Aries: Nine of Pentacles
You may have a lot going on this month, with three planets in your 11th (social) house and your ruler (Mars) moving into Gemini in your 3rd. These are all very action (and interaction) oriented placements, but they can also be extremely draining.
As a result it might be time for you to take a breather, or stop and smell the flowers, like the figure in this card.
The Nine of Pentacles is all about enjoying the bounty that life affords you rather than focusing on what you lack. You’re hopefully feeling good about how far you’ve come and are ready to start enjoying it.
The Nine of Pentacles — from the Sun and Moon Tarot — says that you’re more than satisfied with all you’ve attained. It’s about counting your blessings and aligning yourself with those concepts, knowing that the Universe offers up unlimited resources to those who do.
Take some time this month to appreciate all that you have as well as those who have helped you along the way. And remember that wealth and abundance needs to flow (it’s called “currency” for a reason), if you’re able to give some of it away.
We know that all the money in the world won’t buy us happiness if it’s acquired without passion. Yet we keep on wanting more of it, and find ourselves struggling with the idea of figuring out how much is “enough.”
The Nine of Pentacles challenges us to not only answer that question but to examine our personal values as well. Remember that whatever you put out there — whether it’s time, energy, money or yourself — as well as whatever you’re open to receiving, will all balance out and be replenished over time.