You may be called upon today to find your inner reserves of strength and overcome your deepest fears. The Strength card is all about mind over matter and gaining control over the things in your life that are at risk for spiraling out of control.
It refers not to physical strength but to courage, will-power and self-control. It can also mean digging deep and finding an appropriate outlet for something that you may have responded to in a less than favorable manner in the past.
The Strength card — this version from the beautiful Crystal Tarot by Philip Permutt — indicates a need to master your fears and conquer your demons. It indicates a need to gain control of the “beast” within.
The Strength card speaks of the importance of staying grounded and being steadfast in the face of danger, and whatever curveballs the Universe throws your way.
You may need to put on a brave face and tackle the things that frighten you or take you outside of your comfort zone. You may also need to be kind to yourself and tend to your own needs with the same loving care that you’re used to doling out to others.
Take some time today to get in touch with your own capacity to stand up to the challenges that present themselves and face them rather than cowering in fear. You may be surprised at your ability to remain composed when need be. You may be surprised to learn that you’re stronger than you know.
The Strength card encourages you to not only meet your fears and insecurities head on, but to transform them by neutralizing the power they hold over you. Once you do that you’ll find that they weren’t so frightening after all.