
January 2022 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

gypsy palace king of pentacles

Aries: King of Pentacles

This month, with five planets (and the New Moon) in your 10th house, you’ll be focusing on career and your plans for the future. You might be thinking about starting a business, feathering your nest, or looking for ways to establish security for you and your loved ones.

This is the King of Pentacles from the Gypsy Palace Tarot. He’s a robust and colorful King. He’s clothed in the finest royal attire. He’s vibrant, spirited and energetic: you can see that he’s got places to go. Yet he’s also very open and generous. There’s not an ounce of stinginess or pettiness about this King.

The phrase “if you want something done you may as well do it yourself” speaks directly to you, but may not always be in your best interests. If you struggle with trusting that things will get done without your input, keep in mind that giving up control and allowing others to show you what they’re made of can benefit you more in the end.

This may be someone coming into your life and if so, know that he or she is there to teach you those qualities. But if, on the other hand, you’ve been focusing too much on what you lack or what’s been missing in your life, it’s time to rethink the messages that you’re sending out to the Universe.

Remember the universal laws attraction: they’re as present as ever in this card. You ‘ll need to shift your energies to those of prosperity-consciousness and gratitude in order to fully appreciate the blessings of this King.


October 2020 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

Aries: Two of Swords

With the Full Moon in your sign this month, along with Mars which is also in your sign and still retrograde, you may find yourself struggling to stay in sync partners and loved ones.

You might question whether others have your back, or you may be struggling with a decision that might put you at odds with others.

The Two of Swords — this version from the Samurai Tarot — can refer to an impasse or stalemate that’s more likely than not a result of your own indecision. It can refer to a pivotal moment in time where you recognize that the options before you are equally appealing (or terrifying) and that whatever decision you make will have a huge impact on your life.

In this respect it can refer to inaction and immobility. Sometimes this is due to fear: “What if I make the wrong decision?” But it’s just as often related to a desire to not have to choose at all.

You may have come to an impasse with someone and are actualizing this energy through passive resistance. This isn’t a better solution and it won’t solve anything: you’re going to have to take a stand whether you like it or not. This is the dilemma with the Two of Swords. It tells you that while either decision leads to a different outcome, you can’t know the exact nature of that outcome until you make your choice.

The inertia that comes from choosing not to choose can prevent you from moving forward. It’s going to be critical for you to weigh your options this month, make your decision and then stand by it in the end.


August 2020 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

Aries: Page of Wands

You should be in your element this month, now that Mars (your ruling planet) is back in your sign. With Mars in Aries, you’re going to be feeling more dynamic, energetic and alive.

This card is about racing toward your goals with the sort of fierce determination that propels you toward the finish line. There’s no conserving energy or plodding along methodically when it comes to the Page of Wands. It’s all go go go and get it done now!

The Page of Wands — this version from the Mythic Tarot — combines the fearlessness and impulsivity of the Page with the drive and passion associated with the Wands (or Fire) element.

You may be rushing toward a deadline, scrambling to outsmart your competitors or planning an adventure — but even in that case there’s little planning involved. It’s more about chasing after your goals and striking while the iron is hot.

This card represents the urge to get the ball rolling, make things happen, and fearlessly go after your goals without worrying about consequences or pitfalls. It could indicate someone in your life — generally an eager, enthusiastic, free-spirited young warrior who’s full of life and has boundless energy — or it can represent a part of you that’s ready to come to life.

Either way, the Page of Wands — much like Mars in Aries — encourages you to muster up the courage and confidence to go after what you truly want and to not let anyone stand in your way.


October 2019 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

Seven of Pentacles

Aries: Seven of Pentacles

Now would be a good time to re-evaluate a recent decision and decide your next move. Do you proceed as planned? Change directions? Or throw in the towel and start all over again?

The Seven of Pentacles — this version from the Shadowscapes Tarot — indicates a need for patience to see something through. But it can also trigger feelings of disappointment or frustration over that something taking too long to produce results.

That also brings in the potential that as those results develop they turn out to be not what you thought you wanted in the first place. You could be involved in a relationship that’s just not working out the way you hoped or a career-path that turns out to be unrewarding.

You may be mid-way through a college degree and find yourself wondering if you should change majors, or moving halfway around the world and realizing you’re homesick.

The Seven of Pentacles — like all Sevens — refers to delays, dilemmas and decisions that are not easy to resolve. This card can refer to a pause or a setback, a choice between disparate paths, or even a change in direction late in the game.

This card represents finding yourself a pivotal juncture that there’s no easy answer for. If you find yourself at a crossroads — wondering whether it’s best to hang in there or to hang it up and start all over again, your best move may just be to step back and give it some time.


February 2019 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

Eight of Coins

Aries: Eight of Coins

This month, you’ll be thinking about doing business and being more productive. You’ll be focusing on honing your craft and turning your skills into something you can be proud of.

The Eight of Coins is a card of craftsmanship. It can be as simple as being 100 % focused on your work and demonstrating your level of dedication and service. And it can be as innovative as taking something you’re uniquely capable of and turning it into a career.

