Three of Wands
Today is going to be a good day to be thinking about progress you’ve made on goals you have underway as you plan your next moves.
You may feel the need to take a breather, or “rise above” it all in order to get an overview of how much you’ve already accomplished.
The Three of Wands refers to steps that have been taken and seeds that have been planted that are now starting to produce results. You can look at how far you’ve come and use that as a springboard for advancing your goals.
You can see the work in progress aspect in this card with the chain of flowers the angel figure strings together from the top of her perch. While it’s clear this has been an ongoing project, it looks like she’s hitting her stride now with the altitude she’s attained.
That’s one important feature of the Three of Wands — setting things in motion so that the work you’ve already done keeps building on itself while you expand your horizons. In doing so your project (or your goal, or your relationship) begins to take on a life of its own — much like the chain of flowers in this card.
The Three of Wands refers to creativity and adaptability as much as it does to acumen. It’s about seizing the opportunities that come your way and then incorporating them into your plans.
Notice the fox sniffing at the flowers in the background. This could spell trouble and there’s a chance our little angel will have to rethink some of her goals. But if she’s put enough of forethought into laying her foundations, she won’t have any trouble turning incidents like these to her advantage.
The Three of Wands encourages you to push past your limitations and expand your horizons. It will mean stepping outside of your comfort zone and exploring uncharted territories. And while you run into pitfalls or have to take detours along the way, know that these are often blessing in disguise that can open up a whole new world of possibilities.