Eight of Spirals
As Venus goes into opposition to Neptune today you need to not allow yourself to act impulsively especially where your love life is concerned.
There is a fair degree of quickness and speed to this Eight of Spirals which gives the impression that if you rush into something too quickly you may end up not knowing where you stand.
Alternatively you may be looking for a way out of something and decide the best course you should take is just walk away (or run) as quickly as you can.
Sometimes you are justified in removing yourself from a situation as quickly as possible and other times you may find you need to give a reason or two for your imminent departure.
The Eight of Spirals is also a card of communication whether this be phone, email, text or face to face. It is the type of communication that comes up suddenly without warning. You may hear from someone you were not expecting to hear from.
As the Eight of Spirals shoots across the rising (or setting) sun there is the suggestion that what has been around for you the past few days may have been triggered by the recent full moon which fell on the 8th or 9th (depending on which part of the world you are in).