In this version of the card — from the Joie de Vivre Tarot — a Fox in wizard’s attire conjures up a magic potion. He stands over the bubbling concoction as the cauldron sizzles and boils.

Five disks hang from the limbs of the trees behind him and three are pinned to his pointy hat. He’s so good, he can afford to take his eyes off the mixture.  But he doesn’t dare step away: the completion of this project depends on his being right there to make it happen.

The Eight of Coins is also known as the apprentice card. It refers to taking on an interest — a new one or a lifelong dream — and devoting yourself fully to it. It doesn’t have to be career related, but since it’s a labor of love wouldn’t it be great if it were? Making a living doing what we love is something we all aspire to achieve.

September 2018 Tarot Scopes by Melodie


ARIES: The Magician

This month — with the full moon in your sign and Mars moving into Aquarius, you may feel like you can accomplish anything! This is a time for being innovative and dynamic and for creating your own personal magic, through the proper use of energy, action and initiative.

The Magician in this card — from Vanessa Decort’s gorgeous Sun and Moon Tarot — is seen delineating an astrology chart in heavens. An Ouroboros (world snake, known for devouring its own tail and swallowing itself, only to be born again and again) is placed around the chart wheel’s circumference.

In the center of the wheel are the Magician’s tools — a wand, cup, sword and pentacle. Esoteric symbols (yin-yang, a lemniscate, eye of horus and horse-head talisman) are also seen inside the wheel.

The Magician stands on a beach with waves lapping at the shoreline. Stars twinkle in the night sky while a fire blazes to his left and a monkey gazes out from a pile of rocks on his right.

But the figure in this deck is not your typical Magician. He marches to the beat of his own drum. The Monkey in the foreground is also fitting as monkeys are known to be clever and playful creatures who embody the spirit of the Magi.

Take some time to this month to think about what makes you unique and what skills you and you alone possess. Every one of us has something that we’re so passionate about — and properly channeled, this passion can become your calling.

It’s all about making the best and most powerful use of that thing that makes you YOU. Like the Magician in this card, you’ll want to remember that all of your resources are right there at your disposal, and will only need to be accessed in order for you to create something “magic.”

February 2018 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

Two of Wands

ARIES: Two of Wands

Be on the lookout this month for opportunities that are available to you, even those that may not be so readily apparent from your current vantage point.

The Two of Wands — this version from the gorgeous Shadowscapes Tarot — speaks of having put an initial plan into action (with the Ace of Wands) and seeing it starting to gather momentum. It means that something has started to happen — something that’s big enough to assure you you’re on the right track, but not yet well-thought out enough to ensure that it’s a go.

This could be something that was once just a dream or half-formed vision about where you see yourself “down the road.” You may be thinking of going back to school, or looking for another job or approaching someone you’re interested in and asking them out to dinner. It doesn’t have to be something big. But it can lead to something huge.

The Two of Wands asks, “What are you waiting for?” and “why are you holding back?” It tells you that there’s no time like the present to put yourself out there and take at least the first steps toward pursuing your goals.

You may not have fully fleshed out your ideas. And that’s perfectly ok. The Two of Wands speaks of putting something into action that will gather momentum over time. It encourages you to expand your horizons and reach for broader vistas. It speaks of taking a look at your long-term goals and acting on them with courage and conviction.

If you’ve been hesitating due to fear or uncertainty, now is the time to put those worries aside. You’re already seeing how some moves are paying off, and are now in a position to take things to the next level. The Two of Wands says that all you aspire to is now within your grasp; you only need to gather up the courage and confidence to go after it.


October 2016 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

Tarot of the Zirkus Mägi -- Two of Buckets

ARIES: Two of Buckets

Your focus this month is going to be on love, romance and relationships. The Two of Buckets is the Tarot of the Zirkus Mägi’s version of the Two of Cups. It’s called “Love” in some versions and “Harmony” in this one.

It speaks of finding your soul mate, your better half, your “one true love.” It’s the card associated with male / female, yin / yang energy and the concept of opposites attracting.

It’s about a love so perfect that the two become one, making it nearly impossible to tell where one ends and the other begins. But true love takes on many forms. And it’s often marred by things like fear, jealousy, tension, uncertainty and sex.

And here we see none of these. We see a bond that’s so intimate and affectionate between a young child and her elephant friend. She leans in with a loving embrace and he responds as only an elephant friend would. He sits there patiently and contentedly, with his own offering of love in his trunk.

Jupiter is now in your relationship house, asserting a renewed sense of romantic idealism, as well as an openness to finding the sort of love that belies status quo expectations.

The New Moon also having taken place in this sector promotes the ideal of “self-love.” And what better way to manifest that energy than to see it mirrored back to you in its purest form?

If you’re thinking about diving back into the relationship arena this month, you’d do well to take a leaf from this unlikely pair’s book. Whether you’re in an established relationship now or just looking, holding yourself up to this kind of ideal can only benefit you in the end.


September 2016 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

Four of Cups

ARIES: Four of Cups

This month you may feel like you are in a world of your own making and not willing to come out of it for anyone or anything.

