
Free Daily Tarotscope — Feb 27, 2014 — Three of Pentacles

Three of Pentacles

Three of Pentacles

Today is a good day to put your head together with others and work on bringing a project to fruition. The Three of Pentacles is a “teamwork” card, among other things.

It’s about hitting your stride and seeing initial results of something you’ve been working hard on.  Sometimes you need help to take it to the next level, even if that comes in the form of a critical eye.

The Three of Pentacles — like all threes — refers to the initial stages of progress where you’ve taken an idea (the Ace) put it into production (the Two) and are making progress now toward creating something real (the Three).

The imagery in this card describes this process beautifully. We see three half-formed figures all actively creating one another and all benefiting from the help they receive from their peers.

Notice though how each of these figures is different. The first one — a human — is working on the second figure (an angel) in pencil; the angel is chiseling away at the third figure, who appears to be a robot; the robot is actively working on the human’s face with bright red paint.

There’s an interdependence depicted here and a camaraderie. Each of these figures needs the others and all of them are contributing equally.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Feb 3, 2014 — Seven of Swords

Seven of Swords

Seven of Swords

You may need hold back on expressing some of your ideas today, or to at the very least develop a filter.

The Seven of Swords — like all Sevens — speaks of consequences that come from compromising your own principles. In this case it has to do with words, opinions and ideas (Swords) which may be in serious need of a 5-second delay.

It’s one thing to express yourself openly but another thing entirely to insult, offend or attack others.

There’s a danger of being too cocky or of being so sure of yourself that you don’t think about how your words can affect those you care about. Others may take what you say out of context too,

This version has a harlequin figure with her legs in the air and a sword balanced precariously on her feet above her. Another sword dangles from its hilt mere inches from her open mouth.

Is she too confident in her abilities? Too pompous to even consider the repercussions? Or too reckless to care? She may be all three. But if any of them cause her to slip up, the damage will be irreversible.

Ask the Tarot: Is it Time to Move on?

Ask the Tarot: is it time to move on?

My client came to me with a question that I hear all too often. A relationship that’s hit a road block and seems impossible to repair, despite both people still professing love for one another.

In this case though, it’s far more complicated.  Not only are they married, but they have a small child — less than 2 years old.

I want to preface this article with my views on this type of question, as as I explained to her: while I can tell her exactly what I see, in the end I wouldn’t trust such an important decision on the tarot alone and neither should she. I advised her to seek counseling and think long and hard about this before coming to any concrete decision.

November 2013 Tarot Scopes featuring Deviant Moon Tarot

Deviant Moon Tarot -- 2 of Pentacles

ARIES: This month you’re going to be weighing different options and opportunities as you work toward manifesting your goals. If you’re feeling pulled in different directions, you’ll be working on bringing the divergent areas of your life back into focus.

You may be juggling funds, career options, or even relationship choices, and are called upon now to find a middle ground. Moderation and balance are integral parts of satisfying the dual desires of this archetype.

In this version of the card, we see a Gypsy fortune-teller performing an exotic dance ritual under a crescent moon. Her movements are fluid and effortless; in fact she almost appears to be in a trance.

She holds a pentacle in each hand — the light of the moon balanced between them.

Pentacles relate to mundane areas and material concerns. Therefore you may find yourself juggling funds this month, or you may be torn between saving it up and spending it on something you just don’t need.

You could also be trying to decide whether to make a major purchase or hold off on it until a later date. With Mercury retrograde until the 10th, your best bet is to hold off.

I always liked the idea of “one hand feeding the other” with this card: you don’t want to put all your eggs in one basket as you risk coming up empty handed. It’s best to keep some of your options afloat, until you’re clearer about the direction you want to go.