions to crossing over to the other side.

But it’s all a matter of perspective. Is he really locked out? Or is he safe in the confines of his own kingdom, protected from the turbulent storm clouds that are brewing in the distance.

The Seven of Wands requires you to look at your situation from all sides and figuring out the best course of action.

There is a “hold your ground” element to this card which is in keeping with the traditional Seven of Wands. But rather than fighting off someone trying to unseat you, you may be fighting off your own urges to see the grass as greener on the other side.

Think about what’s been obstructing you in your own quest to reach your goals. As there’s an expanse of water (emotions) between the gated ledge and the mountains across the way, there’s more than likely an emotional component at work here.

You may have to explore uncomfortable feelings or conquer hidden fears. Whatever it is, know that you do have the tools at your disposal. The Black Tortoise Seven requires you to consider solutions that might not be readily available as you plan your next move.

January 2016 Tarot Scopes by Chrisalis

Ace of Cups

ARIES: Ace of Cups

This month’s card — the Ace of Cups from the Secret Language of Birds Tarot — is all about romance, affection, flirtation, intimacy, communion and most of all love.

Aces represent new and unformed energy. As Cups refer to emotions, intuition and feelings, it’s likely to manifest on one of these levels.

It’s all about seeing your capacity to love and express feelings mirrored right back to you — through a new love interest, a friend or family member, or the eyes of a child.

You may be starting a new relationship or expressing yourself romantically — whether or not a serious relationship develops from that flirtation. As with all Aces, the energy is so new and so unformed that a myriad of possibilities is completely within your reach.

The process of falling in love reveals to you your purest, most perfect potential. It’s when you put your best foot forward and show the world what you’re capable of — and the Universe responds in kind.

If you’re already in an established relationship, the Ace of Cups can refer to a renewal of affection and passion. It can represent a renewal, a more “formal” commitment or the onset of a new chapter in your relationship.

Just like Alcyone’s movement from the last degree of one sign into the first degree of the next, you can replicate this energy by seeing the Ace of Cups as an opportunity to take things to the next level in your relationship as well.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Oct 8, 2015 — Eight of Pentacles

Eight of Pentacles

Eight of Pentacles

As Venus enters Virgo today, you may be thinking more about perfecting your skills and honing your craft.

The Eight of Pentacles — this version from the Sun and Moon Tarot — is called the “apprenticeship” card, a reference to the dedication that is put into refining everything you do into something you can be proud of.

It refers to taking on an interest — a brand new one or a lifelong dream — and devoting yourself fully to it. It doesn’t have to be career related, but because it’s a labor of love wouldn’t it be great if it were? Doing what you love and seeing the money follow is something we all aspire to achieve.

It can be as simple as being 100 % focused on your work and wanting to show the powers that be your level of dedication and service. And it can be as innovative as taking something you are uniquely capable of and turning it into a career.

The Eight of Pentacles (as well as Venus in Virgo) can refer to an all-work / no-play mentality. But this is all relative, as the hours that you’re putting in will likely not feel like “work” at all. Not if you truly love what you do. This is about being fully engrossed in what you’re learning, creating or developing.

Take some time today — even if you’re still somewhere punching that clock — and think about what you really want to be doing. Chances are good that once you start seriously thinking about your options, taking steps toward making them happen will come to you naturally.

October 2015 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

Ace of Pentacles

ARIES: Ace of Pentacles

October is going to be a good month for you to focus on attracting abundance and prosperity into your life. The Ace of Pentacles — this version from the Animism Tarot — refers to new opportunities for growth, prosperity and abundance, of which material (financial) gain is only a small part of. It refers to planting seeds which then grow and flourish, and ultimately begin to propagate and replenish themselves — much like the grape vines framing the scarab on this card.

You want to be thinking about what you have this month rather than what you lack. What you’ve invited into your life rather than what you’ve left behind. And what you’re putting out there now, as a means of attracting more of the same.

The Ace of Pentacles is a card of assurance and inspiration. It’s a “Yes” card, a manifesting card, a card of limitless promise and potential. It’s an essence rather than a “thing,” which means you have a lot of say in how it plays out. If it’s money you want (or security, stability, comfort, etc.) now is the time to work on attracting more of it into your life.