No matter how good an offer is that is made to you you prefer to stay within your own little world and not make any plans or moves just yet. The Four of Cups — this version from the fabulous Ceccoli Tarot — is about boredom, melancholy and complacency, all of which are aptly depicted here.

This is not a bad place to be as it gives you time to sit back and survey and contemplate what is around for you and also as you are making yourself scarce from others, it inadvertently puts you in a position where you can perhaps command more than you have received in the past.

You actually know what you want. Notice you have your eyes on the nautilus shell (or is it a snail’s shell?) which is at the moment beyond your reach.

You may have desired this for a long time and not known how to attain it. If there is something in your life that you have been wanting for a long time and it has not shown up use this month to come up with ways to bring it into your life.

The bubble that you sit in shows that you are quite happy where you are but you may need to upset that balance, for a while anyway, to actually make your dreams come true.


July 2016 Tarot Scopes by Melodie


ARIES: Strength

This month you may be called upon to tame your inner beast, meaning that if you feel your emotions rising and you know they may get out of control if you give way to them then you need to reign those emotions in and find another way to express them.

On the surface you look happy and calm almost contented as if nothing can rattle you yet underneath a storm may be brewing.

Be on the lookout for anyone trying to press your buttons to seek a reaction from you. This may be of paramount concern to you this month with the Strength card — this version from the Anna K Tarot — as your talisman.

If you have been having trouble with someone and they know how to rile you then you need to be extra vigilant that you do not react the way they are hoping for. If you do you lose and they win.

The yellow sky shows a prevalence of mental abilities today yet if your mind is too cluttered with many different thoughts you may not get to the gist of what you are wanting to know.

The white dress shows you as innocent in some way… almost like a blank canvas waiting to see what sprouts forth. Whatever does come forth for you today you can be sure it will not be small.

May 2016 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

ARIES: Five of Cups

You may be dealing with relationship issues this month that force you to face some difficult realities. You could be struck by a sense of discontent and disillusionment over what once seemed like a “magical” union but is now developing cracks. Misunderstandings or miscommunications can abound, sending you hurdling back to earth and back to the reality of your situation.

Look at the imagery in this card. We see a mythical Unicorn seated atop an old-fashioned wishing well. At first glance it looks like something you’d expect to come across in a fairy-tale. But if you look closer, you can see that the Unicorn is not seated at all. He’s trapped in the well and has been hobbled, immobilized by his unfortunate circumstances.

The water flowing from the sides of the well has slowed down to a trickle. He looks away from the set of withering vines on the left and toward those that are lush and plentiful on the right. The skeleton key symbol over his heart is reminiscent of the astrological glyph used for Greek Mythology’s wounded healer, Chiron.

How might this imagery apply to you? And what can you learn from the circumstances that make this card now relevant in your life?

The Five of Cups — this version from the Mary-el Tarot — can refer to heartache, disillusionment and lost love. You could be stuck in rut, reeling from a rejection or coming to terms with a relationship that was never meant to be. You may also—just like the Unicorn in this card—be refusing to see what no longer sustains you. There is as much danger in not learning from your mistakes as there is in focusing only on what might be.

But there are positive aspects of this card as well. There are messages to be unraveled and lessons to be learned. Perhaps the “wounded healer” aspect provides you with an insider’s understanding of what it’s like to hurt, to be alone, and to be denied the very thing you’ve so desperately wanted.

Your heartache becomes a powerful conduit for healing. It can also become a gift that you pass onto others: the gift of empathy. Your own experiences lead to a deeper understanding of what others may be dealing with, and can translate into compassion, understanding, forgiveness and unconditional love.


Free Daily Tarotscope — Oct 11, 2015 — Nine of Swords

Nine of Swords

Nine of Swords

Today you may have to confront your fears or face the music about something that you’re not too comfortable with.

The Nine of Swords — this version from the beautiful Prisma Visions Tarot  speaks of needing to face your fears and acknowledging your own part in whatever predicaments you’re facing.

This is sometimes called the “nightmare” card. It refers to the apprehension and fear we experience upon waking up from a bad dream. And when we’re forced to confront a real-life situation that has taken on nightmarish proportions, it can be just as traumatic.

There’s a true sense of terror and foreboding in this card. A young boy stands in the the midst of a snowstorm, barefoot and unprotected from the harsh winter elements. Before him flaps a giant squawking bird, his menacing teeth bared and ready to strike.

He may not know how he’s called this situation to him, but it’s clear to him now that he must stand up and face it. He has no other choice.

Like the boy in this card, you may have created a situation — or contributed to one — that now has you terrified of the consequences. You may feel like running away from your problems, or pulling the blankets back over your head.

But you’ll find that not confronting your demons and tackling the situation head on only makes them more harrowing. While it may be hard to admit, avoiding responsibility for something you’ve created yourself will only exacerbate your problems.

The Nine of Swords is strangely empowering as it forces you to face your fears. There’s no more hiding or avoiding, as the circumstances in your life put them right in your path. You may have to remind yourself that it’s never as bad as it seems; that it was only a nightmare and that everything will look better with the dawn of a new day.