
Venus in Taurus — May 28, 2014 – June 23, 2014

Venus enters Taurus May 29, 2014 at 1:45 am UT (May 28, 2014 at 9:45 pm EDT).  Venus is exalted in Taurus, meaning that it is in its own ruling sign, that it’s comfortable in that sign, and that it is likely to express its highest most powerful vibration there.

If you were lucky enough to have been born with this placement, you probably have a natural appreciation for the beauty and the arts, for love and romance, and for anything that stimulates the 5 senses: a breath-taking sunset for example, a soft ocean breeze, a haunting melody, fine wine, gourmet foods, exotic spices, fragrant flowers, etc. The list goes on and on.

While they do appreciate luxury, Venus in Taurus people prefer comfort over extravagance and natural over synthetic.

They’re earthy, practical and sensuous. They long for stability and consistency and will shy away from drama in relationships.They’re better at balancing head and heart than most signs, most often leaning toward sensible choices that don’t involve risk.

Venus in Aries — May 2, 2014 – May 28, 2014

Venus enters Aries May 2, 2014 at 9:21pm UT.  Venus is said to be in detriment in Aries, as it is the sign that opposes Venus’ natural ruler, Libra. Traditional or Classical astrology places a lot more emphasis on planetary detriments as they are seen as significant in Classical practices. There are some disadvantages to having a planet in detriment, usually due to societal norms and expectations rather than any deficit in the archetype itself.

There are a lot of wonderfully unique attributes associated with this placement and if you happened to have been born with Venus in Aries, you’re probably known as someone who is exceptionally passionate and ardent when it comes to matters of the heart.

You probably fall in (and out) of love quickly. You consider yourself a bit of a maverick where love and relationships are concerned. You wear your heart on your sleeve, express your feelings openly, and are not afraid of a little competition.

Venus in Pisces — April 5, 2014 – May 2, 2014

Kurt Cobain - Venus in Pisces

Venus enters Pisces on April 5th, 2014. Venus is exalted in Pisces, meaning that it is an honored or revered placement. As Neptune, the modern ruler of Pisces, is the higher octave of Venus, this placement is said to be in essential dignity.

If you happened to have been born with this Venus, you’re probably very sensitive, loving, compassionate and empathetic. You’re conscious of (and affected by) the suffering of others.

You like to see yourself as part of a greater gestalt and not any better than (or any worse than) anyone else. You want to believe that people are inherently good, and for this reason you can be seen as gullible or naive.

Venus in Pisces people tend to be romantic and idealistic. They’re dreamers and visionaries who see the word through rose colored glasses. They’re poets and prophets and philosophers. 

Venus in Aquarius — Mar 5, 2014 – Apr 5, 2014

Rashida Jones

Venus enters Aquarius on March 5th at 8:02pm UT (4:02pm EST). Aquarius is the natural ruler of astrology’s 11 house — the area associated with friendships, group involvements and humanity in general.

If you were born with Venus in Aquarius, you probably consider yourself a bit of a rebel when it comes to love. You enjoy your independence and like to maintain a large circle of friends from all walks of life. You’re drawn to intelligent, independent and open-minded partners who test the boundaries of conventional mores.

You may be a bit eccentric, especially regarding matters of the heart. You see yourself as impervious to social expectations and may even like to shock others with your relationship choices.

Aquarius is co-ruled by Saturn (traditional ruler) and Uranus (modern ruler). As such, there are some Venus in Aquarius individuals who are more “Saturnine” — conservative and traditional. A lot depends on the aspects Venus makes and the relative strengths of both Saturn and Uranus in the natal chart.

For the most part though, Venus in Aquarius people are more Uranian in nature. They tend to live in their heads rather than in their bodies (or their hearts) and can seem emotionally disconnected.

Mars in Libra — December 7, 2013-July 26, 2014

Mars moves into Libra on December 7, 2014 at 20:41 UT (3:41pm EST). Mars is in detriment in Libra, as the polarity point of the sign it naturally rules, Aries.

What this means is that it’s not comfortable in Libra, as the diplomatic, peace-loving Libran archetype is strained when filtered through the Martian natural aggressive, dynamic energy.

With that said, there are many Mars in Libra natives who handle this energy beautifully:  they epitomize grace and charm, like Nicole Kidman, Bill Clinton,  Anderson Cooper and Prince William; they know how to make people laugh, Whoopi Goldberg, Jimmy Fallon, Sarah Silverman, Fran Drescher, Seth Rogen, Jason Alexander and Will Ferrell; and they know how to use their unique talents, skills and voices to appeal to the masses, like J.K. Rowling, Elvis Presley, Arianna Huffington and Bill Gates.