It represents the start of something new, in this case new financial opportunities. It encourages you to plant seeds that you can tend to, nurture and grow.

The scarab is a sacred symbol of mystery, magic, creation and transformation. How fitting is it then that this one — suspended mid-air between shade and Sun — is participating in an energetic exchange? It pulls energy from the Sun and sends it right back out.

The Ace of Pentacles encourages you to participate in your own energetic exchange. Whether it’s time, money, energy or aid, all of us have resources at our disposal. Put yours to good use this month and see what the Universe sends back.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Aug 7, 2015 — Eight of Coins

Eight of Pentacles

Eight of Coins 

Mercury conjuncts Jupiter today, just before it moves into Virgo — and just before Jupiter does the same, for the first time in 11 years.

These transits are favorable for hard work, discipline and organization. This is beautifully referenced in the Eight of Coins — as seen here in the Dame Fortune’s Wheel Tarot version of the card.

The Eight of Coins is known as the “apprenticeship card.” It refers to developing craftsmanship and expertise; putting your all into a project and being satisfied with the results.

You take pride in your work — whether it’s something you’re in the process of learning or something you’ve done a thousand times before.

The Eight of Coins is all about dedicating yourself to perfection and craftsmanship. It relates to fully investing yourself in a skill or trade. It’s not about seeing what you do as drudgery, but being totally engaged in the process. In that respect it’s not “work; it’s a labor of love.

That doesn’t mean there’s no return on your investment. As you can see in this image the man is being paid for his work. But his focus is on his craft rather than the sack of money coming his way, which is as it should be.

The Eight of Coins can also refer to shifting gears — as in finding your calling at a point where you might have already considered yourself well on the road to success in some other profession.

Your challenge today is to embrace that aspect and apply it to your work. Whether that means improving upon something you’re already good at, or learning to master new skills. Like the figure in this card, it may be a stepping stone to something bigger and better down the road. But taking pride in your work and honing your skills now will see you one step closer to those goals.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Apr 14, 2015 — Eight of Coins

Eight of Coins

Eight of Coins

As Mercury enters Taurus today, you’ll be thinking about being more productive. About honing your craft and turning your skills into something you can be proud of.

The Eight of Coins is a card of craftsmanship — however that might apply to you. It can be as simple as being 100 % focused on your work and wanting to show the powers that be your level of dedication and service. And it can be as innovative as taking something you are uniquely capable of and turning it into a career.

In this version of the card — from Paulina Cassidy’s whimsical Joie de Vivre Tarot — we see a Fox in wizard’s attire conjuring up a magic potion. He’s focused and dedicated, standing over the bubbling concoction as the cauldron sizzles and boils.

Five disks hang from the limbs of the trees behind him and three more are pinned to his pointy hat. He’s so good at what he does he can afford to take his eyes off the mixture. But he doesn’t dare step away: the successful completion of this project depends on his being right there to make it happen.

The Eight of Coins is also known as the apprentice card. It refers to taking on an interest — a brand new one or a lifelong dream — and devoting yourself fully to it. It doesn’t have to be career related, but because it’s a labor of love wouldn’t it be great if it were? Doing what you love and seeing the money follow is something we all aspire to achieve.

The Eight of Coins can refer to an all-work / no-play mentality. But this is all relative, as the hours that you’re putting in will likely not feel like “work” at all. Not if you truly love what you do. This is about being fully engrossed in what you’re learning, creating or developing.

Take some time today — even if you’re still somewhere punching that clock — and think about what you really want to be doing. Chances are good that once you start seriously thinking about your options, taking steps toward making them happen will come to you naturally.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Feb 19, 2015 — Eight of Pentacles

Eight of Pentacles 

Mercury and Saturn are in sextile today. This aspect is favorable for hard work, discipline and organization. It’s perfectly referenced in the Eight of Pentacles — as seen here in the Mythic Tarot’s version.

The Eight of Pentacles is known as the “apprenticeship card.” It refers to developing craftsmanship and expertise; putting your all into a project and being satisfied with the results. You take pride in your work — whether it’s something you’re in the process of learning or something you’ve done a thousand times before.