If Mars represents what we’re compelled to “do” — what we are willing to fight for — Mars in Libra people strive for harmony, balance, fairness and most of all peace (think Nelson Mandela and the Dalai Lama).

Venus in Capricorn — November 5, 2013 – March 5, 2014

Greta Scacchi

Venus enters Capricorn on November 5th, 2013. If you were born with this Venus, you probably understand the value of hard work, dedication, perseverance and discipline.

You’re responsible and reliable — with money, in your career, in your relationships with loved ones, and especially when it comes to matters of the heart.

There’s usually a soulful quality about Venus in Capricorn people and a classic, timeless beauty: think Greta Scacchi, Scarlett Johansson or Faye Dunaway; or an ageless, sophisticated air, such as with Rock Hudson, Richard Burton and Paul Newman.

Venus in Capricorn people tend to be wise beyond their years and yet they’re also known to be late bloomers. Why? Because they know that good things come to those who wait, aw well as to those who take their time nurturing and developing their characters, rather than racing to the finish line.

Mars in Virgo — Oct 15, 2013-Dec 7, 2013

Mars moved into Virgo today. Mars represents energy, action, drive and assertion – in other words what we are compelled to “do” (among many other things). Virgo is analytical, efficient, productive and resourceful.

In this context, the Mars in Virgo energy is all about making yourself useful, putting your energy into helping others and making the world a better place.

If you were born with Mars in Virgo, you’re probably very detail-oriented and precise. You may not be organized, but you’re always organizing. Making lists: “things to do today;” refining and perfecting your surroundings; and pitching in to help others wherever you may see yourself as useful.

There are never enough hours in the day for Mars in Virgo people. They can’t really sit still: they have to be doing something all the time – usually two or three things at a time.

They’re good with facts and figures, have a great eye for detail and are quick to point out where improvements can be made.

Venus in Sagittarius — Oct 7, 2013 – Nov 5, 2013

Jude Law

Venus enters Sagittarius today! If you were lucky enough to be born with this Venus, you’re probably generous, vivacious, outgoing and expansive.

You’re known for being up-beat and optimistic, always seeing the glass as half-full, and always up for a good time.

Venus represents “love” among other things. Sagittarius is related to personal growth and expansion, travel, religion, philosophy, higher education and ideas.

Venus in Sagittarius people tend to love all of these things, even though they’re prone to engage in heated debates about them. They tend to be spontaneous, adventurous and happy-go-lucky.

They say what’s on their mind and in their heart — often at the most inappropriate times! They’re know for putting their feet in their mouths,but are usually very good natured. They can laugh at themselves and can take a joke, as long as it’s told without malice.

Men are from Mars (and Venus): Astrology, Men and Love

We hear so much about men being “from Mars” — and in a lot of ways this is true, at least astrologically.

In general, they tend to relate more to their natal Mars positions and project their Venuses out onto the women (or male partners, if gay) in their lives.

This is in line with the Jungian concept of anima/animus (inner woman or inner man) projections that each of us embody. But this also tells us a great deal about what men are looking for in a mate.

A man’s natal Venus sign placement describes not only what he’s attracted to, but how he’s likely to conduct himself in relationship. It tells us how he expresses love and affection, how he receives love and affection from others, and how he relates to his partner in a one-on-one relationship.It tells what he’s looking for in a soulmate and how capable he is of investing himself emotionally in soulmate relationships.

The Sun and Moon: Astrology’s “Heavenly Bodies”

Astrologically speaking, most people know their Sun signs. You’ll hear people say “I’m a Leo” or “I’m a water sign (referring to Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces Sun signs),” or “I was born on the Virgo/Libra cusp.”

And many believe that that’s all there is to it. Nothing could be further from the truth!

The Moon sign is not only just as important as the Sun sign, sometimes it’s even more important.

Eastern astrologers, for example, are more interested in Moon signs than Sun signs, and in many areas almost everyone knows their own Moon sign from an early age.

Sun sign astrology (horoscopes) became popular because the Sun’s zodiacal position is the only one that can be determined by birth date alone. The Sun occupies the same relative position in the zodiac on the same day every year. That makes it easy for laypeople to know their own Sun signs, without having to consult an astrologer or navigate the complicated waters of in-depth astrology.

Even though the Sun is over 400 times the size of the Moon (another reason some place more importance on it), it’s also over 400 times further away. This is why they appear to be relatively the same size from our vantage point. It’s also why we have Solar and Lunar eclipses.