In this version of the card we meet Daedalus, who is known for having built the Labyrinth for King Minos. Here you see him perfecting his skills as he labors over Eight golden coins.

You can see his focus and dedicating as he works on the intricate details of each coin. He’s patient and diligent. He knows it takes a keen eye and a steady hand to bring hone his craft to perfection.

This is the essence of the Eight of Pentacles — and of the Saturn / Mercury aspect.

it relates to fully investing yourself in a skill or trade. It’s usually a labor of love. It’s not about seeing work as drudgery, but instead being totally engaged in whatever it is you’re devoting your time to.

The Eight of Pentacles also sometimes has to do with shifting gears — as in finding your calling at a point where you might have already considered yourself well on the road to success in some other profession.

Your challenge today is to embrace that aspect and apply it to your work. Whether that means improving upon something you’re already good at, or learning to master new skills. Like Daedalus in this card, it may just be a stepping stone to something bigger and better down the road. But taking pride in your work and honing your skills now will see you one step closer to those goals.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Oct 26, 2014 — Eight of Pentacles

Eight of Pentacles

Eight of Pentacles

You are so centred and focused on what you are doing today that all else pales into insignificance.

The 8 pentacles is about work or doing something that requires great focus. It is about looking at the bigger picture but seeing the little details within the picture.

The yoga pose in this version of the card implies that what you are looking at is yourself and where you stand in the greater scheme of things in your life yet at the same time you are not bothered about what is outside you or what others think as the only person whose opinion matters is your own.

Notice how the blue and orange lines aiming towards the figure are perfectly aligned. Some of them are even aligned with the chakra points which bring energy and change into your life. Go to the blue or orange line you are drawn to and see if it has any significance to your body just now. You may even want to focus on it for a while and notice if you have a change in your energy levels.

Inside the figure is a bright yellow lines which looks like a sun aglow. Once again the spokes on the ends of these yellow lines are in alignment with the chakra points of the back showing that whilst energy is coming to you from the anterior side of your body it is also pouring in to the posterior side of your body.

You need to pay particular attention to your own thoughts and what these are saying to you as there is the capacity here for you to be able to share with others what you are learning if you break down what you are doing in a certain way.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Sept 5, 2014 — Eight of Pentacles

Eight of Pentacles

Eight of Pentacles

What are you working on today that you’ve put all of your heart and soul into?

With Venus moving into Virgo today, working (Virgo) on something you love (Venus) should be taking center stage.

The Eight of Pentacles is sometimes referred to as the “apprenticeship” card as it relates to fully investing yourself in a skill or trade. It’s usually a labor of love. It’s not about seeing work as drudgery, but instead being totally engaged in whatever it is you’re devoting your time to.

The Eight of Pentacles also sometimes has to do with changing gears — as in finding your calling at a point where you might have already considered yourself well on the road to success in some other profession.

See the woman in this card putting the finishing touch on one of her pieces. All the others are displayed with pride on the wall behind her. She’s not hunched over some desk crunching numbers: she’s got a smile on her face and a bounce in her step.

This is the essence of the Eight of Pentacles: It’s all about perfecting your skills and doing it with such joy and contentment that the finished product is something you can be proud of.

Free Daily Tarotscope — July 6, 2014 — Eight of Disks

Eight of Disks

After working so hard to fine-tune your skills, now is the time to start thinking about showing the rest of the world what you’re made of.

You may be putting the finishing touches on a project or getting ready to dust off your degree. Or you may have discovered a new passion that has you prepared to invest your time and energy into.

The Eight of Disks has been called the “apprenticeship card.” It refers to finding your personal labor of love and devoting yourself fully to it. It’s the precarious balance between passion and discipline, as you hone your craft to perfection.

You may be making a pivotal move toward achieving what it is you really want to achieve.

Look at the imagery in this card.  There are a set of lions — one red and one gold — framing a delicate lamb. They rise up on either side like pillars of strength and virtue, leave little room for error.

It takes focus, determination and preservation (notice the lamb so peacefully situated between the two pillars) to achieve this level of mastery.

Ask yourself; are you protecting the lamb or are you preparing to devour it? The desire to hold on to your work may be just as compelling as the need to set it free.